117. Turmoil & Conflict

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Octavian was stiffly leaning to the wall looking over at the beautiful sight in front of him. He was standing in the back balcony of the Ronas Palace which opened into the gardens where every enchanted plant species could be found. There was also a lake that contained many marine creatures which were mainly glowing fish.

Ever since yesterday Octavian's life had changed dramatically. He has assisted Dante in attacking his father's pack. He had helped the capture of his fathers pack members. But he felt no regrets at all. He felt at home with the Ronas army. After all members of his father's pack were captured, they were all brought to Arkansas and were now locked up in a special unit outside the dungeons. His father was also amongst them.

Dante had brought them over to Arkansas to show his power. He had planned to grant the pack amnesty during his commemorations in honour of his long lost cousin that happened to be Octavian. There was a price to pay of course. Octavian was to move to live in Arkansas and reside in Ronas palace if he wanted his father to he allowed to have a pack around sacred river. Alpha Augustus was to remain as an alpha but having to enforce Ronas protocols and answer to Dante but having more independence compared to others residing at the central territory and sacred river. But the worst blow was alpha Augustus having to give up all Arkansan members of his pack and also Octavian to Dante.

" What are you thinking about Octavian" Demetrious stepped into the balcony and smiled at his distant cousin.

Octavian turned his gaze to Demetrious without moving from his spot " I am thinking about my messed up life, Demetrious. I hate feeling like this."

Demetrious frowned " What's the matter? I don't mean to be forward but I think you have it easy. You are lucky. Your father is even luckier. Trust me. If anyone else had your fathers track record in opposing Arkansan values, Dante was going to execute them alongside their family. He usually makes examples of leaders of rebellions to scare off their followers and make them convert to his ideals and principles. If you weren't a Ronas, your father was going to be awaiting his death rather than anticipating a simple ceremony to swear allegiance to Dante. After that all he has to do is change his rules in his pack to Ronas protocols and report to Dante on weekly basis. Then he would be left in peace. That's all. Dante would leave your father be."

Octavian laughed bitterly " I know all that. I am aware that my father is fortunate. But my frustration comes from the way my father looks at me. I went to see him this morning. He was so disappointed in me. He felt betrayed by me."

Demetrious Nodded " What did he say to you?"

Octavian sighed " Nothing. He didnt say anything. He stared at me in silence the whole time as I was asking how he was and if he was given everything he needed for his stay. The place seemed comfortable. It has been arranged for that pack to be under house arrest arrangements rather than captivity. He seemed comfortable but I could feel his sadness. I could feel his broken heart. I pleaded to him to talk to me but he was staring into space. Ever since he was brought here last night from the battle, he hasn't said a word to anyone. Can you believe it? I think he is in total shock after being ambushed and getting defeated so quickly within less than an hour. I am worried about him. What if he loses the will to live."

Demetrious shook his head " You are worried for no reason. Once your father swears loyalty to Dante, my brother would allow Valentina to join him. I actually asked Dante if Valentina can go to your father and stay with him but Dante said, he wants to keep your father restless while he is waiting for the ceremony. If your father co-operates then your mother would be granted permission to get re-married to your father. As you know they got a divorce before you were born. Of course if your father knew you existed, they would not have separated but hey it's all in the past. So yeah, once your father kneels to Dante alongside all fallen leaders of other territories, then your mother can be reunited with your father who happens to be a former enemy of Arkansas. So that's the way it is. I know you wanted your mother to be allowed to visit your father to comfort him but that's not an option. You are only allowed to visit your father freely since your rank is now Warrior Knight working alongside me who happen to be Dante's Prosecuter Knight."

Octavian smiled weakly " How come you don't have that much freedom. You are bound in this palace unlike me who has free reign to visit commanders and summon them for meetings but you are restricted to this palace and shadowing Dante."

Demetrious rolled his eyes " Because my role is different to yours. You are a warrior. Your role is action based. You lead army of commanders and their enforcers. I also fight alongside you and Dante in wars but mainly I am a ... Prosecuter. I get a say in handing out sanctions."

Octavian nodded " But how come you are not allowed to leave the palace like me?"

Demetrious looked sad " Well. There are many reasons. Firstly, according to Dante I am too empathic. I am not supposed to leave the Ronas palace and his side since i am not trusted. when i prove my loyalty then i can have free reign. But there is a second reason too. I dont know how much you know about my mother but she is very protective of me because I am the second in line to rule Arkansas after Dante. She feels that I should not get involved in action and just do my duty by getting married and keep alive long enough to have heirs. She doesn't want me to be in danger. Apparently she was told before me about my appointment as Dante's Prosecuter Knight and lets say she had sent like a hundred messenger spheres to Dante at the front line insisting that I should be guarded by him personally or she would come over and bring me back to Arkansas. So yeah. That's why Dante has another excuse to keep me in the palace and by his side. I should get free reign in visiting captive divisions but I don't have that permission. Maybe as time goes on, I will prove myself and my family let me live how i want."

