Chapter 21: Create Happy Memories

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[Vulgar Words]

No one can stop me now,

I wait patiently behind the crowd,

I will make him mine, that's for sure.

Enjoy your time before the war.

•- (Y/n)'s Perspective -•

"will ya stop hugging me!!! UGHHH YOU KNOW THAT I JUST LET YOU HUG ME CUZ I MISSED YOU NOW STAHP CAUSE I HATE HUGGSSS!! NOW GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" Error shouted pushing me off the hug.

"Pleeeaaasseeeeeeeeeeee just a few more minutes, I want this hug to last cuz I know you won't let me hug unless I disappear, hehehehe~ <3" I said gripping tighter to the hug and to

"DON'T YOU DARE DISAPPEAR CAUSE I WON'T GIVE YOU A HUG!" Error shouted teleporting out of my hug.

He sighed in relief and I feel like he as looking at me.

'He won't hug me anymore...'

I thought to myself. I looked at him, I could feel tears forming in my eyes, I made a sad face and slowly, slowly cry.

I watched his face turn from a look that accomplished something to straight of someone who just f!cked up real bad. Regret. He was now starting to think what to do to stop me from crying. But the only way is... a hug >:3

I forced myself to cry which actually sound like I was a crying child but whatever I need my hug gaddamnit! He started looking left and right trying to think of a way to stop me.

He gave me my favorite food, my favorite idol to straight up where he even went far to wear super adorable cat onesie WHICH! i took a picture secretly and made it my wallpaper.

Until eventually he opened his arms WIDE AS THE UNIVERSE AND TO GIVE THE HUG! YAAAAAYYYY!! I sound like a child.

I stopped crying and giggled while hugging him like he was some kind of teddy bear. A smol adorable teddy bear.

"i hate you so much..." He whined.

"I love you so much, smol bro." I said giggling at the same time.

After doing absolutely nothing but hugging an annoyed Error I broke the hug and started skipping around the room. I am probably can be classified as a crazy woman by now but I wouldn't care at all.

"ya hungry, sis?" Error asked standing up.

I looked at him with a confused look. I was about to say no but I guess my belly practically answered for me. I let out a embarrassed laugh and all Error do was chuckle and shake his head. He teleported to uh... who knows where leaving behind.

I sat down where the pillow and the blanket neatly placed on the floor. I removed the blanket and took the scarf and a potion bottle.

Happiness didn't last long when I got those items. All they remind me of how s big d!ck I am for smiling and giggling while someone died who was innocent and caring and had NOTHING to do with these complicated sh!t love things. Why did he have to die just for that stupid over f!cking complicated sh!t Lizzie has to do to just f!cking have Ink?! And that f!cking sh!t worked! Now everybody hates my f!cking guts!

I covered my eyes with my hands to feel tears flowing out of my eyes. F!cking great. I don't even know what I feel, angry? sad? I honestly feel like sh!t.



19 LV

89/92 HP

A glitch


Even my own info knows I'm sh!t. I wrapped the scarf around my neck and hugged my knees close to my chest. I sobbed silently as I heard a portal open. I didn't bother to turn around and see who it was, but I knew it was Error.

The footsteps stopped for a moment and then came close to me.  I wiped the tears away with my sleeves and looked at Error with a weak smile.

"sis..." He looked at me concerned.

"S-so! Error, uh... where's the food you brought me?" I asked laughing  weakly.

He gave me a worried smile until he just shrugged and took out a plastic bag with a (c/f). He passed me one and I did a bow. Ya know what they do in Anime or Japan as a sign of respect? Yeh I did that :3 He was utterly confused but just ignored it. As I was eating I had the most genius idea ever like omg you can't even fyess it. I ate the entire food with just a few bites and one gulp, I stood up and took Error's hand. He was in the middle of biting a bread but when I grabbed his hand immediently, it almost flew out of his mou-- uh...teeth. Dang... I wish it did flew out...

"the phfell?!" He shouted, bread on his teeth.

"I WANNA VISIT THE AU'S COME ONNN" I vibrated from excitement, jumping a little.

I opened a program and some kind of file thingy Error taught me yesterday and started entering the codes. Few seconds later it opened a portal, the side of the portal had 1s and 0s it looks so cool. I pushed Error in the portal and I jumped in.

