102. His Heart Keeps Beating

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Demetrious knew nothing but pain. He was regaining consciousness slowly. For some reason he was feeling safe in those moments that he was duelling between consciousness and his nightmare state. He was still weak but he could feel the change in his body as he opened his eyes. He was shocked to his surroundings as he opened his eyes. It was a strange setting. he had no idea where he was and how long had passed since his brother had beaten him up. He remembered the sting of every blow and spell that his brother had inflicted on him. But he did not rememebr anything after he was teleported to his room. He looked carefully to his surroundings. He was in too much pain to get up but he could see he was laying on soft bed and the chamber he was in was completely ... red. All the furniture were red.

Just when Demetrious was getting frustrated with not knowing what was going on, he felt her before he saw her. She was getting close. His blood match was near. His eyes widened. he remembered his brothers order. He was panicking since he was too weak to even try to teleport away from his beloved. So as Aretha entered the room with some bottles full of potions, he spoke firmly "Why am I here. Let me leave. send me back . Now. You dont undertand. Its not safe. Aretha... I ...."

As Demetrious said her name she smiled "Say my name again Demetrious." She then walked up to him and put the bottles away on a nearby table and stared at Demtrious. She sat down on the bed next to Demetrious and she noticed he was trying to pull away and moved to the edge of the bed, avoiding touching her. She couldnt help herself in that moment. Tears escaped her eyes. She couldnt take it anymore and was sobbing unconrtrollably as she reached over and held Demetrious's hand. "Why .. why do you refuse me? Why do you want to leave so badly? I can feel your urge not be in the same room with me. Why? I am your blood match Demetrious. Have you forgotten me?"

Demetrious forced his hand out of Aretha's hold with the little strength he had and spoke weakly as he was looking away while lying on the bed "I am not refusing your touch. You dont undertand. He would.... My bother would hurt you.... and he would order me to do it if I get close to you. That is my punishment for assisting your sister twice. Please send me back. I am sorry." As he said the words, he hated himself but he didnt have a choice.

Aretha shook her head "Look at me Demetrious. Dont ignore me. Dont act like this. You are hurting me." and she saw her blood match slowly turning towards her. She then breathed hard and continued " I am your blood match. Whatever comes I dont care. As long as you are with me. As long as you are breathing, i would welcome any pain. But try to undertand how I am feeling right now. I thought you were no longer alive, demetrious. When Athena came back she went straight to her chambers in our hide out here around sacred river and she asked us to stand guard waiting for your brother to ambush us. She is still in her chambers trying to concentrate on that necklace Tiberious gave her and unlock its powers. You have no idea what I was feeling during the time that followed her arrival. I could feel your pain. I could feel you were in danger of death but i couldnt reach out to you. Athena used to have some painful moments from time to time like the ones I had, during the time your brother was captured and some warlocks attempted to end his life for those three months he was absent. Believe me when I say that I thought you were dead for a while. i tried to summon you but I couldnt. But then.... I heard you call my name in my thoughts. That connection was all I needed and then I summoned you and here you are refusing to be in the same room with me. Do you have any idea how agonising it was to wait for you to open your eyes. You looked lifeless and pale with broken bones everywhere. Now tell me why you are acting like this when me, your blood match is right in front of you."

Demetrious looked lovingly into Aretha's eyes and tried to speak but he felt sharp pains in his chest and he groaned. He tried to heal his stinging injuries that werent letting him speak. As he did this, Aretha looked horrified. She wiped off her tears and stopped crying. She threw some golden stones on the floor and called up on some assistance. Within seconds all members of the healer coven except Athena were in the room.

In his painful state, Demetrious gasped in awe. She looked in the eyes of those individulas his brother despised so much and wanted captured at all costs. Demetrious spoke "Greeting ladies."

Mariana spoke "What is this Aretha? Why have you brought him here? his big brother is hunting us as we speak. Why bring the dragon into our hide out? do you want us to burn to ashes?"

Alexandra spoke "Enough Mariana. Dont you see that Demetrious is weak and pale. Obviously there is a reason Aretha has summoned him"

Tatiana huffed "There must be a reason Aretha summoned us from our guarding posts. Dante will be attacking us soon and obviously being inside our hide out all in one room would give him easy access to us and poor athena who is in such vulnerable state right now next door trying to unlock the enchantments within that necklace."

