157. Love in War

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Demetrious was holding Aretha's waist tightly from behind and loving her touch as they were in their room looking out the window. Demetrious had been holding on to his beloved for so long in silence as they were watching the beautiful skies of Transylvania.

Aretha spoke "I cant stop looking at the stars. Look at all those comets. Its such a beautiful sight."

Demetrious spoke "Not as beautiful as you in my arms."

Aretha chuckled "Of course you would say that. I am your blood match."

Demetrious took a deep breath "But you are beautiful."

Aretha spoke "So are you and we belong to each other."

Demetrious smiled "You can say that again. I just wish this moment could last forever. I just want to hold you like this for all eternity. You are right where you belong. In my embrace."

Aretha spoke "You hold me so tight as though ..... you are about to lose me. You can relax Demetrious. I am not going anywhere."

Demetrious remained silent and kissed Aretha on the side of her forehead and he whispered "Your hair is so soft like velvet."

Aretha laughed "Are you flirting? You dont have to. Just say it. Just tell me you want to make out and I would be happy to comply. More than happy." She then turned around as she was still in Demetrious's embrace and wrapped her arms around his neck. She bit her lip and leaned close and whispered "Why are you trembling Demetrrious. Just relax. Why can't you be at ease. Just let it go." She then leaned closer and brushed her lips against his. But as Demetrious didnt respond. Aretha gave out a frustrated sigh "What is the matter Demetrious? Ever since you have stepped foot in this castle, you are acting strangely. Why are you avoiding my kisses?"

Demetrious stuttered "I dont deserve you. I really dont. I feel like I am taking advantage here. We both have been apart for so long. We miss each other. Its natural for us to crave each other's touch. I believe, I should earn your touch."

Aretha shook her head "You already have earned my touch. You are the sweetest, most gentle, most beautiful and the bravest man I know and I want to kiss you now. Nothing you say would stop me. So be ready sweetheart." She then leaned close and touched her lips against his.

Demetrious closed his eyes and moved his lips against hers. His touch was gentle and he wanted their moment to remain this way but Aretha had other ideas. She deepened the kiss and Demetrious had to take a step backwards to balance himself and tripped over a chair.

Aretha laughed as they were broken apart "You are so sweet Demetrious." She then walked to the bed and laid down. She spoke "Come hold me. We only have a few hours before your brother would attack. We must make the most of it. You heard Archelous. He said we have a few hours to rest before the deadline your brother has issued. Dante is a lunatic. He actually thinks we would hand you over. He has nerve sending a messenger sphere to Archelous asking for your surrounder. What is it with him.I cant believe he has threatened to get Octavian to flatten the entire region if you dont surrender. But he is attacking this castle and this region anyways. Whats the difference if you go to him or not?"

Demetrious was standing next to the bed looking at Aretha lovingly but with concern " It would make a difference. I wish for Archelous to hand me over ....."

Aretha spoke "Dont you dare say it. I am not letting you leave my side again. Ever. You just get hurt at his hands again if you go to him. Whats the point?"

Demetrious walked to the bed and laid down next to Aretha facing her. He took her hand in his and spoke "The point would be that if I am there by my brother's side, then he would leave you alone. I have endangered you by coming to you. But part of me couldnt stand being away from you any longer. I had to see you. I had to look into your beautiful eyes again. Thats why I feel that I dont really deserve you. I am your blood match. I am supposed to protect you. I am not supposed to hurt you or endanger you....."

Aretha sighed "And you haven't. Stop being so hard on yourself. When are you going to accept that what your brother does is not your fault. Neither it is your responsibility if he decides to destroy a life. Your brother is evil but you are good. You cant beat yourself up for something you cant change. And please Demetrious ....... stop feeling guilty for loving me and feeling joyful at seeing me. I can feel it. I can feel your love. I can feel how much you want to hold me and kiss me but you are holding back for some reason. You are allowed to love. You are allowed to kiss me even if your brother's shadow scares you from getting close to me." She then leaned closer and kissed Demetrious on the lips and was about to pull away as she felt he might not respond again but Demetrious kissed her back and he was the one deepending the kiss this time.

But it was Demetrious broke apart again and that made Aretha frustrated. She spoke firmly "Again, you pulled away. Listen here Demetrious. You are allowed to enjoy your life even if your brother is dead set on making you feel miserable by issuing threats and ultimatums. I know he keeps threatening you that he would hurt me if you defy him. But have you ever thought about how much it hurts me whenever I can sense he has hurt you? You have no idea. Do you? It kills me to feel you are in pain and knowing you are so far away from me. I am a healer. I go around saving lives and taking away people's pain and suffering. But the man I love, I dont even get to see or touch to take his pain away. Why do you keep pulling away from me?"

