134. Young Drifting Apart

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Octavian was fuming. He had just left his father's prison chambers and was going for a walk. The place was hardly like a prison as the surroundings where his father was kept, was more like a house arrest arrangement. But his father's comfortable cell was not convincing him to cooperate with Octavian at all.

Alpha Augustus had indeed remained silent throughout Octavian's visit. Octavian had tried so hard to make him talk but he had failed. In his father's eyes he could only see dissapointment and it enraged him. He just wanted his father to be safe and more importantly he wanted his father to know how much he loved him but his father seemed to not accept that. Octavian had spent the past hour trying to reason with him about how grave the consequences could be if his father didnt co-operate tonight at the commemoration ceremony. The lack of response from his father to his request had raised an alarm for him. Now his only hope was that at least his father's commitment to his pack as an alpha was going to make him kneel to dante and retain his position to protect his pack. Also he was counting on his fathers desire to reunite with his blood match Valentina and give him more reason to be convinced that the best option was accepting defeat. It was just a hope. There was only one way to find out if his father had listened to a word he had said about complying with Dante's wishes and totally surrendering his loyalty to him. He had to wait for tonight and see.

Octavian suddenly felt a familiar presence close to him. One that was so calming and brought him peace for instantly. He looked around him and found himself looking at the main infirmary building. Sabrina was inside. She could feel her aura. He knew after trying to kill her blood match, he was the last person she wanted to see but he couldnt control his urg to go to her.

He took a deep breath and teleported himself to the inside of the infirmary to locate Sabrina. It didnt take him long to find her. She was in the intensive care unit on the very top floor sitting on a chair next to a bed that had non other than Edward looking unconscious and badly hurt. Sabrina stood up looking startled and swallowed hard. Octavian smiled "Hello mon amor."

Sabrina's eyes widened as she felt his waves of lust. She quickly put up a shield in front of herself and the bed Edward was lying on. She was standing protectively in front of her blood match and had no intention of letting Octavian hurt him. She spoke "Octavian... what are you doing here?."

Octavian raised an eyebrow "Why are you suddenly acting like I am a stranger. I just came here to say hello."

Sabrina shook her head "How can I look at you the same way Octavian? We used to be together but not anymore. I found my blood match or rather he found me and you tried to .... kill him. . You knew how much it would have hurt me if he died before I even got the chance to get to know him but you still went ahead with the duel. I begged you to back out of the duel but you ignored my pleas. Now dont you dare ask me why i am treating you like a stranger. Its because you are. I dont know you anymore. The Octavian that I used to love would have given me time and space to find myself. You used to love me so much that you would have let me go to my blood match if I had ever asked you to. But now I don't know you. You have changed so much."

Octavian laughed bitterly " You are unbelivable Sabrina. How can you just walk away from me into the arms of another man? How can you forget what we had? You betrayed me Sabrina. can you defend your actions?

Sabrina spoke "But I didnt run into the arms of just any man. Edward is my blood match. I must at least give him a chance to show me his love for me. How can you not undertand this? How can you just accuse me of forgetting you. I remember you and your caring side. I know the Octavian I used to know would never try to break my heart by accusing me of betraying him. I would have never betrayed you Octavian. Its just my destiny to be with Edward. Its not meant to be for us to be together. you must accept it just like how I have. Dont you even care how I feel? Dont you care that Edward is my blood match? I have to be with him."

Octavian spoke coldly " Of course, I dont care who he is to you. Being your blood match is no good reason to leave me.

Sabrina spoke with determination "I want to be with my blood match. I dont even know him. I want to be with him. Its my decision. respect it Octavian. Now leave Octavian. I told you everything I wanted you to hear."

Octavian smirked "But I havent told you half the things I want you to hear yet. Now be a good girl and put that shield down. its within your interests to give in. After you do that, me and you would go somehwere quiet and have a more .... private encounter. I am not going to let you go until I have a real talk with you and use all my power to convince you to return to me. You say, your blood match deserves to have a chance for you to know him. I say so do I. You need to know how I feel and I cant do that standing in a hospital room when all you have on your mind is the half dead home wrecker on that bed."

