Chapter 23: Last Man Standing

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((The end is near guys! Just 3 more chapter and we are done! The book will end! So hold on your to your seatbelts! This is the chapter your battle and rivalry will end with...

Lizzie Harrison

May the Last. Man. Standing. WIN!))

•- [Y/n]'s Perspective -•

I waited on one of the pillars, leaning on them. My breathing was steady, my eyes closed. I opened one eye and looked at the large windows on this beautiful, Judgement Hall.

Birds sang their little song outside. Sun rays glistered these glass panes, creating a perfect yellow and orange blend to the floor. Yellow flowers blossomed outside. What a wonderful day it is...

My hoodie over my head. I held my brush tight in my hand. I enjoyed this kinds of days. It's so calm, welcoming...

Then I heard footsteps, walking towards me. I chuckled to myself. It stopped.

"Surprised to see me?" I said smiling to myself.

"H-how--" She stuttered.

I gave a low, laugh. A smile crept to my face. I stood up from leaning on the pillar. I walked in the center. I looked around, my hoodie fell off.

My [l/h], [h/c] hair slightly swayed with the wind created by my hoodie. I smiled wider and not my ordinary happy smile. A insane smile you could say...

"Isn't the Judgement Hall the best place ever? Especially on sunsets... How wonderful they are, too bad some blood might spill from this floor today." I said looking at Lizzie straight to her purple eyes.

Her eyes slightly filled with rage and fear. She took a step back and I took a step forward making her flinch.

"You know, you do have a unique eye color. I just want to gauge them out from your socket and decorate them in my room as prize!" I said laughing getting louder and louder.

"Your f!cking insane!" She said holding her necklace dearly.

"And your a f!cking b!tch!" I shouted back.

Before anything could happen. Everything around us drained it's color. Making them grey. I shrugged and shaked my head.

"Are you really that thirsty for my blood to spill?"

"More than you can think of, I'm impressed you even have the gut to come back here, EVERYONE STILL HATES YOU YA KNOW?!" She said as her eyes turned green with a purple iris.

She started to float from air. Her necklace took form to a black demon--appropriate for her-- with green eyes and red iris.

She summoned her weapon-- a one giant katana-- from thin air and caressed it gently.


She launched herself towards me, her weapon above her head and slashed it at me. I smiled and dodged her attack, teleporting behind her. She stumbled a little and looked behind her. I summoned a couple of scissors and stabbed her back, half of the scissor's body cutting deep in her skin. Blood dripped out of her purple crop-top. She let out a ear-peircing scream and punched me in the face sending me flying and hitting a pillar behind me.

[91/92 HP]


I stood up slowly and wiped the blood from my mouth. She had a surprised look at her pathetic face.

"IT'S THAT ALL YOU GOT?!!!!" I said switching my body to my monster form.

I summoned a few Blasters that surrounded her. I took a knife from thin air and ran towards her. I slashed my knife at her right arm, she dodged it. I target her left arm then her head. She dodged my first attack but barely the next. It cut her cheek making it bleed, I liked how her face is so frightened. I teleported out of the rings of Blasters and snapped my fingers. The Blasters charged it's beams.

Lizzie grabbed her Katana and slashed through the Blaster before they could attack. The Blasters were destoryed it exploded to mist. A purple beam shined in the middle of the mists.

Lizzie swinged her weapon sideways clearing the mist. She summoned these tiny orbs of different colors. She pointed towards me and the dark red one went straight towards me. I ran out of the way and the orb exploded leaving black smudges and rocks. A cyan came next, I teleported out. Instead of going straight down it followed me to where I teleported back, hitting my stomach hard.

[87/92 HP]

I grunted a little and stumbled back. I saw a few more dark red orbs going my direction. I took my knife out and glowed a bright [f/c] and I slashed through the orbs, exploding behind me.

Strings came out behind Lizzie. The strings showed sharp thorns on them. Lizzie looked behind her and blocked it with her weapon not realizing I was charging towards her. Before she could react I cut her arm of her body, blood gushing quickly from the wound.

Her arm fell down to the floor and Lizzie screamed in agony. Oh how nice it was~~! She pulled out a gun from her belt and pointed it towards my face, missing my head instead the bullet hit my chest near my SOUL. Lizzie and I fell down at the same time with a loud THUD.