At the other side it was some kind of white room (anti-void) and I saw a very colorful skeleton, not too far from us, his back in front of us. I smiled wide and I saw Error's face, I tried to hold my laugh. He was glitching out almost crashing. He turned around trying to go back but I stopped him.

"YO YO WATS UP MY MAN!!!" I called Fresh as I wave my hand in the air.

He turned around confused and when he saw my face he immediately smiled.


((I-I can't write how Fresh talks XD I am laughing my ass off XD))


"hell to the no! f!ck this sh!t, i'm out of here!!!!" He said as he raised his middle finger to Fresh and tried running away from my grip.

"yo, that's not so radical now my friend. glitchy yo need some manners." He said as he touching his glasses.

"That's not gonna be needed, yo! I came here cuz I wanna say hi to my coolest, radical friend again!"

"how the f!ck did you met this... THIS THING!"

"Bro, he has a name. It's Fresh. At first I wwas thinkin' this Au was made of fruits but turns out it was a much raaadiiicalll au ever!"


•- Time Skip -•

"BYEEEEE MY FRIEND!" I said as I wave goodbye and Error practically pushing me in the portal.

At the other side, we are in snowdin and everyone around us is wearing a very revealing clothes. And a bar in front of us booming with music. Many drunk monsters outside and a lot of monsters making out.

"Error... What au are we." I said, wishing this is not the au I think it is.

"i... have no idea.  i just put in a code just to get out of that weird creature."


I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I slowly turned my head to see Lust!Sans making a weird seductive look while checking me out.

"i never seen you before. wanna do something fun~~" He purred.

I freaked out and went behind Error.


"i think you also need some bleach, babe. your thinking a lot of dirty things from the look in your face~~" He said walking towards me.

"dude, f!cking back off." Error threatened.

He just smiled and teleported out. I sigh in relief until I felt something tracing my spine up my neck behind me. I shrieked and looked behind me. He was sticking out his purple long tongue while smirking.


Suddenly Error pushed me into a portal and followed.

At the other side, we were surrounded with cherry blossom tree. It was like somewhere from an anime. It was Magical. I starred at awe at the falling pink petals and I saw Error trying to destroy a cherry tree.

"ERROR!" i shouted walking towards him and beating his head with a branch I picked up.


"Bad Error! Bad Error!"

•- Time Skip -•

So in conclusion we transferred from au to au, freaking out, having fun.  Mostly Error trying to destroy the au, me stopping him, me calling error smol, him cursing a lot, me trying to eat the food i see and him stopping me, ya know just brotherly and sisterly stuff. It was a lot of fun.

I'm still weirded out with lust!sans i am not gonna go back to that sinful place.

I'm just waiting for Error to finish his reboot. Paperjam hugged him and well, he sort of crashed.

"is mr. meenie gonna wake up soon?" He asked worried.

"Yeah, Mr. Meenie is just surprised. He will wake up."

Paperjam smiled and sat beside me. Soon enough Error sat up and started working again. I waved goodbye to Paperjam and carried Error behind as we go in another portal, this time going back to anti-void.

I was so exhausted I plopped down my bed and fell asleep.

•- Error's Perspective -•

I witnessed my sister fall asleep immediately as she fell down her bed. Well it's not a proper bed but I guess I can call it that. I walked towards her and covered her with a blanket. I took the potion bottle in her hand in which I think she didn't even realize holding while we were exploring all the aus we can visit.

I pat her head lightly and sigh. She's... hurt, sad, angry... I know it even if she tries to hide it.

I'm...angry at myself not being there to help her, I'm just watching her suffer. I feel so helpless... I was the reason why she was suffering, it was my fault... But she's the one who suffered my consequence... But...

I'm...scared... I'll lose her... I just got her back, I don't want to loose her again... I wish I can stay by her side and she'll never leave...


That stupid b!tch...

I can't believe what Lizzie did to my sister...

I was an idiot helping her. How dare she do this to her... I'm going to f!cking kill that b!tch if it's the last thing i'll do...

I'm going to make her regret all of the things she did...

Just you wait Lizzie, I will kill you.

•- End -•

Lol I accidentally published it, sorry if ya'll been wondering...


Nah, it's not your phone's fault. It was my butterfingers :,D

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