Demetrious looked away "I am afraid for tomorrow. We are at war with my brother in a few hours and no one knows what will happen. I dont want you here in this castle fighting."

Aretha spoke "I dont want to be in this fight either. I dont like war. But its the only way. We have to stop anyone from your brothers army getting into this castle at all costs."

Demetrious spoke while looking away "But this is not your fight. Why should you have to fight alongside that elemental, Archelous and his sister. I want you somewhere safe. Why should you endanger yourself in this Ronas war. This is about which Ronas can come on top to hold this castle. Thats what it is. Its Octavian and Dante versus Archelous, Azalea and I. I dont undertand why Athena, you and Arethusa should get involved. You can run away and hide."

Aretha stated "Firstly, Athena and I gave our word to Archelous that we owe him one for resucing you and this is our way of showing our gratititude fighting to defend his castle. Secondly, I am not leaving you Demetrious. Where you go I come with you from now on. I am tired of being away from you. We fight together. If you have chosen to fight your brother then I stand by you. Why cant you understand that? But this is all about his threats. Isnt it? You are afraid he would hurt me."

Demetrious looked at Aretha and spoke in a desparate tone "Damn right, I am afraid of what he would do if he catches you. Please leave while you still have time. My brother is ruthless. He would hurt you if he gets his hands on you."

Aretha raised an eyebrow "Exactly. Thats if he catches me. I am not as weak as you think. I wont let him catch me."

Demetrious spoke "What if he does?"

Aretha shrugged "What if he does? No one knows what your brother will do next. Your brother is a deadly enemy and he may hurt me or anyone fighting in this castle for resisting him. Maybe thats why Archelous gave time to everyone to rest and do what they want for a few hours. Maybe we should do what we want and enjoy the moments before your brother arrives to unleash his wrath on us. But I think it would be Vasile who would beat him to it. I can feel his waves of rage. Cant you? I can feel him close. He is back somewhere in Transylvania and his rage is going to burn us all. I cant believe we asked him to jump out of the window into that fire ball. He is good at flying though. I dont know where he lead the thing towards."

Suddenly the ground beneath the castle shook. Vasile's voice boomed from outside the castle "Open this damn portal Archelous. I am coming in and kicking your backside for making me jump in that fire ball. I had to drag the damn thing to the Atlantic Ocean to bury it in one of those dead volcanoes on the Ocean's floor. Do you have any idea how much that hurt."

Demetreious raised an eyebrow "Woah. He woke up the whole castle."

It was Azalea's voice now heard as it sounded like she opened her window "You call yourself an elemental? Man up. I am letting you in now And dont you dare make a mess of the living room once i open this portal."

As Vasile's presence was felt inside the castle. Aretha chuckled "I can feel him close to Archelous. He has gone to his room. I would love to see Archelous's face as Vasile wakes him up with his rant."

Demetrious reached his hand and stroked Aretha's cheek "I love it when I see you smile. You know what? Vasile can take out his anger out all he wants and not let us get any sleep. He has done so much for us. You know, getting rid of that fireball isnt all he has done. He has done much more."

Aretha spoke "What do you mean?"

It was Demetrious's turn to smile "You know how you told me only Dante is powerful enough to resurrect Missisipi to make your vision come true. You know that vision about us getting married next to Missisipi in the near future. It turns out you were wrong. My brother is not the only one capable of doing that. Vasile resurrected Mississippi hours ago. Vasile is a very powerful elemental it seems."

Aretha gasped in disbelief "Impossible."

Demetrious spoke "He did it. Its getting close. Our wedding will happen one day, very soon. You say in your vision, we looked young as like how we are now so there cant be long left. We can be together. As I felt the river coming alive as I was fighting Dante's dragons in his castle, it brought so much hope to me. Being with you is my only reason to keep on fighting."

Aretha smiled "I love you."

Demetrious whispered "I love you too."

This time it was Demetrious who leaned closer to kiss his beloved, only to freeze "I can feel them. They are here already. But our time is not up. Its not even dawn yet." He got up and walked to the windows and Aretha followed.

Aretha gasped "Dante is with them too. I didnt think he would bother show up. Not unless he felt Athena surfacing from her hide out." Her eyes widened "He knows.... He knows Athena is here. I thought the concealing enchantments of this castle would protect us. Are they going to attack now? We are not ready."

Demetrious embraced Aretha "Its alright sweetheart. They wont attack now. The army is here to build a base close to the castle. Look at the Architects already busy building the camp."

Aretha spoke with wide eyes "How long is this war going to take? How long is Dante planning to stay here?"

Demetrious whispered "Until he takes over Europe and takes over this castle."

Aretha swallowed hard "We should tell Athena."

Demetrious pointed at the balcony of the tower next to them "She knows. She is already out there and by the looks of it she is deeply communicating with Dante."

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