[51/92 HP]

I can feel blood dripping from my forehead and chest. Tge pain in my chest is unbearable but I just pushed it away. I stood up and walked towards Lizzie who is turning pale from her blood lost. But she was still standing tall like she didn't lost her arm.

I cursed under my breath and Lizzie just looked at her now amputated arm. She laughed at the sight of it.

'F!cking pschyo.'

I thought she looked at me with an impressed look in her face.

"Wow... I didn't think a weakling like you could do such an injury. You didn't even hesitate." She said.

I looked at her HP bar...

[14,194/15,000 HP]

"No f!cking way..." I said outloud.

"Do you really think that the maximum HP earned on a human body is 99???? KID! IT'S WAAAY MORE THAN THAT!" She said as large needle like things appeared behind her back and went straight towards me.

I dodged a few but I fell down to the floor and one needle pierced to my left arm making me scream.

[36/92 HP]

Many needles came after another and went through my stomach, my thigh, my shoulder and my chest. I let a pained scream but soon my mouth was filled with my own blood. I am practically bathing with my own blood and I closed my eyes shut.

[4/92 HP]

Lizzie walked towards me with a katana in her only hand. A smile plastered in her face.

"Darling... Look how pretty you look~ Too bad Ink won't see this... You spoke too soon. Hehe! See you in hell, [Y/n]!"

She raised her weapon high. I tried getting the giant needles out but failed.

Half way on cutting me, bones peirced on Lizzie's body, making her cough in blood. She looked at her chest and stomach filled with many bones. She looked behind her and her eyes widened.

[13,177/15,000 HP]

"y o u  d i r t y  b r o t h e r  k i l l e r !" US! Papyrus said in a menacing voice, his eyesocket flamed with bright orange and his hand outstretched.

Science!Sans beside US!Papyrus, UT!Sans beside Science with his eyesockets darker than any void. Error glithing in the ceiling and Ink behind everybody his head looking down, hiding his eyesockets but smiling. And Edge smiling casually.


Lizzie looked at me and I just gave her a smile. Science teleported infront of Lizzie.

"sorry for taking so long, [y/n]. i had to tell EVERYBODY the truth before coming here." He said smiling at Lizzie with full pride.

Lizzie cursed under her breath and slashed at Science. He teleported away. Making Lizzie growl under. I felt somebody pulled a needle from my body making me scream. I looked who it was and it was one and only EDGYYYYYY.

"F!CKING HELL! THAT HURTS YOU BLOODY SLELETON!!! SH!T!" I cursed while Edge just rolled his pinpricks.

"I can't bleed, idiot and I don't care if it hurts you."

"Bullsh!t of a friend you are." I said at Edgy while trying to not scream while they pulled these giant needles.

I looked at Lizzie and saw her fighting 2 sans and a Papyrus. US!Paps, Scince and Original. Her HP depleted rapidly.

[12,576/15,000 HP]

[8,194/15,000 HP]

[5,393/15,000 HP]

[2,018/15,000 HP]


I smiled to myself and stood up. I held my right arm to my left  wound. My body still hurts like hell but I can manage, somehow. My head started spinning, I tried to keep my balance but failed miserably. Luckily I was caught just in the time by Ink. I cheeks started to get hotter and hotter all of the sudden.

"h-h-hey thaNnkks for cA-t-tching mY s-s-s-sis but y0u areE n-noT alLowed tO tOuCh hER!" Error called as he took my good arm and let it stay over his head.

And side walked away from Ink while glaring at him.

"i wanted to hug, [y/n]..." Ink mumbled thinking nobody could hear it.

I heard it loud and clear and my face this time, got even more hotter.

"whhHat d-d-did yOuu sAyy????" Error asked glaring at Ink.

"hey,uh... [y/n] your face is red are you, ok? redder than any ketchup." Classic chuckled as I glared at him.

"Shut up or I'll throw all of your ketchup infront of you if you tell one word." I whispered to him.

His pinpricks was gone for a second before returning and he just gave me a glare. I looked at the battle and Lizzie was on the floor while all other Sans and Papyrus standing surrounding her. But I caught sight of a shadow with a throwing knife in his hand. I looked at his eyes, he was targeting Ink.

In a fraction of a second, the knife was sent flying in the air. I moved my hand over Ink's head and the knife stabbed over my palm.


[0.01/92 HP]

Stumbling back I grunted in pain. I looked at my palm and took the knife, throwing it on the ground.

"sh!t!" Edge cursed as he looked at Arnold he was pointing a gun to my direction.

