18| A good father

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A good father

"Yes, there is a place where someone loves you both before and after they learn what you are"
- Neil Hilborn

• Bonnie •

"What are you doing?" I laughed, watching them
Adelaide couldn't stand Luke half the time
Why was she holding his hand?
"I... I need to tell you that..."
"What?" I asked confused
She looked around
"Me and Luke are together" she said
I scoffed
"What?" I didn't get the joke

"Me and Luke. We love each other" she said
"Stop messing" I dismissed
"Bonnie" Adriana said warily
"She's right, I love her Bon" Luke said

I looked at them
At their hands
At their faces. At the hesitance in their eyes
They're... serious?

They're fucking serious?

• Adriana •

"You fucking cunt" Bonnie shouted, flying towards Luke and punching him the face, knocking him to the ground
"Bonnie!" Adelaide shouted
"Bonnie" I said panicked as he straddled him, throwing hit after hit at him.

"My sister? My fucking sister!" Bonnie shouted, relentless
"Stop" Luke choked out
"Oh my god" Wilder shouted as he came running over, trying to pull Bonnie away
But Luke was already unconscious

"Help!" He shouted, more men hearing the fight and running over
Wilder, Rom and Kalei pulled Bonnie off him
As Aberama came storming over shouting for answers

"Bonnie, what is the matter with you?" Aberama scolded
Adelaide shook Luke until he slowly opened his eyes, sitting up confused
"He's with Adelaide. They're having it off in secret!" Bonnie shouted angrily
"What?" He asked, almost unbelieving

"Ask him! Ask her! They're fucking dating!"
Aberama turned back to Luke. Who said nothing as Adelaide pulled him up
And so Aberama... the calm rational man I know, punched Luke back to the floor

As Carlisle and a few boys tried to restrain him
"Luke" Adelaide said worried, kneeling down to look at his face
"Stay away from her" Bonnie shouted
"Bon" I sighed

"Leave him alone!" She shouted
"Adelaide. Get away from him now" Aberama said
"Get away from him or I'll slit his fucking throat!" He shouted angrily, making her jump

"It's alright" Luke said to her comfortingly, pushing her away gently
Before some other men helped him up
And he slowly took himself away
And everyone eventually released Aberama and Bonnie
Aberama stormed away, kicking barrels and throwing things before getting in his car and leaving.

And Bonnie
Bonnie looked betrayed
And lost
And... hurt
As he wandered away from camp, into the woods

"Safe to approach?" I asked gently, coming up behind him
"It's not funny" he said
"No. It isn't. But you should know... I found out yesterday" I admitted, joining him on the patch of grass as he watched the animals roam around the fields.

"Yesterday? And you didn't tell me?" He asked angrily
"I didn't want to ruin the wedding. I told them to tell you first thing this morning which... to credit them, they did" I explained, picking grass

"It doesn't matter now anyway... they've told everyone. I just... why him?" He asked

"Luke is a decent man. Despite how much we think he isn't" I offered
"He's my best friend" Bonnie said sadly

"He's a great guy. He'll step up for a girl he loves. He's always been there for me. I've known him since birth" he said
"But?" I sensed one
"But she's my sister. All the girls in the world, why my sister?" He deflated

"They seem happy" I said simply
He said nothing, staring at the view
"Maybe after some time to think it round... maybe you'll agree" I said

He shook his head
"I've raised those girls with Esmeralda and dad
Adelaide and Estella, they're like babies to us still. She's my little sister... I... it's wrong" he said
"Wrong?" I asked

"They can't be together, they just can't" he decided.

• Aberama •

"Everything okay?" I asked, entering the tent
I decided to come back.
I wasn't going to be driven out by him.