Octavian spoke "But you proved yourself in the fight against my fathers pack. You attacked your blood match and restrained her. Now Dante has allowed you to keep your blood match close to you in your chambers. I say that is improvement. By the way. How is she?"

Demetrious looked sad " Well she is unconscious. The healers treating her exhaustion after the powerful spells she had cast, put her to a long sleep. I think she will be out for another day or two. I may have asked the healers to prolong her sleep. I am scared of facing her. What if she hates me. I attacked her. I had to, of course. I had to convince Dante that I was willing to obey him. Now I regret it. What about your girl. How is she?"

Octavian spoke sounding annoyed " Well, I am not allowed to bring her to the palace yet to reside with me and my mother since I havent felt her to be my blood match. Of course she is allowed to come to palace gatherings for nobles at the palace and .... I can visit her but .... I can't stand her parents. Damn those lunatics. She has been given amnesty now for her crimes against the Ronas. Dante cleared her record since i begged him to but they still made a fuss as she stepped foot in that house. They kept giving her lectures about staying loyal to her noble Arkansan roots while I was there. Ah. I look forward to saving her from that household."

Demetrious smiled weakly " But things are looking up for her. Since she is your partner, Dante showed her preferal treatment. She was accepted as junior commander in healers division under Alexanders leadership since she impressed Dante so much when midnight warrior pack was ambushed. She defended so well. She only stopped when you know. You stepped in. So Sabrina doesn't really need to live in that house. She can move into a separate accommodation."

Octavian nodded " I suppose. But I don't like her to live with anyone really who isn't her family. I couldnt stand it if someone else got to be with her When i couldnt. She should be only mine I am jealous i guess. Neither do I want her to be miserable and live alone. So for now its better for her to stay with her family. They are not home half the day anyways. I would rescue her from her parents when i feel the bond soon. it shouldn't be long now. Uh. I can't wait to feel the blood match pull .... Towards her." He swallowed hard as he looked at Demetrious.

Demetrious understood " You are worried. aren't you? You worry she may not be your blood match. Have some faith. I am sure love conquers all."

Octavian smiled weakly " I hope you are right."

Demetrious then suddenly clutched his heart " Uh. She is awake. I can feel it and she is up and about. Uh. I need to pick up some remedies from Tiberious before i go. Have you visited him yet? He is in the east wing's special unit of palace. He is allowed palace visitors as long as supervised by Diodora."

The two knights made their way to Tiberious's chambers but their hearts were full of conflict and turmoil for different reasons.

Demetrious was indeed right. Aretha had just woken up in that moment and was hoping that what she had witnessed was a nightmare and not reality.

Aretha firstly groaned from pain as she opened her eyes to see the intense sunlight coming through windows in a room decorated with red and black furniture. She felt at ease since the room had the aura of her blood match everywhere. She sat up on her king size bed and looked around. She spotted an even bigger chamber attached to her room which also had a king size bed and there were plenty of pictures of the Ronas family everywhere. She smiled. She knew this room must have belonged to Demetrious.

Suddenly the door opened and Demetrious came inside and frowned " Why are you out of bed? When you were brought here yesterday, the palace healers said you must rest longer. one day is no where near enough for you to sleep off those spells you cast." Without warning he walked to Aretha and lifted her in his arms bridal style.

Aretha protested " Put me down. I am still mad at you for restraining me and taking me to your brother. And wait a second. Did you say One day? Its now near sun down. Have I been sleeping that long since the battle."

Demetrious carried Aretha to her king size bed and dropped her. He then sat in front of her bed in a chair and smiled warmly at her. " Well. Lets say the healers were asked to basically use remedies to make your body recover and the best way is sleeping. Your sleep was induced. Now I am glad you are awake. I had missed you so much. By the way, you can be as mad as you want with me. By some miracle my brother has allowed me to be close to you. I think it's all because your sister has surrendered to him. Well the reason he issued me with a ban on seeing you as punishment for defying him was because he wanted me to feel the same pain as him. Now that Athena has stopped running, all seems well."

Aretha shook her head " Don't keep your hopes up. My sister is not someone who just gives in that easily. She has plans. I am sure of it. She told me that I need to surrunder too with her so I didn't question it and I have no intention of fighting it... For now. Until my sister tells me otherwise. So I guess it's your lucky day. I don't mind trying to forgive you for being mean to me at the battle, you were looking out for me. Now tell me Demetrious I agree to rest in bed but you must tell me about everything that's happened. Tell me about Alaska first. Has your brother managed to break the enchantment of Athena's necklace yet? That's supposed to protect Alaska for a while but your brother is no ordinary warlock. He can do the impossible."

