171. Young Dystopian Troubles (Part 1)

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There was a table at the Newly opened luxurious Night club at the centre of capital of Arkansas that radiated the most rays of power and intimidation. That was the table were Octavian was sitting next to Arethusa. No one dared get close. Some nights Arethusa invited people to sit at her table with Octavian but on this night he seemed to be in a bad mood. Arethusa didn't want to get anyone into trouble with her over possessive blood match so she put up with being alone with him at their table. She knew when he was this upset it was to do with his father. Augustus had so much influence on Octavian and anything he said really got to him.

Arethusa cleared her throat " So... Do you want to talk about it? What is the matter with your grumpiness?"

Octavian took a sip from his whiskey and gave Arethusa a questioning look. He then put down his whiskey bottle on the side table Andover abit closer to Arethusa on the couch where they were sitting. He gave her a suspicious look " Why are you asking how I feel? You must want a favour. Otherwise you won't be this nice to me. Do you want to spend time with your buddy Serena tonight? That's not an option. I just want you all to myself tonight."

Arethusa shook her head " No. I didn't want anything. I noticed you are restless. I just wanted to know what's up. Fine. Forget I said anything." She then picked up her cherry cocktail and took a sip from the glass. She made a face " Hm. I prefer Scandinavian cocktails. They taste better."

Octavian rolled his eyes " Stop it Arethusa. Don't guilt trip me into taking you to see your parents. You won't see them until the grand wedding day of our master."

Arethusa spoke " I am not trying to guilt trip you. You should feel guilty trying to stop me from seeing my parents after they got back together after the war when they surrendered. Even though I didn't want my mother to give up her fight and her army in Iceland, I am still happy she is with my father ruling our land. I wish Ronas laws weren't shoved downmy peoples throats in Scandinavia though."

Octavian spoke " You still can see Arthurious."

Arethusa laughed bitterly " In case you haven't noticed, I hate him. He is such a Ronas head right now."

Octavian got closer to Arethusa and wrapped his arms around her " Thats your problem not liking him but ..... did you just make fun of my family name and invented a word?"

Arethusa spoke " Yes I just did. Any one who becomes an unconditional follower of the Ronas laws. I call Ronas head."

Octavian spoke " I forbid you to say that word again. If our master hears you, then he may not like it and then he may take you away from me and ask someone else to supervise you until you change your loyalties."

Arethusa spoke " Get me to Scandinavia and I will so it."

Octavians expression hardened " No."

Arethusa spoke " why not?"

Octavian spoke " How many times do I have to explain why? Scandinavia is on the same continent as Transylvania. It's too dangerous to take you on a land so close to Bran Castle. It's too dangerous."

Arethusa spoke " What's the danger. The Arkansans have taken over the world."

Octavian spoke " Bran castle is special. It's a dangerous weapon and those who reside in there are even more dangerous. Donavan, Azalea, Archelous and Vasile. The prophecy mentions an army who is going to resist the Ronas from the northern land. I always thought that was Alaska but now come to think of it, it could be Transylvania too. It depends. Northern land could just be an ancient name for a region."

Arethusa spoke " What's the danger for me? They are friends. Not does of me? Are you worried they would kidnap me?"

Octavian spoke " Yes and they could hurt you."

Arethusa spoke " How do you know?"

Octavian spoke " Toberious told me."

Arethusa spoke " When? I thought he was still recovering from her mind duels with Tanzanite, your fathers wisdom sorcerer. That girl, Tamzanite has such an ego. I can't believe she challenged Tiberious to duels the first time she saw him. You should have never taken Tiberious there to your fathers land, midnight warrior pack. Was it?"

Octavian spoke " That was nothing. Tiberious heals fast. Tanzanite was on arch worse shape after the duel. But she also recovered."

Arethusa spoke " So tell me what Tiberiius exactly has said?"

Octavian spoke " Not much. He said, I make so many enemies and they cant hurt me but they can hurt the one I love....."

Arethusa spoke " I can take care of myself."

Octavian nodded " I know. You are Athena's distant cousin. You are strong but you are not a Ronas but ..... Archelous is, so is azalea. Those siblings are not pacifists like their father. Eric Ronas is even wary of his kids. The last time I went down to his cell to check on his injuries he told me to be wary of Archelous especially. Eric Ronas thinks Archelous is alot like his uncle Eros. He wants revenge. Tiberious also thinks the same. Archelous has access to all the enchantments in that castle. He is into dark enchantments too. Tiberius reckons Archelous is planning something big but Tiberious can't see it. Not yet any ways. I think from histogram side, Archelous has some seer blood so his actions are hard to read."

Arethusa spoke " But Archelous is only one man."

Octavian nodded " True. But he has Vasile following his every order. Vasile.'s blood radiated danger. Alot of danger. His family is a secretive one. No one knows the true extent of their powers. So don't blame me for keeping you right here for now."

arethusa sighed " I think you are over reacting but never mind. Tell me what's up? You look very deep in thought and grumpy."

Octavian looked away " It don't matter."

Arethusa spoke " It does to me."

