30. Friends falling apart

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Author's Pov 

Mehak reached the party and as usual she had to pose for the paparazzi. Then she entered the main party hall.

Seeing her in a bold dress for the first time in a party, the people who knew her were stunned. 

The unnecessary and constant stares were making her uncomfortable.

She met the host first and greeted him. Then she went near a corner to avoid the curious eyes of people and waited for Vishal to come as he was also invited.

"I shouldn't have dressed like that." She said to herself inwardly. 

"Why? Why are you regretting it now? You were so eager to annoy the hell out of Arthit that you didn't care for your own comfort." Her heart taunted her.

Yes, she wore this dress deliberately to make Arthit angry so that he shows his anger for dressing like this in front of her family. She wanted to get a reaction out of him  which would work in her favour.
She wanted to make him regret marrying her. She promised herself that she would annoy him so much that he himself would free her from this marriage. 

And from the last one month she is doing everything for that.

"Everything is fair in love and war. But In our case it is only hate and war. There is no space of love in between us. Though I hate to show my skin like this in a late night party like this but to show Arthit his place, I can do anything. " Mehek said to herself, smirking inwardly. 

"Hey " Hearing a familiar male voice she turned around to see Vishal standing there.

"Hi." She greeted him, hugging him from side. 

They walked towards the garden which was in the back portion of the house.

Vishal looked at her appearance and said to her excitedly, "You are looking gorgeous… Did Arthit see you? Tell me tell me he was bowled over by your appearance ,isn't he?" 

Mehak rolled her eyes and chided, "No… Do you think our relationship is normal one? And please don't spoil my mood by taking his name here." 

Vishal sighed and said to her, "That means you guys didn't talk to sort out your problems. You two are egoistic Brats. Will this ego take you guys anywhere? No, right? 
 Then why are you guys destroying this relationship because of that stupid damn ego!!! Please talk with each other before it's too late." At the end ,Vishal sounded frustrated. 

From the time they got married, Vishal was trying to make Mehak understand things but she, being stubborn, didn't pay any heed to his advice.

"Please Vishal , after knowing everything you can't just talk to me like this. He is just a scoundrel who betrayed my trust. I will never talk to him...let alone keeping any kind of relationship. So you better stay out of my life. You have no right to interfere in my personal matters." Mehak said to him angrily.

Soon she understood the rubbish she blurted out in anger when she saw the hurt look washed over Vishal's face.

"I am….." Mehak was about to apologize but was interrupted by a hurt Vishal.

"Don't...when you don't feel it ,don't apologize for the sake of formality. As you said , I won't interfere in your matter. Sorry for disturbing you Mrs Mehak." Saying this coldly, Vishal left from there .

Mehak closed her eyes in frustration as her eyes welled up from hurting her friend.

"What did I do?" She whispered to herself.
Arthit was walking restlessly on the balcony as it was already 1 am but Mehak didn't come back. His gaze was fixed at the entrance and ears were perked to catch the sound of car engine and horn.

He had already sent his men in search of her but as he doesn't know anything about the party ,it was difficult for him to identify the location. 

He is more frustrated because Mehak has left her mobile at home. And he is very much aware of the fact that she did it deliberately.

He was about to call his men when a car which entered through the main gate caught his attention. 

Soon the car of his men followed behind.

As soon as he realized who she was, he walked towards the entrance. 

Mehak walked towards the main door. Before she could press the bell ,the door opened revealing Arthit. Arthit sighed in relief as Mehak entered.

Mehak entered inside silently without any reaction. Arthit found it odd as she didn't comment on him for opening the door. But he thought that due to tiredness she didn't say anything. 

He decided to talk with her in the morning as she needed some sleep.

After Mehak reached her room, Arthit went to Aanshi's room and slept beside her.
 Next morning 

Everyone joined the breakfast table except Mehak. 

"When did Mehak return last night?" Arthit's Chachu asked him.

"Umm...12 am ." Arthit said without making any eye contact. 

"But I heard from the guard that she returned at around 1 am. Why are you lying ,Arthit?" Hus chachi said ,making Arthit curse under his breath.

Arthit and his mother had eye contact and immediately he looked down,  breaking that eye contact.

"It's not acceptable Arthit. She needs to follow some rules." Arthit's Chachu said to him.

"Why are you telling a lie to her? Did you think we won't know if you try to cover your wife's deeds ?" His Chachi said angrily. 

"Please ,she just came late. Maybe there was some reason. I am sure she won't do anything like this again as she isn't careless. It's just a one time thing. So relax.." Arthit said as he fed his daughter who was looking at everyone curiously as she couldn't understand what's happening around her.

Arthit's Chachi was about to open her mouth to protest but Mrs Rajvanshi shook her head in order to stop her . 

She has trust in her son and her daughter in law.
After having breakfast, Arthit went towards their room where Mehak was staying without knowing that a storm was waiting for him.

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Next update on Tuesday.

Stay safe and healthy.

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