1| Crashed

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"If you met my family, you would understand"

• Adriana •

"Put it down" I called out
"I said put it down" I shouted again.
"Listen to your mother boy" Bonnie warned, walking around the vardo towards me
"Sorry" Kaven mumbled, dropping the stick he was running around with

"Did you get it?" I asked
"What do you think?" He asked back
I smiled, winding my arms around his neck as I stood on the steps
"When?" I asked excitedly
"Two weeks" he grinned

We'd only been back a week. But Bonnie was itching for a fight.
"Where's my girl?" Bonnie asked, heading into the vardo after kissing me on the head
"Asleep" I answered, watching him smile over Florence

She'd tired herself out
Poor girl
"And my boy. How's he?" He asked
"You saw him, he's running around like a wild animal" I laughed
"No, my other boy" he corrected, placing his hands on my stomach

"You don't know it's a he" I said
"I have a gift" he grinned
"Yeah not that gift" I smiled back
"But it is fine. Been kicking me all day" I answered, heading back outside.

Wasn't that long left until he or she arrived

"Where's dad?" He asked
"What is this? A million questions?" I chuckled
"I've been gone all day" he said simply
"Oh believe me I know" I said

These three were running me ragged
Kaven seemed intent on finding whatever was the most harmful thing to play with
Florence had been attached to my hip all day
And the little one

It was kicking up a storm inside my stomach, begging to be let out
One more month. And it will be.

"Dad" Kaven called, running up to him
Bonnie picked him up, as a horse quickly approached us

"And there's your dad" I said casually, focusing back on making dinner
"Granda" Kaven shouted happily
"Dad? You alright?" Bonnie asked, pulling Kaven to him as he looked him over
I glanced his way, he was covered in blood

"It's not mine son" he said contently
"Oh yeah?" I asked
"Yes, but I cannot say your cousin fared as well as I did" he said
"My cousin?" I questioned

"Finn is bolder than he seems" he said, getting down from his horse, as Bonnie put Kaven in the vardo, out of sight of the blood
"What happened?" I asked worriedly
"Bullet to the shoulder" he said

"Painful" Bonnie commented
"Pitiful" I corrected
"A lesson" Aberama said instead
"Now he will think before charging into houses with a gun pointing in every direction" he chuckled

I sighed. I haven't seen any of them since we got back
I've been so run off my feet
And my feet were sore lately
This baby must be a wonder
A curse
To be this big.
To put me through this much stress.

"How was your day?" He asked instead
"Me? Oh you know... racing, fighting, smoking" I said sarcastically
"Bon" he said instead
"I got that fight" he said happily, making me smile
"Well done lad" he said.

"Right go wash up, dinners nearly ready and you look like death" I said
"Yes miss" Bonnie laughed
"Fucking hell, didn't think I had a wife to nag me anymore Mrs Gold" Aberama joked
"No, just my mother when it suits you" I commented

"I think you'll find it's me when it's suits her" he commented back, heading towards the river, out of view
He was right in a sense. Mum did like him... when it was convenient for her

God knows where she was now. She barely calls when she's on these 'business trips'
Which was surprising, as I was nearly ready to pop and I haven't seen her in five months
"That looks lovely princess" Bonnie said, kissing me slowly

"Mm" I hummed, pulling him closer, over my growing stomach.
"And so do you" he then said, looking me over
"Will you get the children?" I asked sweetly, earning a nod from him as his big arms left me.

"What about John?" I thought aloud in the dark. As we lay staring at the ceiling of the vardo, hand in hand.
"It's nice" Bonnie said
"But..." I said, waiting
"But, you know if we name him that, Johnny Doggs will just think it's after him" he said

"Wow, that's the fastest you've thrown me off a name so far" I said honestly.
"What about Bonnie junior?" He asked jokingly
"Absolutely not" I said immediately

"Why?" He asked
"No one needs two of you baby" I joked back.
"This is hard" he blew out a breath
"Yeah..." I said

"The other two were so easier than this" I sighed
"The other two are not easy" he replied
"Well that's because Kaven has your wild spirit" I teased, rolling my head to the side to look at him in the dark

"Oh yeah and Florence is perfect, nothing like you whatsoever" he said sarcastically
"Running all over the place, screaming her head off" he reeled off
"It's a bad thing she's like me?" I feigned hurt
"Of course not princess" he said, squeezing my hand gently and kissing my forehead.