Octavian spoke sounding annoyed " He wants me to go live with him in central territory near Oklahoma. He tells me I am turning my back to my heritage by living in Arkansas. I can't so that. I told him that and much more. We had an argument. Then he told me I am ..... like my mother. At that point my mother entered the room and they had a go at each other too. That's when I left. I think fighting goes on in my family. I wouldn't be surprised if they divorce again. My mother spends most her time coming over to catch up with lady Leona and senior enforcer Alsssia anyways. Edwin and Edward don't go home most nights from work or stay at the night clubs so they avoid my mother at their house with their mother Alessia and lady Leona. I quote Edwin " Lady Valentina sucks the life out of our house when she enters." He didn't say it to my face. I heard him. I beat him up for that a few days ago. I see he is out of the infirmary I see, back to his womanising ways. I see he is flirting with that lower class witch bartender too. I would love to catch him for showing empathy towards the weak especially humans."

Arethusa looked at Edwin laughing at the bar with a girl serving drinks " But its not a crime to talk to th weaker class and humans."

Octavian spoke " But its a crime to show them too much empathy and don't treat them as protocols instructs regarding treatment of the weak. If I catch him treating the girl well, he would be answering to master."

Arethusa turned to Octavian " Why do you hate Edwin so much?"

Octavian shrugged " No one likes him. He flirts his way into everything. Look at all the men in the room. All look at him with hate but women love him."

Arethusa looked at Edwin with curiousity. he was very handsome but not her type but he had a pull about him. She couldnt quite tell what was special about him nut there was something. As though Edwin noticed that he was being watched, he stopped talking to the girl and turned around. He gave Octavian a wave from far only for Octavian to throw at him a force sphere.

Edwin bent over holding his stomach where he was hit and held his breath until he was healed. He smiled to himself. At least he could get on Octavians nerve. He was a nightmare to work with as a knight. All commanders feared Octavian for his harsh methods of discipline. The only soft side he had, he reserved for Arethusa. He had hidden his true character from her too well by the looks of it. Only commanders knew Octavian's real warrior spirit he had shown on the battlefield. If it wasnt for Demetrious being around, Edwin knew serving as a commander under a knight like him and Diodora was going to be hell. Edwin cringed at the thought of Diodora who was giving her a strange look that day from her table sitting next to her cousin, demetrious. he didnt like that look. Now that Diodora was keeping away from Zachary to avoid a duel with Octavian and getting beaten to a pulp, she was surely looking for a new warlock to be with and Edwin was hoping he wasnt going to be the one she was going to pick.

Edwin turned around and tried to find a crowed to blend into and hide from Diodora's radar for a while. What was it with her? till then she was looking just at Zachary but now that she saw him with Serena, she was only looking at him with a passive expression.

As Edwin was looking for a place to get out of Diodoras line of vision he found himself face to face with his least favourite person after Octavian. Xanthos. He seemed to have blocked his path intentionally. He smirked "Hi Edwin. Where are you going? You are not going to the exit are you? I heard your mother has invited Lady Valentina over to your house so I doubt you will like to go back home too early to spend time with Octavian's mother?"

Edwin narrowed his eyes "What do you want?" Edwin then saw Xanthos's gang surrounding him in the middle of the dance floor. Rowlen, his sister Roxana. They looked like their cousin Dylan more and more every day. Then came Ludwige and Larrisa. Two siblings who were one of the many cousins to the Tracker Trio commanders, Tanya, Lucia and Flora. Bethany and Blake, Benjamins's siblings also joined the circle surrounding him.

Suddenly Zelina and Lorna alongside Xander came to the circle too. Xander may have been Xanthos's brother but lucky for him since he was adopted and living away from Arkansas most of his life, he was nothing like Xanthos. He just didnt understand why he dated Lorna, the ice queen who was commander Alexander's cousin.

Zelina was a class of her own. He was as popular as Zachary but he was a stone cold version of her brother. She walked to Xanthos and spoke "You are not going to start a duel are you? Edwin is Serena's cousin who happens to be under protection of Octavian alongside Zachary. You heard those threats Octavian issued to Diodora. You have to be nice to him." Zelina then turned to Edwin with a smile.

Xanthos spoke "I wont duel with him. But I am not afraid of Octavian. Your brother is a protector wizard. I dont udnerstand why Octavian has to step forward. But again Diodora is a palace member and Lady leona's niece."

Zachary and Serena also joined the circle. Zachary spoke "Did you mention my name Xanthos. I think i did."

Xanthos rolled his eyes "Yes I did mention your name. Got a problem with that? I havent see you down the club in a while. The gang misses you. Why dont you come to the game arena with us tomorrow?"

At this point Edwin tried to slip away. He didnt think anything good could come out of an encounter with Xanthos."

Xanthos noticed that "wait. Before you go. I want a favour Edwin."

Edwin sighed "What would that be I wonder?"

Xanthos shrugged "Nothing big except ...... can you take us to the classified area in your research division? Edward refused. I thought you maybe more of a risk taker and do it. Edward has become to conservative and cautious now that he has found his blood match Sabrina."

Edwin spoke " Edward must have said no for a reason. No one knows what risks there are. It's a bad idea."

Xanthos spoke " It would be at our own risk. We are immortals now anyways. Nothing can kill us. We may get hurt but won't die."

Edwin said " Dont be too sure. the answer is No." As he was about to teleport away he stopped in his tracks as he heard his cousin. Serena was on Xanthos's side to his surprise. She spoke " Please. Take us there."

Edwin coughed a few times " Why are you interested in the classified area?"

Serena shrugged " Sorry.... Tiberious told me I would find answers to some of my questions in your division. So I think Xanthos is right. They say master has locked up some enchantments in your classified area that no one can imagine. I really want to see it like everyone else."

Edwin could never say no to his cousin. He just couldn't. He sighed " Fine. But you must all sign a parchment that if anything happens to you, I am not responsible."

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