Aretha spoke " Please stop the questions. I knew it would be hard to convince you to help me but we must ... heal him. his injuries are caused by dante. i tried to heal him myself but I couldnt succeed in anything except waking him up. Only Ronas specialty spells are this hard to heal. Lets join hands and heal him."

Elena and Eliza gasped together "No way." They looked at each other and held each others hands. It was Eliza who spoke first "Come on Aretha. We would lose so much energy if we spend it on your blood match. If Dante attacks us we dont have any chances of escape. That jewel of illusion in our possession cant shield us that strongly now that Dante has an identical jewel exactly like this one we are using to keep us hidden and shielded in case of attack. He would surely locate us but we must fight to stay inside and use the jewel to buy us time and keep us in this location. By that time Athena can use that necklace hopefully to perform some miracle spell and save us all. i though we agreed on this plan."

Elena nodded "Exactly. now what is this talk of healing Demetrious, weakening us, taking our energy down and giving dante an easy fight."

Demetrious coughed and got their attention "Well. You see.. Ah... Dante has changed his plans. Since you know he is coming, he has changed the order of his missions. He is going to go after southern and eastern rebels and then .... he is after all healers alive. he is leaving the best till last and thats your coven."

Aretha gave a frustrated sigh "See. You heard him. Demetrious sacrified himself to buy us some more time. Now lets make a circle around Demetrious. We need all of us to heal him.

The healers were convinced now. they gathered around Demetrious's bed and held hands in a circle. they closed their eyes and focused all their healing powers on him. Then as they cast their spells, suddenly all the healers with the exception one Aretha were thrown backwards towards the opposite walls with great force. The groans of pain filled the room as the healers stood up painfuly and looked at Demetrious with their mouth open.

It was Tatiana who spoke "Of course. of all the spells, Dante had to cast the dark dust spell on Demetrious. That is such a dark spell."

Demetrious started to breathe more easily and sat up on the bed "I feel much better now. How did you do it? I can at least get up with less pain." And then he cautiously got up from the bed slowly and stared around the room at the healers who were now walking towards him.

Alexandra turned to Tatiana "I dont think that force that threw us back was just to do with the dark dust. i think it was Demetrious's body fighting us ...... intruders. Parts of demetrious looks at us as enemies. Look, the only one who wasnt thrown at the wall was Aretha."

Aretha walked up to Demetrious and embraced him "I am glad you are safe now." Demetrious winced and Aretha noticed it "I am so sorry. I think you should sit down and recover." She then turned to her coven "I think you should go to your duty posts and await Athena calling us. I am sorry you were injured."

Alexandra smiled "We will recover. We are healers after all. Nothing some painkiller potions cant fix."

Demetrious looked guilty as he saw the limping forms of Aretha's coven teleporting out of the room. He sat down on the bed and held Aretha's hands in his and spoke while looking up at her " I am so sorry for putting you and your coven at risk. I felt how much you and your coven were weakened when I was being healed. I wish I could stay longer to help you resist my brother when he attacks but I cant. Dont get me wrong I dont care if he hurts me. I have spent my life defying the Ronas ways of life and have always faced the consequences with open arms but eversince I have found you..... things have changed. he would use my love for you against me and ...."

Aretha lost patience and bent over and kissed Demetrious's lips. It felt natural to her to comfort him. Instinct also took over Aretha and she pushed Demetrious down on the bed and layed down on top of him on the bed while kissing him passionately. Demetrious was enjoying these moments that his beloved was kissing him willingly. Aretha pulled away while breathing heavily and spoke in a playful tone "You took my first kiss."

Demtrious's eyes sparkled and he spoke 'I am so glad. You took my first kiss too. I wouldnt have it any other way. You are mine forever." His eyes then widened and it registered in his mind what he had done. He shook his head "He cant find out. We have to stop. He would hurt you if I touch you or talk to you. I have crossed the line already. I have to go."

Aretha narrowed her eyes "I wont let you leave. I wont let you go back to that monster you call your brother. he nearly killed you just a few hours ago. You cant go back. I cant lose you. I would totally endure any torment or pain he inflicts on me if i get the chance to be with you."

Demetrious was speaking in an urgent voice " Help me get back to my chambers Aretha. Dante is away from the west coast Ronas camp. I am certain he hasn't found out I am away yet..... I ...."

