3. The Party

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Mehak's pov 

"You know what I mean. You also know how this industry works." He said. 

"Tell me clearly." I said although I knew what he meant.

"Give me your one night….I will make you the most successful actress ." He said shamelessly, making me feel nauseous. 

"Come again.." I asked after a few minutes.

"I said to give me a night of yours….I will make you the most successful actress of the industry…..you can have my word." Mr. Bhadoria said with a sly smile. 

Mr. Bhadoria is a renowned producer of our industry. His reputation was always good ...but past some years his reputation with the actresses and models started to create a buzz stating that he has started "casting couch" .

 At first it was impossible for me to believe,but today there is no doubt that he is also among those who thinks women are nothing but a thing to satisfy their(male)  lust.

I composed myself as I didn't want to lose my cool now.

"We can discuss this later….before that you have to hear me out." I said smiling.

His eyes shone like a creep and he said ,"Yes..yes...why not?"

"I have heard that your daughter is also going to debut in a movie…" I said.

"Oh ..yes ..she is going to ...but the movie isn't signed yet." He said proudly. 

"Nice… but you know what now I understand how she had bagged a movie without much struggle." I said . 

He frowned . I said ,"The answer is simple...maybe some producer has called her and offered her something similar as I am offered by you...and then Done." 

Hearing my answer,his face got contoured with rage. "Excuse me.." he said coldly ,controlling his anger.

"You are excused, Bhadoria." I said with a wink ,relaxing on the chair.

Seeing my relaxed form,he yelled at me in anger,"How dare you ? Who gave you the right to speak something so cheap about my daughter?" 

"Why not Bhadoria? When her father can ask a girl of his daughter's age to sleep with him...why  can't I say that about her daughter? Moreover I am just showing you the reality by assuming the scenarios related to your daughter...why are you getting hyper?" I asked coolly. 

Hearing my words, his face became pale ..his eyes reflected guilt. 

"Bhadoria, you were a good human...you respected girls ...I have heard that from my colleagues.  But what happened in these span of some years that you changed yourself like this? This new habit of yours isn't something to be proud of….it is a  shameful  habit which you have adapted. 

I really don't want to talk to you much as I am feeling nauseous and ashamed to waste my time on someone like you….. 

But please remember one thing that you also have a daughter who in future can face something like this because of your this kind of indecent habit . Karma is a bitch ,Bhadoria….what you give comes back to you in a different way. " I said and got up.

He didn't say anything, just looked down in shame.

"Anyways...I am leaving now...I really want to slap you for talking with me like this...but I guess you have had enough for today.." I said and left his office.

I got in my car and drove towards my house.

I didn't harm him because making a father worry about his daughter's safety is the biggest treatment for people like Bhadoria.  

After an hour,I reached my home. It was already 10 pm.

"You are very late today….what happened beta? Is everything alright?" Mom asked as soon as she saw me.

I put on a smile on my face and said,"Yes ...some work was left so it took time to finish it. You make the table ...I will just take a shower and come." I can't say to my mom the thing which happened today...otherwise she will be tensed and too much tension will harm her health as she has high blood pressure. 

My mom looked at my face for a minute and then nodded with a smile.

I went to my room. Keeping the bag on the table,I directly went to the bathroom and switched on the shower ,standing under it.

Remembering today's incident ,I sobbed ….the cries of humiliation, disgust and anger suppressed under the sound of showers and tears got mixed up with the water . 

"No...Mehak..no...despite being humiliated, you won today….you made the man feel guilty of his action...you are strong Mehak...you can't be weak Mehak...Don't cry Mehak...Don't be weak." Reciting the lines again and again in my mind,I stopped crying.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror and wiped my tears. Putting on a smile,I stepped out of the shower . And like many other hurtful memories, I tried to send  this memory to the back of my mind and wished to forget it.

But can we really forget everything? 

Next Day..