The next day I was determined
I was going to actually see the family today.
It had just been hard. To do anything really.
Pregnancy was... difficult sometimes.

And as I waddled down watery lane... I felt emotional
That was happening a lot lately
But this was my other home. For such a long time.
The thought made my eyes water

• Adriana's Outfit •

I knocked on the door to the house, Ada answering moments later
"Anna" she smiled, pulling me into a hug the best she could
"Look at you, you're massive" she chuckled as I followed her in

"Thanks Ada" I said, sitting down slowly
"I'm guessing you've heard the news then" she commented, putting a pot on the stove
"News?" I questioned
She looked at me

"About Wall Street? It crashed" she explained
"No" I said in shock
"How much?" I asked
It must be a big loss
"Enough. Tommy's not happy. Michael and Polly are being called home" she began to explain
But all I heard was Michael and mum

"They're coming back?" I asked
"Yeah, didn't-... of course Tommy hasn't told you, he's barely spoke to anyone else either" she sighed
I smiled, despite the hardship we were now facing

I hadn't seen Michael in three years
I would phone him, when I could
But that soon filtered out when he began not to answer
And mum, she'd been gone five months now

She was due back soon anyway but the thought of her coming home was a relief.
To have my mum by my side

"When are they back?" I asked
"I'm not sure. Like I said, Tommy's barely telling anyone anything" she rolled her eyes
"Despite that, how are you?" She asked

I sighed
"Achy, tired, busy and counting" I chuckled
"How's the kids?" She asked
"They're fine. Kaven's excited for his birthday" I said

"And Florence... well, she's one, she can walk, she can just about talk and all she chooses to do is scream" I smiled
She really was a wild little thing.

"How's Karl?" I asked
"Difficult" she answered
"How so?" I asked
"He doesn't like Ben, he won't stop asking about his real father and..."

"And I'm pregnant. So... I'm sure he'll love that" she said sadly
"Ada! That's great news" I said
"Thank you" she said
"Do the boys know?" I asked
"No, just Pol" she said

"That's still great Ada" I smiled. Another baby.
"Not if I look like you" she laughed
"You cheeky cow" I laughed back.

"There will be a meeting when everyone is back" she said
"Ah the Shelby company limited. Limited meeting, limited family" I reiterated in a posh voice
"Yes, but also a family meeting. Will you come?" She asked

"No... I'm not..."
"You are family" she insisted
"No I know, I'm just not... I don't want to get involved in all the shit Ada, I'm out, that was the deal when I left before. He sorts out Bonnie's boxing but that's it. I don't work for Tommy. And I don't want any part in whatever he's planning to get you out of this Wall Street crash" I said honestly

"Least someone in this family has sense" she smiled.

"So, what's the verdict?" Aberama joked as I approached our small camp
Just us and kids
"Where's Bonnie?" I asked
"Gym. Said he'll be back before the sun goes" he said
"Of course he did" I chuckled

The damn boy could never just invest in a watch.
Or learn how to read it

"How is Ada?" He asked
"You mean did she tell me anything about mum?" I teased, sitting opposite him at the fire
Florence was asleep. Again. In Aberama's arms

"No... did she?" He asked casually
"Not really no. She just said she was in Monte Carlo, she'll be back soon" I explained
"She's coming back?"
"Yeah, Michael too. Stock markets crashed, Tommy's head has crashed so... expect a load of drama" I said

"I always expect it when Thomas Shelby is around. It's one thing doing business with him but you, you've tied me to him for life girl" he said lightheartedly
"My apologies" I smiled

"So... will you be seeing Polly? When she's back" he tried to ask more casually than last time
"Yes" I said
He said nothing else
"I'll ask her" I said simply

"Ask her what?" He asked
"If she's been with anyone. If she's glad she's back, if she'll want to see you" I reeled out
"No" he said defensively

It was written all over his face.
He liked mum. He likes mum.

But her return did worry me
Michael's more so.

Because what was coming now?

I'm releasing three chapters straight away. And then a chapter every night until it is completely published!

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