44. The Budding romance

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Author's pov 

Arthit was wearing his tie ,standing in front of the mirror when he felt an intense gaze on his back. 

He looked at the mirror to see his wife looking at him while laying down on the bed. Her sleepy eyes was describing that she just woke up.

As soon as their eyes met ,Mehak's cheeks turned pink and she hid her face inside the duvet. Arthit bit his lips to stop himself from laughing. 

It's been a month since Arthit bared his soul in front of Mehak by sharing his past with her. Since then a huge transformation has been seen in their relationship. The hesitation from both of their sides has gone. They have gotten more close to each other.

But from the last one week , Arthit has noticed certain changes in Mehak's behaviour. Whenever he is around her, she is blushing ; when he laughs ,he have seen her looking at him with a small smile of admiration; when he is working, he have felt her intense gaze on him but when he looks at her, she turns her face away as if she wasn't looking at him ; he has caught her stealing glances at him when they are present in a gathering...in fact two days back when he kind of accidentally went very close to her ,he has felt the uneven breath of her. 

He will not lie because he is loving every bit of these. 

Why not ? After all, it's not every time when you can get undivided attention from the person whom you love. 

Yes , he loves her...he has fallen for her before they got married. 
But he never got a chance to express it because of the situation which they're in. So he never tried to express it as well .

But as now he is getting some positive signs from her side, he has decided that he will let her know everything as soon as possible because life is too short. He has learnt this after he lost his three important people in life. He doesn't want to lose Mehak now.

The relationship between Mehak and Aanshi has become beautiful after those misconceptions got cleared. Mehak really felt ashamed when she remembered how she had thrown hurtful words towards Aanshi and Arthit. But Arthit made her understand that it was a general human nature...maybe he had also done the same if he was in his place.

Mehak was peeping at him from the duvet . It was her favourite view every morning. 

From the moment he shared his past with her and expressed his insecurities and unseen side and the moment he hugged her ,breaking down in her arms, that night something inside her changed….a certain emotion more precisely. 
She never felt so protective and admiration towards anyone. 

Yes she feels protectiveness and admiration for her family as well but this was something different….. something more special and soulful.

As their relationship took a huge turn from there in a good way,  she started to open her heart and soul to him and explore the emotions which were unknown to her as well. 

While doing this she has realized that the heart which she had guarded with strong walls years back has been healed and stolen by her own husband. 

She isn't sure about when and how this happened. 

Maybe his selfless care for her ; maybe his immense trust on her ; maybe his patience towards her impatient attitude or behaviour ; maybe his love and care for her mother and brother ; maybe him being a total family person who is ready to do anything and everything for his family no matter what the outcome is..or maybe him being a perfect father for Aanshi may have broken her strong walls around her heart inch by inch.

Though they have an unsolved past but still she couldn't stop her heart from falling from him. Blocking her mind,  She has surrendered herself to her heart which beats for him in every second.

The emotions, the feelings she feels after accepting her love for him are beautiful according to her and she is loving it.

"Good morning, Mrs Lazy." He greeted Mehak who was peeping from the duvet.

As soon as she heard the word "Lazy" ,she jumped out from the bed and marched towards him. He smirked. Ufff!! Teasing her was so much fun. He thought. 

Turning him around by holding his hand ,she yelled ,"How dare you call me Lazy?" 

"Issshh, Aanshi will wake up." He shushed her by putting his finger on her lips. 
At around 5 am when Arthit woke up to go for his regular morning walk, a sleepy Aanshi walked inside their room as per her routine and slept beside Mehak whom she has started calling Mummy. Mehak was in tears when the first time  Aanshi called her Mummy . She was aware that it was Arthit who taught her to call Mehak "Mummy.".

They looked towards the bed to see Aanshi sleeping peacefully and took a breath in relief.

They looked at each other and then they realized their position and closeness. 
Feeling his rough finger on her soft lips ,Mehak felt butterflies dancing in her stomach and due to the closeness she felt a shiver running down her spine . His intense gaze on her wasn't helping her in this  situation either.
Arthit's state wasn't different from her as well. Feeling her breath on his finger, seeing her  blushing red face and her eyes filled with innocence, admiration and desire his emotions and hormones were everywhere. 
They both can feel their uneven breath and hear their rhythmic heartbeats which are beating in sync.

Removing his finger from her lips, he pulled her towards him ,making her gasp and kissed her forehead as he was unable to control his emotions. Mehak smiled, feeling his kiss on her forehead and hugged him, keeping her head on his chest and closing her eyes in contentment.

The love confessions of them were in the tip of their lips but they couldn't utter a word as they lost themselves in each other's eyes. .

The silence was speaking more than some mere words. 

They were feeling peace in each other's arms ...it was their world, their reality which was beautiful like a dream.

"Mehak, " Arthit whispered. She hummed in response. 

"You should freshen up." He said in a soft voice as he caressed her back. 

"Hmmm." She replied with a smile.

"Because you are stinking." He whispered in her ear.

Hearing him, her trance broke and she jerked away from his arms, glaring at him. Arthit bit his lips to control his laughter, after seeing her angry red face.

"You are a jerk, idiot, liar. " Saying this she stomped her foot like a kid and walked towards the washroom .

Unable to control himself, He burst out laughing after she left.

Closing the door ,she leaned on the door and she chuckled hearing his laughter from outside.

"He is so irritating ." She said to herself, shaking her head.

"But he is yours." Her heart said to her.

"Yes...mine...he is mine." She said with a shy smile adoring her face.

Surprise !!!!!

Yes, I gave an early update as I love you  all. ❤

How's the chapter?

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Next update will be soon.

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