25. Painful Family Hours

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Edwin was writing up reports on the recent discoveries made about healing uses of Arkansan gemstones. It had taken him all day to get to near the end of this report which would have taken an average warlock days to write. He was aware of his masters stern approach to the record keeping qualities. Dante was known to be personally checking each and every record. Therefore, Edwin was sure he needed to spend at least the next day on just proof reading the files to ensure he won't ever be facing his masters fury.

He suddenly remembered the last time his master had asked him to report to him. He was so shaken from fear and was overwhelmed by the waves of power around him, he could not say any words. If he had not recovered on time, in the best possible scenario he would have been spending quality time in the dungeons for weeks. Edward had later on told him about Demetrious's sacrifice using that life saving spell. He felt so much gratitude and respect to the brave Ronas. He still had not found the courage to ask what had happened when Demetrious was kept behind that day. He was alive but surely he had faced his brothers fury in some way. He had shown empathy and interrupted Dante. No one was immune if they committed such crimes in presence of their master. Edwin had to talk to Demetrious. He felt he needed to tell him how grateful he was at some point. Now was a good time. Since his master wasn't anywhere near to find out about the discussions going on between his commanders about empathy.

Edwin thought about how he hadn't seen Demetrious all day. He tried to sense his powers in the building. It was unlikely to be able to find him at this hour, after all it was almost home time. He suddenly felt the presence of Demetrious's powers on the top floor of one of the Private Repository buildings. Demetrious seemed to be most likely inside one of the Royal Sealed Storage Chambers. Edwin had been to that section before only when trying to update the records on the enforcers working in his division. That section contained all data collected on all Arkansan citizens as well as their work history and reports. The enforcers who updated the files relating to their own divisions feared the temptation of looking into the files relating to their own or their family members. own files. Every tiny detail was recorded and some content may have even contained inappropriate intimate details. There was another reason that people with access to this section would resist looking into the files. Indeed the crime of leaking secrets from this section was too heavy that people preferred to keep away from reading the files to avoid any possible prosecution as prime suspects if there was ever a leak of information.No one wanted to be charged with treason.

Edwin closed his eyes and teleported to the dreaded section. As his foot touched the ground. He was tackled and pinned to the floor with an unseen force. He was too stunned at the force. He could not even move a muscle. "Oh I am so sorry Edwin." And as he heard Demetrious's voice, the unseen force was lifted and he started breathing heavily from the side effects of being assaulted. He felt too dizzy to stand up. He managed to shakily sit and look up. Demetrious was sitting on the floor and had about a dozen files scattered around him. The Ronas spoke to him in an apologetic tone "I am so sorry Edwin. I though you were an assassin. Normally, enforcers go home around this time. I didn't expect to see you? Are you all right Edwin. You look dazed." Edwin was feeling light headed and weak. The last thing he remembered was Demetrious getting up and everything disappeared.

When Edwin opened his eyes he found himself laying on a soft comfortable bed. The room was huge with beautiful chandeliers and white furniture. He saw the black and red wall papers and he then realiaed he must be somewhere in the Ronas properties and the enlarged family portraits of the House of Ronas over the generations made him alarmed. "This cant be. Am I in Demetrious's chambers?" He suddenly stood up and went to open the door. He had to make his way to the mansion soon or his mother would be furious.

To his relief, the door opened and Demetrious entered with a bowl holding a green substance. It smelled like a remedy. "Oh you are up. I have brought you something to help you get your energy back before teleporting to your residence. That is unless you don't mind staying here. I have multiple bedrooms attached to my bedroom. No one would disturb you. I promise." He put the bowl on the table and looked at Edwin demanding an answer.

When Edwin did not respond, Demetrious continued "I am so sorry if I attacked you with such force. You can blame my overreaction to my training with Tanya's trackers. What I used on you was my reaction for acquiring captives."

Edwin was not sure if it was his place to Respond. They were in the palace now . Not at work. For some reason, being brought to this room reminded Edwin of who he really was speaking to. Demetrious was approachable but he was still a Ronas who's powers had just matured. They were not children any more. This powerful man in front of him shared the same blood as his master and surely could be as ruthless. He recalled how Dante had become more and more brutal and stern as he had grown past maturity. What if he gave him a reply that he would not like to hear. Would he unleash his dark side on this day? What did Demetrious really expect him to say? So he decided to look down and spoke; "I will do as you ask. Command me Demetrious with your choice."

"Edwin are you alright. You must have hit your head. Why do you address me so formally now. I will get you to Alexander. We still have an hour until martial law time."