Demetrius suddenly looked troubled " Please whatever you do, don't mention the word Alaska. Seriously. We are now in the Ronas palace as you might have guessed and you will soon meet up with Dante. If you value my life and yours, please don't mention that place."

Aretha looked baffled " Why? What's wrong with Alaska?"

Demetrious shook his head " Well. What do you expect. First of all Dante knows how much Athena cares about Alaska and he hates that. He just can't accept the fact that his blood match loves anyone or anything else. Secondly in case you haven't noticed the only place my brother hasn't conquered in North America is Alaska. Even the Aztec holy land has surrendered to him. The sacred islands are also rules by us too. So only Alaska is intact all because of Athena's and your spells you performed back there. Basically Alaska would now become the utopia of the enemies of Arkansas. That enchantment you put still allows people to go in but only those the Alaskan border control opens portals for from inside. Needless to say so many of Dante's enemies from the wanted list are residing there right now too including my dear cousin, Damian, The coven and Damian. Dante wants them caught at all costs. Now Dante has Alaska surrounded and gets daily reports on whether the enchantments you, sisters have put up has diminished or getting weaker by itself. Meanwhile Dante is keeping himself busy by planning to attack South America next. Now lets get to the main reason you shouldn't mention Alaska. Well lets say that Dante is so determined to find out how Athena got her hands on that necklace that he claims is the legendary pearls of Mississippi. As you might know, Tiberious handed that necklace to Athena and i was witness to that. Dante would really take very extreme actions if he finds out who helped Athena indirectly. I would appreciate it if you stay away from that topic."

Aretha huffed " Fine I won't mention Alaska. But you didn't answer my question fully. What else has been happening."

Demetrious nodded "The midnight warrior pack was captured and all members are here locked up. They will be allowed back if they agree to comply with Ronas protocols and answer to Dante but they will be sort of more independent than other territories. They are lucky since Octavian is a Ronas. Needless to say that the news of Octavian and Valentina's heritage were sent around all over North America with messenger spheres shortly after the battle. Now everyone knows that a new Ronas has been added to our blood thirsty household. Citizens of the world are now going to say hello to so much more suffering and pain to come their way. Luckily Valentina has chosen to live with her blood match if he co-operates of course and they are going re-marry soon. But she is staying with Octavian at this palace now until the pack is sent back hopefully. By the way Dante reluctantly gave Sabrina amnesty for her past convictions of treason but its conditional. If Sabrina breaks the laws, she won't be protected. Octavian is a palace member right now. His title is warrior knight and works alongside me. Oh well. But yes that's all that happened. After dealing with Alpha Augustus, Dante ordered all the Ronas enforcers and commanders to come back to work in their divisions in Arkansas. Only enforcers that are surrounding Alaska and those overseeing the transition of territories to Ronas style states are out of Arkansas these days. So it's back to normal after this lengthy war. Heaven knows when Dante decides to attack South America."

Aretha frowned " So what have you been up to since arriving back. Don't tell me you just stayed in this room and watched me sleep. I said I wanted details."

Demetrious sighed " Well. Nothing unusual for me. I have been attending palace gatherings and reunion parties. I forgot to mention how many abducted Arkansans from Midnight Warrior pack returned to meet up with their original families. Some are going back with Alpha Augustus but Dante has issued the order for them to remain until his ... Commemoration day. That's when representatives from all territories kneel to him in a ceremony. He would be officially the leader of North America except for the rebel base up north. Well you see, Dante even refuses to acknowledge Alaska's name. He is that furious with you and Athena casting some powerful spell that he hates speaking its name. Alaska is truly non-penetrable now. "

Aretha nodded " You didn't tell me where my sister is. Is she well? Has Dante hurt her in any way. I need to go see her."

Demetrious smiled sadly " Don't worry. Athena must be fine. Dante wouldn't hurt her. I don't know if she is awake or not since Dante has taken her away to castle of spears. That's her permanent residence from now on. Sadly she is not allowed visitors. I am not even allowed to go up there. Even my parents haven't seen her yet. When Dante came. He locked her up in the highest tower in the castle of spears and he stayed with her once coming out to summon his commanders in the great hall or rather the soon to be throne room of that castle. Dante is planning on moving the offices and the residence of all his commanders into that palace soon. It may happen when commemoration day comes and that's most likely in one week time. So hopefully we all can see Athena at least in a week since its been Dante's plan to introduce Athena officially as his blood match to everyone. I will have to do the same and stand there with you too and show who you are to me so people know to show respect. The events of that commemoration day would be broadcast by messengers spheres everywhere. I know you may not like the sound of it but you would be a Ronas Palace member from now on."

