169. Young Dystopian Lives

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Arethusa was just coming back to the castle after the usual dinner time gathering at the palace. She wanted to stay there afterwards to comfort Aretha but it was not possible since Lady Leona was the one controlling what Aretha could do during her house arrest and Aretha was supposed to see Athena and then was meant to rest.

Arethusa was frustrated. " Why did everything had to go so wrong? And why everybody's control of their lives was down to Dante, his rules, his enforcers? She didn't enjoy life at all." She thought to herself.

As she was walking in the castles gardens, she got to the red lake. She decided to take her anger out at the lake. She threw a force sphere at the lake making large waves. She then started playing with the waves making shapes. But then she sensed the danger. There were creatures in that lake. They were angry to be disturbed. She was frozen in place as she sensed the Ronas era creatures that only the Ronas could control. They were coming to the surface as fire rings and ice caps took over the lake. They were in war mode. She put up her shield ready to defend herself. As she braced herself for an attack, suddenly all went peaceful just as she felt him standing behind her. Octavian had made everything go back to normal with one spell. She envied him so much for being so powerful.

Arethusa was afraid to turn around. She could feel Octavian was not happy at all with her actions. She heard his dispeased voice "Arethusa ....... Do you have any idea what would have happened if I hadn't arrived on time? How many times have I told you not to mess around with anything at this castle?"

Arethusa cleared her throat and spoke quickly without turning around " You told me a few times. I am sorry. But thank you Octavian. I was on my way to my room but I got into trouble. This place is not safe at all. I should go to my room now."

As she tried to take a step away she bumped into his rock hard chest. She slowly looked up and saw him frowning with narrowed eyes. He shook his head " Can you also explain to me where are the enforcers I assigned you to watch over you tonight?"

Arethusa bit her lip and murmured "I got rid of them. I knocked them out as I left the palace. I endured them following me all day. But come on. I dont really need someone watching em when I want to come back to this castle. Its not like I can go anywhere without you finding out. I just wanted to walk in the gardens without them breathing down my neck. I dont like being watched. I am really sorry"She then gave him the most sincerest smile she could manage.

Octavian raised an eyebrow " You don't like being watched. Is that the best excuse you can come up with? If you dont want to be watched then act like a loyal blood match and I would speak to master to let you walk around without surveillance. I don't think that's going to happen any time soon since I just walked out of an important meeting with master to come save you. Master was amused how you attacked his red lake but not pleased. So you just most likely bought yourself more weeks of survailance since you just proved you are not used to life in a Ronas land. Learn our ways and then there will be no enforcers watching."

Arethusa sighed " But ...."

Octavian spoke " No buts. Now I am going to drop you off in your room. I would post some Enforcers outside. Wait for me. We may have some time to ourselves tonight." He then winked.

Arerhusa cringed " Thats too soon. Remember Athenas warnings. I am too young for anything you have in mind. I am seventeen. You are eighteen."

Octavian spoke " And what do I exactly have in mind?"

Arethusa spoke " Nothing good."

Octavian spoke " I was thinking of taking you out to the Noble night club for a few drinks. I heard every one of the junior commanders that you socialise with are there tonight too since its special fireworks night. But if you think that's not good, fine then. I am going to drop you off in your room, get some enforcers to guard your door and would bid you good night." He then teleported them to Arethusa's room.

Arethusa was frustrated. She loved going to night clubs but of course she couldn't go without Octavian or his consent at least. He was supervising her most the time since she was supposed to be on a conversion program. He basically planned her days for her and assigned enforcers to watch her."

Arethusa spoke " Can we go to the noble night club please? Maybe your mind is not such a bad place then. I take my words back. Just take me out tonight. I am getting bored."

As Octavian dropped her on her bed and towered over her, he spoke " I think come to think of it, since you attacked the enforcers watching you and then caused disturbance at the castles gardens, you should be sanctioned. So no outings till further notice."

Then as Octavian turned to leave, Arethusa got up on the bed and jumped on Octavian tackling him to the ground.

Octavian rolled around and looked at Arethusa in astonishment who was on top of him looking at him with a cheeky smile " Please let me go out."

Octavian spoke " Arethusa.... You do know what this means. Dont you?" He then swiftly changed their positions and got on top of Arethusa  "You initiated this so you cant complain to Athena that I am rushing you into this relationship." He then attached his lips to hers.

Arethusa didnt mind his touch this time. He was gentler now. Ever since Athena had a word with him, he was nicer to her. It was most of the time anyways. But sometimes when he went to visit his parents at the central territory and came back he was most intimidating and harder to put up with. His father especially was one that really got to him during his visits.

Alpha Augustus wanted his son to live with him at Midnight Warrior Pack which was ever expanding now because he was allowed to build on the surface of the mountanous areas he ruled in central territory as well as using his udnerground bases. he wanted Octavian the most now to rule with him but since he was a Ronas, his calling was greater. Octavian had tried so hard to make life easier for his father. He had helped convince Dante that his father could keep his laws and only adapt some of his rules to Ronas ones. His state was an independent one and he only had to report to Dante once a year but of course Alpha Augustus wasnt even happy with this. He wanted his son by his side. Not more land or more freedom to choose his rules.

