|| III. A. Hanging Out ||

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Luna was laying down on her bed, only wearing her nightgown. A hairbrush hovering above her, brushing her hair as she have her spellbook in her hands.

"You do know the definition of a 'day off' right?" Glossaryck said as he floated in front of Luna with his always stoic look.

"Mhm... I do..." Luna said as she flipped to another chapter of the book.

"My students just keep getting on weirder in their own way." Glossaryck said as he rolled his eyes. "Have fun and you might wanna pick up the phone later." Glossaryck said as he closed the book with him inside of it.

"Glossy! I was still readin'!" Luna shouted as she tried to opened the book again but it won't budge. Then her phone started to ring it's melodious tone that she has set for a specific person. She took a deep breathe before picking up the phone. There were different voices from the other line, whispering to each other causing Luna to let out a silent chuckle.

"No turning back you already dailed her number, do it Toff-"

"I will Rasticore, just wait, we don't know if she picked up or not-"

"You lost a bet Toffy-Woffy accept it like a man!"

Luna stifled a laugh, already knowing which was which in the conversation that was happening. Luna then faked a coughed causing everyone on their side to panic and shift every so slightly.

"Um, ugh, hello?" Toffee coughed on the other side of the line.

"Hey, Toffee, so what's the bet you and the gang were talking about." Luna asked as she rolled on her queen size bed, her hairbrush floating back to it's proper drawer besides the bed.

"Ugh... it was a bet-"

"It's a bet between us psychos so you don't have to worry your pretty little nitwit mind about it."

"MD has something to do with it."

"Thank you, Rouge, Rasticore for the information." Luna said rolled her eyes in amusement, how at their headquarters they still can have silly and crazy doings, not like those cliche movies on how villains are portrayed. And it was a clue, when Rouge and Rasticore answered right away, that their conversation was on speaker mode for everyone to hear.

"How about you just ask me that question to cut things small for you, Toffee." Luna said as she couldn't help laugh a little, causing everyone to stay silent. But with small whispers from Toffee's gang.

"Will... you, uh..."

"Toffee speak up darling, no need to be embarrassed especially in front of your crew." Luna said causing some of the gang to stifled their chuckles.

"Would you like to hang out with me later this afternoon?"

"What? That's not what I told you to say-"

MD, who finally spoke up, was quickly cut off by Toffee covering her mouth with his free hand.

"Hang out with you later this afternoon..." Luna repeated what Toffee said as she rolled on her bed once again, trying not to giggle ever so slightly. "Sure, why not." Luna said as she shrugged her shoulders, smiling like an absolute idiot. On the other side of the line, MD cheered loudly and huge groans of disappointment were heard.

"Told ya all that Luna would say yes, haha! Pay up!" MD said as they all paid their assigned amount of bets to MD.

"Hey, I thought Toffee lost a bet, that's why he asked me that question." Luna asked as she sat up from her bed. Her hairbrush getting out of its drawer and hovered back to Luna's hair, sensing that it is (Luna's hair) tangled once again.

"The bet is actually if you would say yes or no if I asked you out." Toffee answered, guessing he turned off speaker mode now, but MD's voice of triumph still can be heard. "MD said you'd say yes and everyone said no, so when I got back here at the headquarters they immediately shoved my phone in front of my face to do this stupid bet." Toffee scoffed, as he leaned on the wall besides him, looking at how buffoons his crew are around MD... at least their having fun and are welcoming to MD, he thought. "I mean, we can cancel it and forget this ever happened, besides... they only wanted to know if you'd say yes or no." Toffee sighed, but a bit reluctant to what he said.

"Are you kiddin' me, Toff?" Luna chuckled as she crossed her legs. "Of course I'd still wanna hang out, even if it was because of this." Luna said, already a tad excited thinking about it. "So meet me at Theodosia's main cafe?" Luna asked as she glanced at her spellbook, she wanted to continue reading it but hanging out with Toffee could be fun too.

"Uh, yeah... sure..!" Toffee answered as he stood up properly now. He walked up to the nearest window, tapping his fingers on the windowsill.

"Great! Bye Toffee!" And with that Luna ended the call, her book of spells now opened, flipping up to where Glossaryck's supposed to be. Glossaryck floats up and gave Luna a thumbs up.

"I didn't know you could read the future Glossy." Luna said as she poked the tiny dark blue creature on the cheek.

"Nor I didn't know too, but maybe you do guess the future." Glossaryck replied, Luna already used to Glossaryck's miss leading words.

"Guess I got a date with chaos today." Luna said as she stood up from her bed and went to look for the right 'hanging out' bounding clothing.


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