Sabrina looked back at the uncosnious form of Edward worriedly and then looked at Octavian unsure "Please Octavian. This is not the time to speak privately. I cant leave him. The healers have put him in a coma to help heal his injuries faster. I want to be by his side as he recovers. He may need to a familiar face when he wakes up. I cant leave. We can talk another time."

Octavian looked amused "I wasn't asking Sabrina. I gave you an order as your superior. i am a knight. No one can deny me anything. I outrank all noble citizens and commanders. I am second to master alongside Demetrious. If you dare defy this order, you would regret it."

Sabrina spoke "Octavian. Please. This is not the time. How about another day? At least wait for Edward to wake up from his coma before you have this talk with me in private."

Octavian sounded impatient " I am not negotiating here with you. I gave you an instruction. Comply with my wish now. Drop the shield or i will break it down for you. In that case I cant guarantee no harm would come to you or your fragile blood match. I may use too much power and actually finish the job I was doing at the arena. You never know. The growing power behind my spells surprise me."

Sabrina spoke shakily " Are you going to .... hurt him?"

Octavian sighed " What do you think? I want to hurt him badly but I wont hurt him. Lucky for him, master does not take kindly to me if I kill a Ronas commander. But like I said if I accidently hurt him in process of breaking your shield, I wont be blamed for any damage."

Sabrina reluctantly took down her shield but she regretted it instantly. Octavian walked to her slowly like a predator. The waves of his lustful desires disturbed her. What was he planning to do with her in private. What if he wanted to do more than talking. She didnt want him to even touch her hand. It felt wrong to even imagine being with another man but Edward. She had fallen out of love with Octavian suddenly ever since kissing Edward's lips that felt heavenly to her. It felt so revolting to let Octavian get anywhere near her. Just as Octavian was about to catch her hand and teleport her away, she quickly teleported herself to the furthest corner of the room.

Octavian growled "How dare you play with me. Maybe I need to remind you what we had. You are in great need of a glimpse of our past love." he then gave no chance for Sabrina to move away again and appeared in front of her and grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the wall. He smirked "You have no where to run. Where ever you go, i will find you. I suggest you drop the act of being difficult. Now on second thought, I want that private talk but first lets have some intimate moments right here. Maybe we continue until he wakes up and breaks down when he sees you in my arms."

Sabrina trembled "Dont. Please. Let me go now. I cant do this. I will never forgive you if you force me to do anything against my wish."

Octavian spoke sounding indifferent "But you will forgive me mon amor. I have no doubt" He then leaned close to kiss her but suddenly stopped as he felt the aura of two people getting close. Octavian sighed " How annoying." He pulled away and Sabrina wasted no time to teleport to the other side of the room and stood protectively in front of Edward looking distressed about what Octavian was going to do next. But she felt less on edge after she noticed Zachary and Serena entering the room. Serena had a bucket of flowers and Zachary had a bottle of his self made potions which most likely were relaxing potions for her. She definately needed one of those drinks in that moment.

Zachary and Serena both noticed the tension in the room. They put their flowers and bottle of potion down on a side table and looked silently between Octavian and Sabrina standing in their positions at opposite sides of the room. Zachary cleared his throat "I hope we didnt disturb you.We just came to visit Edward. But it seems like he is still in a coma. Do you mind if we wait here till he wakes up?"

Octavian growled " Actually we do mind. Now I need a word with both of you in the next vacant room. Follow me." Zachary and Serena followed Octavian and found themselves locked with him inside am empty chamber opposite Edwards and Sabrina's room."

Zachary spoke first " What were you doing back there with Sabrina? She seemed pale and terrified?"

Octavian closed their distance and stood in front of Zachary staring him down. He chuckled "You have nerve interrupting my beautiful moments with Sabrina and then asking about my treatment of her. It is non of your concern. Now i am going to give you some advice about your personal life and then you would leave. I dont want anyone here with Sabrina and Edward except me. Now lets get to the point. I was shocked to see you walking by Serena's side entering the room. You have stood by her knowing she is a traitor. I think that is outrageous. After she pulled that deadly stunt at the border with Edwin, I thought you were going to break up with her finally and stop being in contact with her completely. I also thought Sean forbid you to see her any more?"