Aretha spoke " Something is bothering me here? Is Athena, Dante's prisoner now. How about me? Am I your prisoner now? What do you mean no one can visit Athena. How about me. You want no one to visit me too?"

Demetrious sighed " I don't know how to tell you this but you are wrong. Dante is just too possessive of Athena. He doesn't want anyone to spend time with her when he has had little chance to do so himself. Once he gets enough of her company, then she maybe allowed visitors. As for you, sweetheart you are no prisoner. You are my blood match. You are free to leave this room and walk around within the palace. But you must be careful not to clash with Dante. It's not a good idea to wind him up and challenge him right after he had such a close confrontation with his blood match and just when things are getting brighter since Athena has waved the white flag. I want you to rest though. Trust me, the minute you walk out, my mother would ambush you. She has been dreaming of a day for me and Dante to bring our blood matches to the palace. She would tire you out with her plans for our ..... Our ... Inevitable wedding that would be happening one day."

Aretha was outraged " What? Is she insane. We have just met. I am too young to marry."

Demetrious smiled " Well sorry but my parents are in a rush. The palace wants heirs. But don't worry. I won't let my mother pressurise you. She just is ecstatic that two powerful noble women have entered the family. She has been asking about whether you have woken up non stop ever since we have arrived. Just endure her."

Aretha looked at Demettrious suspiciously " Why do I get the feeling that there is more? What are you not telling me? Why do I get the sense that there is more happening than just parties and reunions. Tell me the truth. I need to know how bad things are."

Demetrious shook his head and kept silent.

Aretha sat up on the bed and held Demetrious's hands and spoke " I can handle it. Tell me the truth."

Demetrious untangled his hands from Aretha and looked away " The less you know the better." He then got up from his chair and walked to his window looking at the outside scenery.

Aretha sighed and got up. She walked up to him and embraced his waist and rested her chin on his shoulders " Please tell me. What is bothering you. I can feel your waves of pain and helplessness."

Demetrious swallowed hard whilst looking outside his window and spoke " It's bad newes. Well Dante is going to put all captives in the dungeons on public trial. Everyone. Old captives and new captives. Even there are some new top class prisoners from Alpha Augustus's pack from the wanted list. Evelina and her trio, Elisha, Oberon and ..."

Aretha sounded shocked "I would have though Evelina and Elisha would be given amnesty too at least. They are Sabrina's cousins.

Demetrious was still looking away and didn't have the heart to look into Aretha's eyes " Well. Believe me. Sabrina nearly was sent to the dungeons too. Octavian begged Dante to spare her. If he wasnt a Ronas, i dont think Dante would have said yes. Not without a conversion program at least. But even Sabrinas amnesty is at a cost. She is at her parents house but she is watched by Octavian and his guards everywhere."

Aretha was feeling disbelief " Tell me more about these upcoming trials."

Demetrious sighed " Well trials are just brutal when Dante is running them. He would most likely ..... give death sentence to most people. I don't think many people would be given the sentence of eternal imprisobmrnt or life of servitude.But During the trials, I am hoping some top commanders maybe able to save some of the offenders from execution by vouching for them to be given a conversion program as punishment instead. The thing is if someone takes over supervision of someone on the conversion program then they must succeed in turning the loyalty of the offender around. If they don't, then they would be punished too. No one in their right mind would vouch for Evelina and Elisha. They are known as hot heads. The worst part is that I have to be present in all trials as the prosecuter knight and contribute in handing out punishments alongside Dante. It's going to be pure torment for me."

Aretha was still not convinced " Turn around and look at me, I am pretty sure this is not all. We will find a way for these captives to be given a chance to live on a conversion program. Some of Dante's commanders may be nice enough to do it. We can speak to them in Prior. What else is there?"

Demetrious sighed and turned around. He embraced Aretha and spoke softly " There are two captives I am really worried about. I have no idea what Dante is planning for them. I don't even know where they are held. I am talking about your parents. I spoke to Dante once and tried to bring this up but he told me to not interfere with what he wishes to do with two elder tree council members of Alsska. Again your parents used to serve in Alaska and they both happen to have a special place in Athenas heart. I am pretty sure that the fate of your parents is in Athenas hands. If she cooperates, then they would live. If not, Lets say Dante knows no boundaries. The only ones he won't ever murder are the Ronas and blood matches of the Ronas. Your parents are under neither category."

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