"Abe" Rom tried
"I'm asking a question" I stood strong, looking at Luke
"He's fine" the woman looking at his head said

"Good" I nodded. Nearing him
"Aberama" he said, I leant down
"Leave her" I said

"What?" He asked confused
"Leave her. You have one chance to leave her. Now. And save everyone the heart ache" I explained

"No... I told you, I love her" he insisted
I nodded
"Right. Then when you screw that up, because you will... I will have to kill you, do you understand?" I said calm
He nodded as I left the tent

As Lorina walked in
"I won't pussyfoot around it like Aberama, if you hurt my baby. I will do torture you" I heard her say

• Adriana •

"Bonnie's still upset" I said, rocking Noah as Aberama came strolling up the hill
It was dark. Everyone had gone to bed
The fire was dying, Noah was finally back to sleep and Aberama....

He looked exhausted.
"So am I" he said, picking up a near empty bottle and finishing it
"Do you think he'll forgive Luke?" I asked
"No" he said

"Really?" I asked deflated
"Bonnie and Luke have been best friends since they were kids. They're like brothers" he said

"Do you think you'll forgive him?" I asked
"It's not him I'm concerned about. He's a liar sure. But Adelaide is my daughter. My child. She should have told me. We tell each other everything as a family. I... I'm losing Estella. I don't want to lose Adelaide as well" he said

"I nearly lost Bonnie, I just feel like... I feel like my hand on everything is slipping. What am I doing wrong?" He asked, genuinely confused

"Nothing" I said, placing my hand on his arm for comfort
"They're your children. Pushing the boundaries is what we do but... as long you're there for them. They'll end up happy, whether it's a mistake or not. As long as you're there. That's what matters" I said

He smiled
"When did you get so smart?" He asked
"When I stopped running from my mother and realised all her fighting was because she loves me" I said

"Adelaide will see that in time too. You just need to remain calm. Which I know isn't in the Gold way" I said
"Mm" he hummed in agreement
"But talk to her, hear her out" I said

He nodded slowly, smiling down at Noah
"You're a good one Mrs Gold. If all of this goes south tomorrow, look after Bonnie, won't you?" He said
"Nothing will go wrong" I said
Thinking badly was wishing badly
That's what mum used to say.

"But if it does... he needs you. Your mother will need you too. You're a good woman Adriana" he said
"And you're a good father" I assured
He wrapped his arm around me, stroking Noah's hair

"I'm not going out there" Bonnie sulked, pulling his boots on
"You have to go out there eventually" I said
"No. I don't" he denied

I sighed. Opening the door for the kids to run out
"Fine. Then watch them from the window won't you? Father of the year" I rolled my eyes
"Why are you going to talk to her anyways? I thought you were still mad" Bonnie questioned

"I am. But if your family drama is anything to go by. I realised that she's still my mum. And Michael's still my brother" I said
"I never denied my family. It's Luke I'm done with" he huffed

I kissed him goodbye
"Talk to him. Or at least talk to your dad. Or Adelaide" I suggested

"I'll see you later baby" I said
He nodded, as I headed out of the vardo
The cliques were... evident
Everyone was sticking to their own
Whether it was because of the tension or they just wanted to avoid a fight.

"Adriana?" Rom called after me
I stopped
"You punched my daughter in the face" he said
"Your daughter was coming onto my husband" I said calmly

"My daughter. Is very precious to me" he said
"Then I'd suggest you keep her on a tighter leash" I said, crossing my arms

He smiled. Hard
"I like you Adriana. And I can understand why you would be angry. But next time. I will not be kind to you. People who lay their hands on my kids... lose them" he said, in a friendly manner
I nodded
"Noted" I said, walking away.

• Bonnie •

"Bonnie boy. You have to come out at some point" Wilder said at my open door
"Leave me alone" I said simply
He did so. Dad didn't take the advice as well.
As he came in, looking at me

"What?" I asked
"You always have been an angry child" he said
"I'm not a child anymore" I argued
"I know" he nodded, sitting down

"But you're still my child" he said

"I'm not forgiving her" I said
"I didn't come to make you to forgive her" he said
"Good" I said
"Least we know you can still fight. Knocked him out quick... bruised him pretty bad" he said
"Good" I said harder

"He's your best friend" he said
"He's dead to me" I said

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