Zachary spoke nervously "well, since I changed.... I mean since you changed my division from the leadership unit to warrior knights division, I no longer have to report to him. You are the head of my division. Your orders over-rule his orders to me. I can be with Serena in activities outside our line of work. I love her Octavian. Nothing she does can change my feelings."

Octavian spoke "Is that so. Zachary. This girl is not worth the trouble. If she cared for you, she wouldnt have run off and put herself in danger. She obviously is either nuts or has total disregard for your feelings about her getting herself artrested for treason. Either way I say you should break up with her. It's within your best interests to do that. Don't get me started on the threat of Lady Diodora finding out that you love another woman beside her."

Serena sounded outraged "Dont talk as though i am not here. I take it you dont approve of my actions but Zachary knows about my beliefs and he is fine with them. He knows that I would never withold from taking actions that would help those less fortunate than me. I cant stand around and watch others suffer when I can do something about it. You should know. You used to have the same beliefs as I did until you changed suddenly and turned into a heartless Ronas that only uses dark powers to terrorise others and force them to submission."

Octavian clapped "A Very good speech Serena. Be careful what you say and to whom. Remember it was me who provided you with an alibi and got you cleared of charges of treason. If it wasnt for me you were going to attend a trial with master and most likely facing death or worse, a life imprisonment with constant torment in the dungeons where your only visitors were going to be Benjamin and Nathan......."

Serena huffed "It was also you who put security guards on my case. No thanks to you, Edwin and I have to report our location to security guards when ever we leave a location to go to another. I appreciate you setting us free but you just put high security guards on us to cause us extra hassle and stop us from doing any more empathic activities that people like you wouldnt be bothered to do."

Octavian put his hand on his heart and spoke "I am hurt. I did give that order with good intentions. I didnt want anyone to falsely report you for something you didnt do. Its only temporary. I may or may not lift the order after the commemorations. We dont want any disturbance tonight. If anyone pulls any stunts tonight, no one can save them. Messing with a Ronas's commemoration has a painful and unavoidable fate. Everyone knows that."

Serena gritted her teeth "What do you mean you may or may not lift the order? How long are you planning to keep watch on Edwin and I? You are a twisted one now just like all the Ronas.

Zachary's whispered"Serena. That is enough. Dont speak to him so sharply and dont push it with criticising the Ronas. You have to hide your ill feelings towards the Ronas system or you would be charged with treason."

Octavian spoke "Let her speak her mind Zachary. She didnt express any views that I already didnt know she holds with a passion. She is going to get into deep trouble one day with her tongue and you would be the one suffering a heartbreak. i warn you friend. Dont get too attached to her. She is meant for captivity and severe punishments. As for speaking to me so disrespectfully, do not beat yourself up about it. I am not going to hurt her since she is your girl .... for now. When you break it up with her, I would teach her a lesson she would never forget for her ungratefulness. She is aware that I saved her backside by providing false testimony. She knows she owes me her life but she still uses her pretty mouth to reprimand me for turning my back to my past beliefs. But I have moved on. I used to be weak. I used to think peace can come with helping the weak. But now only having power, using power to het revenge and knowing that not many people have any power over me brings me peace. I suggest you reconsider your views Serena or suffer disappointment soon." He then turned his tone to serious and threatening tone " Zachary, I know I said I won't hurt your girl but I am not known for controlling my temper these days. I suggest you make your leave before she says something she regrets. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Zachary spoke " Octavian, I ...." Then he froze and his eyes widened.

There was a call. An emergency summon call to all members of Ronas army. Messenger spheres entered the rooms in the infirmary and Octavian gasped " No. It can't be... "

The message was clear. All members of Ronas army were to go on a search mission for fugitives. Alpha Augustus and his pack had broken out of their captivity. They were on the run and Lady Valentina had gone missing too.

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