5| Breakout

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"I am alone here in my mind. There is no map and there is no road"

• Bonnie •

I saw white. All white above me as I opened my eyes
"Bonnie" I heard Adriana's sweet voice beside me
I turned my head, wincing in pain
"Don't move baby, don't move" she said, squeezing my hand softly

I looked at her. At her bruised nose
Her cut head
The... the baby in her arms
"Don't. Don't baby, just rest, don't try and talk yet" she said

She watched where I was looking, down at the baby in her arms
"A boy" she smiled sadly, my eyes glazed over, I couldn't reach up with my right arm, the ache was too great from being shot.
"I'm sorry. It... it just happened. I couldn't..." she stopped herself

"I haven't named him yet. Thought we could do that together" she said, trying to be positive
She saw it though
She saw all the pain in my eyes
Because I couldn't protect her
Or dad.
I couldn't protect our children

I couldn't... I wasn't there when he was born.
"Just get some sleep. Everything's fine. Everyone... every one is fine. Your dads been in and out for days. I'm sure he's beating his way out of his room to come and see you" she chuckled, tears in her eyes.

I squeezed her hand back as much as I could.
I felt so weak.
Weak and pathetic as I looked back at the ceiling.

• Adriana •

Looking at him seemed almost too painful as I sat here
His face was covered in bruises, his shoulder was wrapped up.

He looks so... defeated
And I had never seen Bonnie like this before
He's a fighter. He's still here and he's still breathing because he's a fighter
Because he will not lose the fight

And when he's back home, and he's strong enough.
We're going to kill the fucking Billy boys for what they've done to us.

Hours later and I woke up in my hospital bed again.
"Who moved me?" I asked panicked, sitting up
"Hey, hey... calm down, you fell asleep in Bonnie's room. He's asleep too, just... try and get some rest" Esmeralda said
"Where is everyone?" I asked

"The girls went home, someone's got to feed the kids and I don't trust James" she chuckled
"I need to be with Bonnie" I said
"Adriana, you gave birth four days ago, what you need is rest. Luke is with Bonnie" she assured
"He's not alone, now just... get some sleep" she begged.

I nodded, slowly lying back down.

• Polly •

I sipped my tea
"Why are you here? We'll be leaving soon" Gina said
"Michael will not be coming" I said
"Since when?" She asked
"Since Tommy required him" I said

"For what?" She asked
"He can tell you"
"You can tell me" she said instead

I stared at her
"He is going to a meeting with Thomas" I told her vaguely
"What for?" She pushed

"I have questions too" I said
She cocked her head slightly
"Why has Michael not been to the hospital to see his sister?" I asked

"He's been busy" she said shortly
"Busy" I repeated
"Michael needs to be here, we have an appointment" she said

"Yes I'm aware. Ada is on her way to take you" I told her
"I don't want Ada" she said
"It's Ada or me. And I'm busy" I said, drinking my tea.

• Adriana •

"You all set?" Mum asked, I nodded, as Carla and Vivian helped me gather my things
They were discharging me today.

Five days and I was let go.

"Can you watch the baby for a moment please?" I asked, slowly making my way out of the room
"Seeing Bonnie?" Carla asked
"Yeah" I smiled, heading down the corridor
I wasn't. Not yet

Because there was someone I had to talk to first

"You look a lot better" I said, sitting beside Aberama
"Feeling a lot better, your mother is coming to see me today too, so that shall lift my spirits higher" he smiled
"Aberama" I said simply

"What?" He asked
"I know you" I said
"I should hope so" he said back casually, he knew what I meant

"What?" He asked again when I hadn't said anything
"Mum isn't helping you leave is she?" I asked
"Leave? Where would I be leaving to?" He feigned ignorance

"To... Scotland say. To get revenge on the cunts who did this?" I guessed
"You are not well enough to do this" I said
"Which is why I'll take some help with me" he argued

"What about me and Bonnie? You don't think he wants revenge too?" I asked
"And he will get it, but right now, I'm going to send my own message" he said