At the mention of Alexander's name, Edwin paled. What if he wanted to get him arrested and get him sent to dungeons. What had he done to offend him. Of course Demetrious must have been mad at him for being disturbed. But was that reason enough to take him to Alexander. "Demetrious please have mercy. There is no need to report me to Alexander for disturbing you. I will do anything but I beg you not to charge me officially. My mother would kill me."

Demetrious was shocked. His mouth was open wide looking at Edwin.

Edwin was now thinking desperately about what he had done to deserve a meeting with Alexander "Please Demetrious, I promise to know my place from now on. Maybe I have been too ......."

Demetrious found his voice to interrupt him "what? No. What are you talking about? Do you really think I would use my position as a Ronas heir to get you arrested just because you talk to me or dare disturb me when at work? I suggested to take you to Alexander to get you some more medical treatment. I apologise again for attacking you. It was an accident. As for staying here, If you feel well enough to teleport to the division or your mansion, I wont stop you. But at least have some of this remedy. It would give you your energy back and you won't collapse while you are on your way." Demetrious sighed and sat on his bed and while leaning on the wall, he started playing with his golden spheres, throwing them about the room.

Edwin couldn't believe that Demetrious was serious. He would just let him go even though he had disturbed and startled him while he was most likely doing some duty. So he though the least he could do was to sit on the sofa and have the remedy before taking his leave.

Demetrious was now looking at Edwin reluctantly taking sips of the green liquid. He was not pleased at all that his former close friend had suddenly become so fearful of him. He had Dante for his terrorising approach to his commanders to thank for this. Hadn't Edwin seen enough at the academy to be certain that Demetrious was never going to turn out like Dante? When had he forgotten?

When he had joined Phoenix academy he had come across Edwin as the kid with a difficult home life who's mother was Leona's best friend. At the time Demetrious had joined the academy, Edwin was ound to be one of the very few nobles who could endure Demetrious's spells without getting injured too badly in fighting lessons unlike most of his other practice partners. They had immediately formed a friendship and always practiced spells, studied and had lunch together at the academy.

Now, Demetrious realised he had never tried that much to get to know Edwin personally. He never asked Edwin about his background. All he knew about Edwin's life was from the rumours going around the academy. He just knew that Edwin's father had left and in terms of brutality, Edwin's mother Alessia was only second to Leona amongst the Arkansan females. This was enough information to make him protective of Edwin. Now, He was more curious to try to understand his friend and colleague better. So he though he should give it a shot. He spoke as gently as possible ; "Edwin, there are things I am curious about in your past. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. But tell me what is your home life really like? You are fine on the outside going out dating girls. But deep down I know this is an attempt for you to settle down with a girl and leave your mothers mansion. So tell me what happened between your mother and your father?

Edwin suddenly froze and slowly put down the bowl "Demetrious I,......., I don't know if this is the right time. I have to go. Thanks for the remedy. I have to make my way to Edward to help him finish up and then to go back to our mansion. There is little time till curfew. Please understand. We as commanders are not immune. If we are found anywhere other than our home or work place after curfew, we would be interrogated and charged. I would be punished Demetrious if I am found here."

Demetrious sighed "Very well Edwin. Take your leave if you wish. But you must trust me more in future. For the records, I would have contacted Alexander personally to get you a one way night pass to get home. Farewell for now."

As he said the words, Edwin left within seconds as though waiting for dismissal.

Demetrious felt alone more than ever. No one was ever going to look at him the same way once Dante was finished with his quest. In fact he was sure it wouldn't be long before people had to kneel to him too the same manner as they did to Dante. After all Dante had plans for him.

Edwin had no idea how much Demetrious was willing to sacrifice for those who were suffering around him. Only if he had a glimpse of the turmoil in his his heart maybe he could also trust Demetrious to confide to him about the traumatic experiences that him and Edward had to go through alone.

As Edwin teleported to his brothers empty office he thought back to Demetrious's words about his reasons for dating so many girls on weekly basis. He was probably right.

Their family's past was so dark that it had led them to drowning themselves in their work focused life. Edwin had become immersed in his career as well as becoming known as the womaniser amongst the commanders. His workaholic brother was so obsessed with his work that he had ordered for a kitchen and a bedroom to be built within his office. Indeed most nights Edward never went home and missed spending supper time with his mother and Edwin. But Edwin never blamed him for sleeping at work. Who would? After all their mother was a heartless witch full of hate who even showed no mercy to her own husband and the father of her children.

