109. His Damning Discoveries

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Dante was sitting behind his desk and drinking a bottle of elderflower whiskey. He glimpsed at the motionless form of his brother who was sitting in the other corner of his office far away from him " what's the matter Demetrious? You have gone awfully quiet. Come over and have some whiskey. It always helps to have a few drinks before a big battle. Makes the thrill of it more appealing. Don't you agree?"

Demetrious sighed and got up from his position and walked up to Dante's desk. He spoke " I am speechless at how you treated Zachary and Xanthos. It wasn't their fault to be captured by alpha Augustus. Did you have to terrorise them like that. You interrogated them quite harshly. Was that really necessary to scare the hell out of them? Both of them were shaking and were so pale looking by the end of it. I think they would have fainted too if you had kept them here any longer. They were going to tell you all they knew either way. So why did you have to issue them with such explicit threats to make them talk. I even felt like walking out of the room when you promised them some despeaksble violence if they held back any details of their account. They wouldn't have dared hide anything from you. I can't believe how much you enjoy watching other people's pain."

Dante rolled his eyes " How I treat my personnel is no concern of yours. Those two are the top graduates of the academy in Arkansas. They were tough enough to handle my interrogation without collapsing down. Zachary, impresses me to no end. I guess Athena's analysis of him was right. I am so glad i spared him that day. His powers as a protector wizard are really maturing fast. He managed to get Xanthos and himself out of Alpha Augustus's hide out with one spell. He is clueless about his powers. He doesn't even know how he had cast that spell. I can't wait to catch his father too. Maybe his father getting captured can give Zachary more motivation and his powers may mature faster. And Xanthos is a special one too. Xanthos's loyalty and power impresses me to no end. Did you see the images he conjured from his encounter with Alpha Augustus? He had asked for a duel to death. I was impressed how he was wiling to defend his honour with dignity. Now don't question me on how I interrogated the two junior commanders. They had some valuable knowledge for us. Now we know Alpha Donavan, Alpha Augustus, Xander and even the coven have connections in the same region. If we attack the sacred river now, maybe we can catch some of those fugitives. If not, then we will catch them elsewhere. Even maybe in Alaska."

Demetrious spoke " You are unbelievable. I can't understand ....."

Dante's tone suddenly became more serious " Stop right there. I don't wish to hear any more. Now. I want to issue you with a few warnings. You are my brother so you can get your views known to me behind closed doors. But don't forget that you are my prosecutor knight too. I could still discipline you if I felt you were too empathic for your job. I could speed up the process of kicking the empathy out of you by making you do some acts that would traumatise you for weeks in the dungeons. So if you are wise enough you would keep your empathic opinions to yourself. As for questioning Xanthos and Zachary in such harsh way..... Well I am surprised why you didnt see the point of me terrorising them. I wanted to get every last bit of information out of them. The sacred river harbours many secrets and also many people on my wanted list are active in that region. Firstly i needed to ensure that they hadn't come across Athena at all. No one is allowed to love her or hurt her but me. No one. She is all mine and right now she is consorting with my enemies at that damned sacred river." As Dante finished his sentence, his eyes turned silver and he conjured a force sphere. He stood up and walked around the desk. He stood behind Demetrious and spoke menacingly " I hate traitors Demetrious. I really despise them with all my heart. Turn around right now. Look me in the eye and tell me you haven't had contact with enemies of Arkansas ever since you let my blood match slip away and I bashed you up. Come on. Turn around and face me. I can feel some waves of deceit from you right now and it's bothering me."

Demetrious was horrified. He hated how powerful his brothers aura was at that moment compared to his. He had no chance. He just had to speak cautiously with words that didn't give much away and reveal how he had disobeyed his brother. He just hoped that Dante would buy it. He swallowed hard and turned around "Dante. What has brought this on? I have never done anything to oppose you ever since I let Athena go. I want you to trust me. You threatened to hurt my blood match for my crimes and I am taking it seriously. If anything ..... I wish to redeem myself from now on. I want to be the obedient brother so you would consider one day to lift the ban on me seeing my blood match. I would do anything to gain your trust back."

Dante's eyes turned back to grey from silver and the sphere in his hand vamished. He smirked " Anything? Really Demetrious? Are you willing to be this obedient from now on to get in my good books? Very well. You asked for it willingly."

Dante turned to the jewel of illusion in the corner of the room and waved his hands. The jewel landed on his desk. Dante then stared into Demetrious's eyes and spoke " Give me your hand."

Demetrious looked alarmed. " Dante. What are you going to do?"

Dante raised an eyebrow " I thought you wanted to redeem yourself. I thought you wanted me to lift the ban on seeing your blood match."