Jigyasa's pov

"Good morning Jigyasa bhabhi." Kavya wished me.
"Good morning….come and have your breakfast. " I said ,serving her sandwich and juice.

"Good morning beautiful ladies." 
There comes Kiaan looking all handsome in casual.

"Don't you have work today?" Kavya asked him curiously.
"I have and I will go after having breakfast. " Kiaan said. 

Though he was talking with Kavya...his intense eyes were on me,making me blush like every other time he does.

"Bhai...I know that you are not going to see bhabhi for some hours ..but that doesn't mean you have to look at her to the extent that she becomes a tomato." Kavya teased us.

Kiaan chuckled and I looked at her , narrowing my eyes.

"We will see what you will do when your hubby dearest will be sitting in front of you." I said with a wink.

Kavya whined ,making us laugh.

"Okay I am leaving now….goodbye." Kiaan said and got up.

I went out with him and we walked towards his car.

"Be ready for the anniversary party...I will pick you up and we will go together." Kiaan said and kissed my forehead .

I kissed his cheek in return.

Kiaan smiled and drove his car towards the sets of his film.
In the evening, I got ready in a light pink Lehenga with embroidery and off shoulder blouse. I did not apply much makeup except lipstick . Applying sindoor and wearing my mangalsutra,I curled my hair and I was done.

Jigyasa's look

"Are you re……" 

Hearing Kiaan's voice ,I turned around to see him frozen on his spot and eyes glued on me,making me blush.

"How am I looking?" I asked shyly.

"Gorgeous,my love." He said and hugged me from behind.

"Thank you.." I said. He dropped a wet kiss on my neck,making my toe curl in pleasure. 

"Ki..aan...you...shou..should..get..ready..We...we ...are..getting..late." I stuttered as he kept showering his sensual kisses on my neck.

"What are you doing to me ?" Kiaan whispered in my ear. He was breathing heavily which matched mine.

"I think we should leave ...before I lose control." Kiaan said ,biting my earlobe lightly. I hissed in pain and pleasure. 

I glared at him and wiggled out of his arms,making him laugh.

"Let's go ,Mr. Kiaan." I said .

"After you,Mrs Kiaan." He said,making me smile.

We both reached after an hour. The party was held in Mr. Desai's farm house . Mr. Desai is the director with whom Kiaan and Mehak are currently working.

We both entered the house to see lots of people present there. 

"Where is Mehak?" I asked Kiaan.

"She went home as she had to get ready ..don't worry, she will come soon." Kiaan assured. I sighed in relief...at least I will have someone to talk with. She is the only one whom I can call as my friend beside Kavya.

"Welcome Kiaan...Welcome Mrs Mehrotra. ",  Mr Desai greeted us along with his wife. 

We talked for some time . After that Mr and Mrs Desai excused themselves to attend other guests.

"There comes Mehak." ,Kiaan said. I turned around to see Mehak entering . She was looking beautiful in her red ruffle saree which suited her personality and paired with a choker and earrings. With minimal makeup and red lips she was looking the actual stunner.

Mehak's look

"You are late, I was waiting for you." I complained with a pout .

"Sorry yaar...I got late because of the traffic...but I would like to say that you guys are  the most gorgeous couple here." Mehak said in awe.

"Thank you ..thank you." Kiaan said with a dramatic bow,making us laugh.

After some time,Kiaan excused himself and went towards someone who was calling him. Me and Mehak indulged ourselves in some conversations and made some plans for the weekend.

"Let's have some juice…" Mehak said and we went towards the counter.

I took a sip and suddenly the smell made my stomach churn. The taste felt really weird.

"I am just coming,Mehak." I said and left without listening to anything from her.

I went towards the washroom and  washed my mouth. 

I turned around and all of a sudden everything turned black around me and I fell down with a thud.

Hello beautiful people....

Thank you so much for keeping patience with me and for your wishes.

Here is the chapter.

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Next update on Thursday.

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