"How?" I asked
"I'm not going to reveal all just yet Adriana, but as you are leaving tod-"
"No" I said
"No, I'm not helping you" I said

Bonnie will kill me. Sending his dad off injured and angry to Scotland

"I just need you to call someone for me" he said
"Polly will do the rest" he said
"Oh, will she now? Since when? Since when was everyone else under her boot but she'll break you out of hospital and disobey Thomas?" I asked, crossing my arms

"I've got a certain charm I guess" he grinned
"Who do you want me to call?" I asked instead
"The Carlisle family-"
"And the Fury family" he finished

"Are you insane?" I asked
"No I'm angry. And I'm ambitious Adriana. So will you please call them for me, so they can meet me in Scotland?" he said

"I... fine" I sighed
He was only going to do it anyway
If it wasn't me, it would be someone else.

"He's bigger than I thought" Bonnie croaked out, holding the baby in his good arm
"Yeah, for a month early, he's a proper little Gold baby isn't he?" I chuckled
He hummed, his eyes staring down.

"We need to decide on a name you know?" I said
"We had a few" he said.
"I know. What do you think we should go with?" I asked
"Like you haven't already decided?" He smiled
A bruised and cut smile but I begged to kiss him anyway

"Maybe. But I want to know what you thought" I said
A moment of silence

"How about Noah?" He asked
I grinned
"Noah is exactly what I thought"
He smiled back
"Mm that's good then isn't it?" He teased

"Yes it is" I said happily, kissing him gently
He groaned, kissing me back anyway

"Little Noah Gold. Champion of champions" he said
"Oh yeah? Little boxer just like his dad?" I asked
"Yeah, Kaven's always saying he's going to be like his grandad. God help him, I need someone to take after me" he said

"What about Florence?" I asked
"Well she already takes after you. Wild little thing always running away" he laughed, groaning afterwards

"I'll tell you one thing, Kaven will not end up like Aberama" I said, crossing my arms
"Why? What's he done?" He asked
Do I tell him yet?

"He's leaving hospital today. Mums helping him get away to Scotland" I said
"Scotland?" He asked, sitting up higher, cradling Noah closer as he stirred
"What for?" He asked quieter
I gave him a look

"To go after the Billy boys" he sighed
"To warn them, of what's to come" I corrected
"Why didn't he wait?" He asked

"He's angry Bon, he's... he wants to get even" I said
"So do I" he said
Me too. But right now, we should focus on recovering
We should rebuild. Gain our strength back and then plan a way to get back at them.

"You on your way home then?" He asked
I nodded
"I'll see the kids, get settled, bring you some clothes back later" I said.

"Okay, I'll see you later then princess, and you... my little fighter" he smiled at Noah.

I got out of the car, looking up at the field as Isaiah drove away

"Hey, here she is" James greeted me, shotgun in hand as he guarded the fence
"And who's this?" He asked

"This is Noah" I said, he lowered his gun from his shoulder, fussing Noah and smiling
"He's a bonnie little thing isn't he?" He joked

"Ha ha" I said, moving past him
I neared camp, becoming flooded with people as soon as they saw me.

"Where's my nephew?" Luke demanded, taking him from me
"Your nephew?" I asked
"You're not technically his uncle Luke" I said

"Don't let him hear that" he scolded me
"How are you doing?" Esmeralda asked, sitting me down whilst I watched Luke sit with the other boys from camp, all of them in awe over Noah

"Mum" Kaven called out happily, running towards me
"Hey baby" I said, hugging him tightly
"Where's Flo?" I asked, before Adelaide came trailing around the vardos with her on her hip.

"Ah my darling" I said, taking her in my other arm
"Oh I've missed you both so much" I said, squeezing them tight

"Bonnie doing okay?" Luke asked across the fire
I nodded
"Going a little stir crazy but yeah, he's good" I said
"And..." I said, earning their attention

"Noah... is doing great too" I said, looking him
"Noah? That's adorable" Adelaide said
"Awe, Noah Gold" Luke said in a baby voice

Before a car pulled up at the bottom of the field, and Aberama got out

"Dad?" Estella said confused

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