Demetrious nodded " I do..... I really want that. But please tell me what you wish to do next. I need to still make sure that what you wish to do does not hurt my blood match. I would obey you but I won't be involved in hurting her in any way."

Dante sighed " If you insist. Since you are obedient, I am going to tell you before you get involved. While you were recovering in your chambers in the past three days, I contacted father and asked him about what he knew about .... The jewel of illusion. I told him how Athena has one half and I have the other half. I asked him if he knew more. It turned out that he had heard from his father about a legend that involves this jewel. He didn't think it was true at a time. When he told me the account, it all made sense to me." Dante smirked and walked around his desk and sat down.

Demetrious turned to Facing Dante and was eager " Please continue. Why did you stop."

Dante spoke mockingly " It's going to cost you. If I tell you what he said, will you give your word not to back away from your offer of doing anything."

Demetrious nodded " As long as what I do doesn't hurt Aretha. I would do it. I made that clear already."

Dante nodded " Very well. Father said, that the original jewel of illusion that was owned by our ancestor, the great Ronas, actually was broken to 3 pieces. One is with me, one is with Athena as we know but the third piece is missing. Father said that no one knows where the third piece is. He just said that it was known by another name. He said people called it, sphere of time. He said that only we can reunite the 3 pieces and would make a powerful weapon that would help us locate the other object that I desire the most. You know the one thing I have been seeking to find is in the possession of the ancient society at the sacred river. Father had no useful knowledge about that except that it exists and that society is guarding it with their lives to stop me from getting my hands on it. It's mentioned in the prophecy that once I beat the ancient society, I would capture an object that would change the world as we know it. But enough said about that unknown object that even has no name. Back to your question."

Dante stood up and spoke firmly " I want you to give me your hand so I can join our blood and so it gives us the power to summon the other half of jewel of illusion that is with Athena as well as the sphere of time. We bring all three pieces here and would join them together using a blood sealing spell. It would form one powerful jewel of illusion as it was always meant to be. Now give me your hand."

Demetrious asked suspiciously " What are you planning to do with the jewel. Would it involve hurting my blood match?"

Dante gave out a frustrated sigh " No. Of course not. Your blood match happens to be Athena's sister. I won't hurt her unless you cross me. By helping me reunite 3 pieces of this jewel, we would create the original jewel of illusion that has enhanced powers in locating people and controlling locations. Now last chance. Give me your hand or get out of my sight. I don't have all day. I need your powers for this but if you refuse to participate, it is no problem. I am sure in my quests as I am conquering North America, I would come across the sphere of time and the other half with Athena would also be mine either way when she surrenders. It would take a while to reunite all three pieces but it would happen. Decide Demetrious. Are you in or out? Are you going to try to redeem yourself or not?"

Demetrious sighed in defeat and reluctantly offered his hand to Dante.

Dante smirked " You made the right choice. I am going to make a small cut on the palm of your hand, before your body heals the wound, put your hand on the jewel. i would do the same and then we would perform the conjuring."

Dante then conjured a golden dagger and made a cut on the palm of Demetrious's hand and his own hand. As both brothers put their hands on the jewel Dante spoke " The blood of Ronas calls upon the other two parts of jewel f illusion. Let them be as one again."

As Dante finished his sentence a white light was radiated from the jewel concealing what was happening. As the light diminished, Demetrious gasped. The jewel of illusion had tripled in size. The massive blood red diamond was shining brightly on Dante's desk.

Dante nodded " There is nothing impossible for us Demetrious. We are the most powerful warlocks on this planet. Embrace your powers rather than hiding them. Now you can pull your hand away."

Demetrious pulled his hand away and noticed his wound was completely healed. He questioned " How come you haven't pulled your hand away?"

Dante explained " I am trying to locate Athena. I can feel where she is. Take a look at this"

Demetrious's eyes widened as the images appeared on the jewel. The images showed a mountain behind a waterfall and images zoomed in on the inside. " What? She is inside a mountain? That can't be."

Then green and black uniformed army personnel were shown walking around. Dante gritted his teeth " Those are the midnight warrior pack uniforms. So it means she has followed Donavan into Alpha Augustus's hide out I see."

Then images faded into a room that looked like a meeting room. There was a long table with Octavian, Xander and Alpha Augustus sitting at one side and the healer coven alongside Athena, Donavan and .... Damian were sitting at another side talking to each other.

Dante roared in fury " Our traitor cousin Damian is sitting there too. Can you believe this? He is wearing the uniform of a Texas Ranger. It seems like he has joined that rebel group or most likely is leading it. He is a total disgrace to our family. I wonder why mother does not disown this idiot nephew of hers. Once I get my hands on him, I would teach him a lesson he would never forget. See brother. This is getting more personal now. Uh. Look at all those people who are on my wanted list. All in one room. As you can see we have a big battle coming up. A defining battle."

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