7| Welcome home

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Welcome home

"Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive"

• Adriana •

"And you couldn't visit me in the hospital to do that?" I asked

• Adriana's Outfit •

"I've been busy. Tommy won't let me go anywher-"
"I heard Tommy took you to London" I said
"Adriana" he sighed
"Don't make this harder than it is. I couldn't visit you, alright? I tried, I'm fucking trying here t-"

"You're trying? Really? Because it seems like Gina comes before everything else. I nearly died Michael!" I said, stopping myself and lowering my voice
"I nearly died, my baby nearly died. Bonnie..."

"I know. And I know it must have been horrible" he said, trying to take my hand in his
But I pulled it away
"You don't know. You know nothing Michael. Nothing! I called you. All the time, and you never pick up. You haven't spoken to me in two years and you want to come back here and tell me you care?" I asked

"I do" he insisted
"This is stupid, I don't know why I'm even here" I said, standing up
"Just talk to me for fuck sake" he said, getting up and following me

"I have nothing to say. I don't know you anymore. It's been years, years Michael, I have kids. You have one on the way, you didn't think to call and tell me? To tell me about Gina, about the baby, about the wedding" I said, stopping to face him as we got outside.

"You expect the big warm welcome when you don't even know me anymore" I said defeated
"I know you. You're my sister Anna, I... I didn't call because I just got... caught up in everything. I was busy every day-"
"Busy. You're always busy. And that's fine. But don't try and get me on your side when it suits you" I said

"This isn't about sides" he said harder
"Of course it is. It's his versus yours and me versus you" I said

Or me.
Or Tommy

"It isn't-"
"So you're here because you care? Just about me? About my health?" I asked
"Of course" he said

"I don't trust you anymore... that's what's hard Michael" I said defeated
"You have no reason to distrust me" he said

"You get hauled off a boat by the fucking IRA after talking to Billy boys and the same day, we get attacked? That's not a coincidence" I snapped
"No, but it also isn't my doing. I'm your brother, I wouldn't see you killed" he snapped back.

"If you really did know me. You'd know that" he said, clearly offended.

I sighed, turning away from him
"I thought it was hard when you didn't call. Now it seems so much easier" I said
"Anna... please" he said

"Give me a chance. Mums the only one backing me here" he said
"I... I don't know" I said
He was giving me no reason to trust him or give him the chance he so desperately wanted

Being my brother meant nothing anymore
Not in the grand scheme of everything
Family wasn't an argument anymore

"Can I meet the children? My niece, my nephews" he said
"Michael. You didn't even come to the hospital to see me" I said sadly, walking away
I had to
Other wise I would break down in tears.

I just wanted Bonnie to hold me
To tell me it would all be okay in the end
But I couldn't have that

I had things to do in preparation for him coming home
And I had people to speak to.

The betting shop was a fucking mess
Men everywhere and women trying to handle bets and take phone calls
And Finn sat in the middle of the room, drinking amongst it all

"Drinking in the middle of the day. You're the classy Shelby brother then" I joked
"It's how he gets through the day" Isaiah corrected from the blackboard
"Fuck off" Finn grumbled at him

"Is mum around?" I asked
"No... Tommy's here" Isaiah said
My interest piqued
Tommy? It was rare he graced the betting den with his fine suits anymore

I headed over to the office, knocking twice before he let me in
"Got a minute?" I asked

"What for?" He asked back
"A little cousin reconciliation. Or a feud" I shrugged
Whichever unfolded first
He was angry at Michael. But no doubt guilty over my attack

So he was in a strange position
As was I? Do I forgive him? Do I hate him?

"How are you doing?" He asked
"Better than some" I said
Bonnie was still in a hospital bed
"I'm sorry. For what happened?" He said

"You're apologising? Are you unwell?" I laughed

"No. I... I didn't know it would happen. I didn't know they would take their anger out on Bonnie. Or you. Or... I heard the baby is alive" he said
"The baby is fine... Noah" I told him, earning a nod.

"Biblical?" He questioned, taking a drag
"No" I laughed again
"If that poor boy has to save everyone, god help him indeed" I joked
"Noah Gold. The boy fighting for life" Tommy commented.

I shut the car door for him, helping him across the patch of grass slowly as the driver left
"Bonnie boy, alive another day eh?" A camp man laughed from the fence

"Another decade" Bonnie joked back, as the man let us in
It took a while to get up the hill, but we managed
Bonnie seemed... fine within himself

But the bruises all over his face, his neck, his back, the cuts on his face and the ache in his jaw... it all wore him down.

"Bonnie" Luke shouted happily, running towards us
"Oh Bon" Esmeralda smiled, as everyone seemed to want a word from him.
Esmeralda hugged him gently
"We missed you" she said

"Don't lie to the poor guy" Estella said bored
"Yeah I missed you too Buttercup" he replied, slowly sitting himself beside the fire
It was dark now
Too late to do anything. Like wonder where Aberama is, wishing he's okay.

"Someone get me a drink huh" Bonnie said
"Is this how it is now? All of us waiting on you?" Luke asked
"That's the dream" Bon said
"Like a needy girlfriend" Luke grumbled, getting him a drink

"Oh yeah because you know all about that don't you?" Bon said, taking the bottle from him
"I do actually, whilst you were lying in a bed being dramatic, I got a girlfriend" he said proudly

"Who?" I scoffed
"You don't go anywhere" Estella pointed out
"We've been here a week alright, she's from town, you don't know her" he dismissed

"No, course we don't" Bonnie laughed, looking at me
Before he snaked his good arm around me, pulling me closer.
"Hard to know anybody who doesn't exist" he went on

"He fucking ha, you want me to shoot your other arm?" Luke threatened.

It was nice, all of us together
I just wish Aberama was here. To see Bonnie home

• Aberama •

"This is a little risky Abe, an ambush takes a lot of planning" Rom said, sitting beside me as the wagons moved down the country road
"And we have time to plan that" I said confidently
He scoffed
"I didn't think I'd ever be taking you on a revenge mission again" he laughed

"Yeah well... this is justification" I said simply, looking behind to Carlisle's wagon
We were going to send the Billy boys their own message
That attacking us will put them all in graves.

• Bonnie •

I hope dad is okay. And I hope his plan goes smoothly
Or we're all fucked.
Declaring war on them. It's risky. We're strong but we've not fought another camp in years

And getting the Keans and the Fury family to help him... I couldn't help but worry
"Stop frowning" Adriana chimed beside me
"We're in the dark, how do you know I'm frowning?" I asked

"Because I know you" she said, making me smile
She does.
And the thought of losing her
Of losing Noah.

I feel like she shouldn't go anywhere anymore
I want to lock her up in the vardo where I know she's safe
But I also know her

And I know she won't hide
She won't scare easy.
She'll get up, grab a gun and fight on the front offence with everyone else

Because that's who she is
A fighter. My wife.

"What's that for?" She asked, after I kissed her
"Everything" I said honestly
I'm lucky to still be here
And I'm lucky to have her

To have our children
Our perfect little family. And I'm not putting that at risk. Or danger
I'll kill every last fucking Billy boy even if it does kill me.

For them.

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