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"Arundhati!" Vasisht called her as he ran towards the sobbing lady.
"What happened!? Who was here!? And...and why are you crying?" He frantically asked, the other part of his brain forcing him to take her along.

She looked into his eyes, a deep stare, tears flowing like streams and face with no life.

Noticing her cries had subsided, he politely asked, "I know I'm doing a blunder by asking you now...I..I really dont know what happened here and...the baby..the hospital needs you now....could you please come?" He gently caressed her palms.

Before she could answer, the maid pulled him from behind and distanced him from Arundhati.

"She wont come anywhere. Get lost now!" She said, as rudely as possible and helped Arundhati get up.

Vasisht looked on as Arundhati communicated with her maid, wiping her tears and fixed her hair.
She walked up to him and nodded.

Her heart beats raced and her palms shivered. She had delivered many babies before, but today, her concentration and mindset seemed to betray her.

She knew she was very weakly focussed but nevertheless continued her job.

A premature baby, and for her unluck, a C section, as the mother had lost vigour.

The baby was out, and silent. A deathly silence.

She sat in her chamber and pressed her head. This was the first time she had failed. Failed to give the new parents their little treasure. And she blamed nothing but herself.

Vasisht entered the chamber and sat beside her. He felt helpless as he too felt partly responsible for her misery.

He gently placed his hand on hers, "It's alright. The baby wouldn't have survived anyway. It had many complications. "

"But I was the one who brought it dead..." she coldly replied.

He sighed. "What happened before I came? Please tell me. I cant see you like this.."

"I think I already told you that I dont entertain strangers in my life."

"Am I still a stranger to you?"

"You might not be. But I dont feel comfortable in sharing anything with you."

"Alright. Come, I'll drop you home."

He got up and walked a few steps, only to find her static in her place.

"What happened? Don't you wish to go home?"

She nodded and walked behind him in low strides.

They reached her home and he accompanied her till the door step. She seemed lost.

"Dont worry, if you need anything, dont hesitate to call me."

She nodded and walked in, without glancing at him.

She felt her head spin seeing her house. Everything came back to her.
She sat in the middle of the hall, and looked at her hands. A few minutes back, she held a dead baby in those very hands. A first death she had seen in her career.

As she stared more, she heard a faint sound. She felt horrified as the sound gained clarity. She could hear the giggles of a baby, and she was sure she wasn't hallucinating.

"Who!? Who's there!?" She cried and looked around frantically.

After a while, she felt everything blacking out.

Vasisht dialled her number for the fifth time, and yet found no answer.
He new she was quite depressed the previous day and hoped she hadn't done anything wrong.

A fear gripped him as he rushed to her house again and the same rude maid opened it.

But unusually, she seemed relieved with his presence. "Sir! Arundhati is lying on the floor from yesterday. She had no consciousness...and she's not opening her eyes...I tried everything..." she cried.

Vasisht immediately rushed inside only to find her trying to get up.

He gripped his arm around her and helped her till the sofa as the maid rushed to get some water.

"What happened!? Your maid said you had fainted here! Please tell me now...I might be able to help you..Arundhati.?"

She felt her breath go high as she was remained of the night.
She looked at him and wasted no time to circle her arms around his neck.

"I'm scared...I'm really scared...please take me with you...I cant live here! This place haunts me..please.." she sobbed.

He was taken aback by her sudden response but consoled her the next moment.

"Shhh...its ok...I'm here with you...dont cry..you come with me.." he whispered rubbing her back.

She retreated and covered her face, sobbing again.

Her bad times had started, she believed.

Updating after a long time. Hope you liked the chapter. Please vote and comment.

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