Aretha rolled her eyes " Ha. I know your brother is away. Your brother has ambushed both the southern and eastern rebels In The past hours at the same time. His trackers have also been ambushing healers one by one in every territory. Don't you think I feel their pain. But sadly my healer coven would be ambushed soon. There is so much we can do. But at least we can keep you with us and save you from his clutches for a while."

Demetrious was sounding even more urgent. " I know. He told me all about his plans. More the reason i have to get back. I am his prosecutor knight. I get to have input in verdicts for captives or anyone who defies him. I could save many lives from serious harm and give them reduced punishments...."

Aretha frowned " and of course one of those people you wish to save from your brother is me. Right?"

Demetrious was sounding broken " Exactly. You mean everything to me Aretha. I want to protect you with my life. He can't know I have been in touch with you. I can't imagine being able to endure watching you get hurt at his hands. You are my world. Please help me get back. I am too weak to teleport back. I mean I could return but wont be able to conceal myself from my brothers enchantments around the place. You have to help me. It's not too late for me to get back. There is still time to save us from a grilling confrontation with my brother.he can't know about us meeting up. Please understand my conflict. As much I would like to stay by your side. I can't."

Aretha smiled " Well. I am glad to hear you can't teleport back yet. You are not fully healed. So it means you have to stay here. I won't let you return until you force your way back." Then her playful tone disappeared and she spoke seriously ". What if he decided to kill you the next time you confront him or defy him,. He was close to ending your life last time. When I summoned you, I touched your hands. I could feel it that there were waves of deadly intentions directed at you by someone more powerful than you. It seems to me that he was ready to shed your blood only few hours ago. Don deny it. I felt your pain. Its a miracle you regained consciousness. Do you know how many spells I had to cast on you to get you to open your eyes? The answer is no, Demetrious. I don't want you to go back to him. Don't ask me to wait for you to get badly hurt at his hands. Because that's what would happen if you remain by his side any longer. What kind of a sibling does this? You are his blood. Lets face it. You are related to a monster and you are not safe with him. The scary part is that you know that already."

Demetrious was going to argue further but Aretha put her hand up and stopped him. "We can discuss this later Demetrious. It seems like we have company. Donavan has issued a summon call. We need to go downstairs now." She then grabbed Demetrious's hand and teleported him downstairs.

Demtrious was astonished at how massive the hall downstairs was. As his foot touched the ground, he noticed that all members of healer coven with the exception of Athena were present. of course there was also Donavan who was standing in the middle of the room looking cocky as ever having a ball most likely since there were many females surrounding him. He made sure to hold Aretha's hand tightly as Aretha and Demetrious joined the circle around Donavan.

Donavan couldnt hide his surprise at seeing Demetrious "Woah. Where did he come from? Aretha. Have you lost your mind? Why did you summon him?"

Aretha shrugged "How do you know it was me. maybe he just showed up to say hi to me. I am his blood match you know."

Donavan held his hand over his heart jokingly "Oh. You just broke my heart Aretha. here I was thinking I had a shot at asking you out one day but this delight over here just ruined my chances. What can I say. You see , I ......". He stopped himself as he noticed Demetrious's eyes turning silver. Donavan sensed the danger and took steps backwards quickly and luckily no one was behind him.

Demtrious threw a purple sphere at Donavan that turned into chains wrapping around him. The ground shook as Demetrious walked towards Donavan and spoke "Explain yourself Donavan. What does Aretha mean to you. Speak now or I will squeeze the answer out of you. I would crush you if you lie to me. So use your tongue wisely."

Aretha was in total shock and was frozen on her spot. She couldnt believe what was happening.

Donavan laughed even though he was in pain as the chains were making his body sting with a burning pain. "Admit it, Aretha. It was a bad idea to summon your blood match. His Lordship thinks I have eyes for you. Well. Who wouldnt want to date you. Of course you are hot."

Demetrious roared "I would show you hot." He then summoned a spear above him and was ready to strike. But he started walking around Donavan taking his time thinking about his next spell while the spear was hovering above them.

Alexandra screamed "Do something Aretha. The Ronas spear can turn into the deadliest weapons ever known. Stop your man. We cant ineterfere. He could kill us all. He maybe weak from his ordeal but he is still strong enough right now to destroy an army. He is a Ronas."