When Arethusa couldnt take any more, he pulled away breathing heavily "Dont talk about Athena like that. She wouldnt have said anything if you weren't in such a rush when I gave myself up from my hiding place in Bran Castle. You were acting crazy."

Octavian spoke "Well, it was because I was crazy. You drove me crazy with running away from me. I love you so much Arethusa. I just wish you werent so adamant in breaking the rules."

Arethusa whispered " Now. Tell me. Would you let me go out? How about we forget about my actions."

Octavian looked serious "No. It's not going to work that way. Actions have consequences."

When Arethusa looked saddened he laughed shaking his head " Only kidding. No sanctions this time. When I get back we go to that night club together. I have to go back to my meeting now. " As he tried to get up, Arethusa wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She whispered "Can I go now? Then, after your meeting come join me. You are a knight. Even higher ranked than a commander. Your meetings always exceed hours and hours. I dont wnat to wait that long."

Octavian looked thoughtful and then he spoke with threat in his voice "Fine. If I send some enforcers with you, don't knock them out or lose them. If you do. I would make sure you dont leave this room for a week. Agreed?

Arethusa nodded "I promise. I am desperate to get out. You have been very busy recently to take me out."

Octavian shrugged "Its your own doing. You act defiant. You spend more time alone. Its straight forward." He then got up and offered his hand to Arethusa for her to take and pulled her on her feet.  He then summoned about ten enforcers in the room. He addressed them in a rough voice "You will accompany Arethusa to the Noble Night Club. You wont leave her out of your sight." He then turned to Arethusa "Dont disappointment me."

Arethusa sounded surprised "These guys are not the enforcers who watched me."

Octavian spoke "Those incompetent enforcers will be spending some time at the army's discipline camp. You wont see them for a while."

Arethusa argued "But its my fault. Dont ..."

Octavian spoke "This converstion is over. I have to go back to my meeting. I am late already. I see you later." He then leaned over to a saddened Arethusa and kissed her gently on the lips and he disappeared.

Arethusa sighed in defeat. She should have known Octavian was going to make those enforcers pay. She sadly nodded to the enforcers and walked out of her room all the way to the exit. As they left the Castle's property, they teleported away.

Arethusa stood in front of the Noble Night Club looking at the surroundings. She turned to the enforcers "I like to walk aound this street before we go in. Walk with me please."

Arethusa loved walking at night time in Arkansas but she couldnt help feel abit depressed too. It was beautiful but it was not inclusive for all. It was party time but not for everyone. It was time to party for those who were allowed to party which included noble and middle classes of warlocks and witches of course. The less powerful lower classes and weaker beings such as humans were the ones working nervously at the bars, game arenas, restaurants and the newly opened night clubs hoping their bosses weren't going to be displeased with them and they could go through another day without painful consequences. Punishment of failure was not as harsh as it used to be but it was still harsh.

The noble night club was one of those newly opened night clubs where plenty of lower classes and humans were serving customers alcohol and refreshments to noble classes and upper middle classes. It was located not so far away from the Ronas palace and Castle of Spears. The luxurious club was dedicated to serving noble Arkansans, commanders, Ronas army personnel, enforcers and their families exclusively. That club was spacious and well designed by palace designers and architects. The multiple storey building was called Noble Night Club. A regular meeting spot at night time especially for the commanders ever since changes had been implemented including the night time curfew time being lifted so parties could go on from sun down till sunset.

Eversince its opening night commanders were the regulars at the club. They even had their own special spot at the best view tables. Arethusa had managed to meet some commanders that she actually liked to socialise with in Octavians presence at least.

After Arethusa finished her walk around the club's streets, she went inside with the enforcers watching her. She took her usual seat at one of the tables reserved for Knights of Ronas army and their partners with the best view at the balcony of the night club with the place in good view. She smiled as she saw her favourite commanders entering the room, Zachary and Serena.

Arethusa then looked at the rageful looking Diodora looking at the pair with fury beyond imagination. She tried to keep herself from laughing out loud and keep a straight face as Diodora walked to her table and sat down. She was fuming "Do you see them. Do you see how she dares? Its all Octavian's fault. You have to convince himt to call off his protection."

Arethusa started coughing to mask her laughter and then she spoke "Commander Zachary works under Octavians division. Octavian' word is final if he wishes to protect those in his team. If you attack Zachary, Octavian will challenge you to a duel since he warned you clearly that confronting Zachary is a direct hit on him. I know you want to attack Serena but Zachary would jump to her rescue so you have to stand aside I am afraid."

Diodora was shaking her head "Why? Why does Octavian insist on ruining my relationship with Zachary? Why is he defending and protecting Zachary's relationship with Serena?"

Arethusa stated "Because .... I asked him to. They look great together. Dont you think? Don't worry Diodora. You will find your blood match soon."

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