"[y/n]!!" Ink shouted as he took my hand where the knife recently stabbed through.

"why did you do that?" He asked, I just gave him a smile.

I looked at my HP bar. It's so low that one hit, I'm a total goner.

•- Third Perspective -•


izzie smiled to herself as she tried catching her breath. She grabbed her weapon back up while everybody was busy worrying for [Y/n].

'Just... One hit and [Y/n] will die... Just one hit.'

She thought she stood back up and stabbed her knife at Science... Science wasn't even NEAR that tired. So he dodged the attack easily and he switched Lizzie's SOUL blue and threw her to the other pillar.

"Lizzie! Just give up your outnumbered!" [Y/n] shouted.

Lizzie could tell [Y/n] was smiling. She looked up everybody stood beside [Y/n]. Arnold was lying to the ground unconscious.

'Stupid sh!tbag of a slave!!'

"I'll never give up... UNTIL I GET WHAT I WANT!!!" She screamed snapping her fingers.

Orbs appeared behind her, and shaping form to each Sans and Papyrus, US!Papyrus, Science, Edge, and Classic. They smiled and teleported to each of their counterparts. All of them were busy fighting. Error and Ink tried to help. But those counterparts can't die.

[Y/n] growled and strings appeared. Lizzie made the first move. Swinging her katana blindly trying to hit her. [Y/n] switched to her human form, she held her knife tight and stabbed at Lizzie's eye. She pulled it away making Lizzie scream but it was short lived. She cpvered her stabbed eye with her only hand, releasing her weapon. Lizzie looked at me pissed off, she put down her hand showing her left eye quickly dripping with blood. Her eyeball was cut open, showing veins.

[401/15,000 HP]

((I searched it google, eyeball being stabbed cuz i was hella curious nd... Oh boy was I uncomfortable... DON'T SEARCH IT!!))

[Y/n] could herself throw up. The counterparts started taking damage, she noticed this and shot Lizzie with strings. It cut through her and the counterparts, took another damage. Lizzie with one last magic she could muster, she punched at [Y/n], making her fly and lay unconscious at the ground.

[99/15,000 HP]


[0.0001/92 HP]

'SHE F!CKING LIVED THROUGH THAT?! Sh!t I'm dying... Just one hit and [Y/n] will die... Just one f!cking hit godd!mnit!'

Lizzie thought as she noticed Arnold standing up and caging all of the Sanses and Papyrus. Pointing arrows at each one of them.

"Sh!t..." [Y/n] weakly called as she forced herself up but failing, falling back down to the cold floor.

"Good job, my brother. You did so well~!" Lizzie slowly clapped, as she stood up and walked towards Arnold.

And all [Y/n] could do was stare at horror as Lizzie gripped on Ink's shirt and pulled him close to her face. Ink was weak and tired out, his breathing was heavily and one of his eyesockets are closed shut.

"I-Ink..." [Y/n] whispered afraid.

"You didn't wore my gift, Ink... Why?" She said tilting her head.

"burn in hell, lizzie." Ink muttered at her loud enough so everybody could hear.

Lizzie's eye widened in shock. Her grip from Ink's shirt loosened but not enough for Ink to fall. Lizzie was silent for a moment before smiling.

"I see you don't love me, Ink..."

"i never loved you." He spat out.

Lizzie's grip on Ink's shirt tightened. She threw his body onto the ground and pointed a gun on him.

"INK!" [Y/n] screamed, tears running down her eyes as she pulled herself up and holding onto the pillar for support.

"I really want to kill everybody right now. But where's the fun on that? Hey,  [Y/n]. I'll give you two choices. Pick one on who you want to live. Your family... Or Ink? Choose. Wisely. Their lives are in your hands." She said her face plastered with a proud smile.


"I did but... I'll just die by the end of this battle. I just know it. But enough of that... Who do you choose?"

The time around us seem to be slowed down. Convenient. Lizzie pointing a gun to Ink, Arnold, his arms outstretched as arrows pointed at my friends with a blank expression on his face.

Save Ink for the price of 5?


Save 5 for the price of 1?

"Choose now [Y/n]! You don't have all day = )"

•- End -•

Choose one wisely, my fellow readers.

Each choices has a different ending...

((Also I am bad at making fighting scenes I am sorry for disappointing you ;-; I tried my hardest I really did. Well, see ya in the next chapter!))

"Someone dies by the end of it."

Total words: 2648

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