Aretha spoke while panicking "I am sure Donavan can handle it. He heals fast too. I dont know how to help him. What do I do. Ah." She then cautiously walked up to Demetrious from behind and turned him around as the spear was threatening to strike Donavan from above. She swallowed hard as she looked into the murderous eyes of his beloved "Demetrious. Dont do this. leave him be. He is innocent. Why are you over reacting. I thought you were the peace keeper".

Demetrious got more riled up and roared "You take his side Aretha? why? I am your blood match. You are mine. Nobody speaks about you in such disrespectful way and gets away with it. let me punish him."

Donavan spoke with amusement in his voice "For crying out loud, Demetrious. All I said was it was such a shame I couldnt ask her out. Well for your Lordship's information that was a sarcastic remark. I cant stand your blood match. She drives men crazy. You will see man. Just wait. She is as crazy as you. Come to think of it. Thats why you are matched up."

Demetrious turned sharply to Donavan and spoke "You dare mock Aretha." As he looked ready to make his spear strike, Aretha tackled him to the ground and grabbed his face and kissed his lips until the spear above them disappeared. She then got up and spoke "Demetrious, control your temper. I am your blood match. i would never cheat on you."

Demetrious's eyes suddenly turned back to their deep blue colour and he spoke "I am sorry my beloved. I cant control myself when it comes to you. Well tell Donavan to keep away from you and not make fun of you. I dont apologise for defending you. He must at least apologise." he then got up and stood next to Aretha staring at Donavan.

Donavan spoke "You might like to undo the chains, man, they hurt. Fine. I am sorry Aretha. i wont joke around with you no more."

Demetrious reluctantly waved his hands and removed the chains and remained silent staring at Donavan with narrowed eyes.

Donavan spoke as he looked frustrated now "Lets get back to business. Where were we? Yes. You see. i came across some run aways from the battle between Dante and the Southern and Eastern rebels. We have a mixture of warriors who have escaped. there arent many of them. I have housed them in the basement. Its perefectly safe down there. I came here to ask you for permission to let them remain here temporarily until the coast is clear and we can send them possibly to Alaska and valera for their safety. They are rebels so there have prizes on their heads. They wont last five seconds out there if the Ronas army finds them. Now I want to bring in the guy who found these runaways in the first place and I accidently bumped into them. He has a bunch of well trained guys who are mostly trackers. They are also resting right now in our humangous basement. As I said, I want you to meet this guy since we may find him useful. Him and the bunch of followers he is leading can join our fight. He is quite powerful and skilled. Besides, its hard to avoid capture as long as this guy has out there. He told me how he is on top of Dante's wanted list right now and why. But before I bring him in, I think you might like to get rid of his Lordship here, first though. He may not get a long with the dude who goes around and saves fugitives for a living or it seems that way rather. He is a silent assasin type of guy."

Aretha held Demetrious's arm and spoke "Donavan. That is enough. Demtrious is going nowhere. He must stay for as long as possible. Why not bring in this silent, reluctant, leader type of guy you have found. Then we can question him and then later decide what to do with the guys in the basement. As long as they are in a healthy state we can teleport them safely to Alaska. But first things first. I like to meet this guy."

Donavan nodded "Sure, but its a bad idea with your blood match present, Aretha. You never know. His lordship may turn hostile towards this poor soul we are inviting in as he did to me. He may suddenly decide to also while he is at it to burn down this whole place that we spent hours and hours building and securing with jewel of illusion's enchantments. No problem. Just dont come crying to me if your beloved made this whole place go up in smoke within seconds. All right people say your goodbyes to this place." He then winked and teleported away."

Aretha turned to Demetrious "Ignore him. He always goes too far in joking around."

Demetrious sighed "Sadly, my upbringing does not comprehend jokes very much. In the Ronas household there were hardly any jokes. There were always serious orders and serious consequences."

Aretha looked at Demetrious with concern "I am so sorry to hear that. I wish I could do something to erase your traumatising childhood."

Demetrious shook his head "Thats all in the past now. Most the damage is done already. But back to the discussion you are avoiding, Aretha, I have to get back to my chambers immidiately. I cant let Dante notice my absence. I dont want to make things worse than they already are." Then he froze as he felt a familiar presence in the room. He turned and saw the figure Donavan had just brought in with him. He was looking stunned as he was staring at the pair of green eyes that he hadnt seen in a while.

Demetrious spoke before anyone else could react. He was almost choking "Cousin? Damian. Is this you?"

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