Edwin could still remember the helplessness and pained emotions that he felt when his mother brutally used to beat up his father. his father was a middle class warlock and in terms of power was no match to Alessia. They were madly in love until shortly after Edwin was born. Their mother had become bitter because master Eros had not promoted her from a senior enforcer to the commander position as she anticipated. It was revealed that Leona had convinced Eros that the role was risky and she didn't want to lose her close family friend. Even though Alessia had remained on good terms with Leona, she still was hurt. in fact started to take out her anger on her husband. Edwin's last memory of his father was when he had to bid farewell to him at the age of 5. Alessia had forced their father to agree to a divorce and leave to live in outskirts of Arkansas. But that was not all. She also had used her noble position to get full custody as well as the right to seek the execution sentence for her husband if he ever came close to their sons. The only way to revoke this was for her to annul the conditions on her divorce personally which she was never going to do. Their mother had also given her sons the ultimatum that if they even mentioned their fathers name, they would watch him die. This was a horrific threat that had traumatised Edwin and Edward as children.

"Edwin, what are you doing here. You know well mother gets angry when she gets home from her law enforcer duties and finds the house empty. One of us has to be there when she is preparing supper. Quick, get home. I have work to attend to. Master may have left Arkansas hours ago but he still is going to get back one day and check the files. So if you value our lives , get back home now to keep mother company. I think I won't come home tonight." Edward spoke quickly as he arrived back to his office from the research division. He looked pale and overworked and was carrying a big pile of parchments in his hands.

"Brother, I think you should come home with me tonight. You look unwell and need some rest." Edwin spoke softly

"Not now brother. No time for rest. I have already obtained some remedies from Alexander. I will be fine. I have to complete all records that I can. There is no telling when I will be called to the front line to switch roles. Edwin, please go home. If you are late again and I am also missing, then there will be a repeat of last time. Without a doubt, Mother would complain to Lady Leona again about how selfish we are and that way, the Ronas Palace Guards would come escort us to supper at our mansion. You must recall how that lasted for a month before she expressed her satisfaction. So go now before its too late."

Edwin felt defeated now "Fine. See you in the morning. Good night. Don't work too much." As he teleported home, he wished he could find some excuse to skip dinner tonight. With other parents, pretending to be sick worked but Alessia was a skilled enforcer who had experience in every field. Especially she had years of assisting the training of the interrogators at the dungeons. She was in fact Nathan and Benjamin's mentor before they qualified to become dungeon enforcers and eventually commanders.

As Edwin arrived, he released a sigh of relief. His mother had not arrived back home yet. Maybe he could start making supper and shorten the time he had to spend with her. He summoned some ingredients for making his special enchanted soup that had cooling effects for starter. For the main course he thought of making the bear meat stew that he hated but his mother loved. Those bears were killed in lands in outskirts of Arkansas. He somehow thought of these bears as a reminder of his father's location. As he started setting up the table and utensils in the dining room, he heard his mother making her entrance. He just remembered he had not prepaed desert. Oh well his mother might choose to make a lengthy recipe just to Spend quality family time as she called it. He called it torture time.

This time Alessia sounded like she was not alone. This was never a good sign His mothers colleagues were mainly enforcers who captured freedom fighters or those who interrogated captives in the dungeons. Edwin despised the company of both. There were familiar waves of power that he felt coming his way now towards the kitchen and dining room. Just his luck, his mothers loyal colleague Marcus, Dylan's father had to be coming over tonight. "Thanks Edward for abandoning me." Edwin thought

As Alessia entered the dining room with Marcus walking behind her she smiled at her son; "Edwin, you are home on time. That's new. It seems like you are getting a hang of your duties now." Edwin sighed. She was in a good mood which probably meant she was most likely coming from execution of the condemned weaker class. She loved her target practice training of new recruits as her hobby rather than job. She made the death of victims rather painful and long. No enforcer like her could inflict pain with such skill using a combination of spells she had mastered over her long and successful career as a senior enforcer. She lead a special operation group that did top secret and classified missions for Xavier and Sean. In her spare time she worked with Dylan and Marcus to intercept and arrest outlaws. It was not really her duty. But she loved volunteer work for the Ronas even more than her occasional attendence of dinner time feasts hosted by Leona at the Ronas residence. But Edwin preferred her to go to the palace more often since it meant less time spent with him and Edward.

Alessia was now inspecting the dishes set on the dinner table. "Very good Edwin. Now you apologise to Marcus for not greeting him. You maybe too busy at your new appointed post and may getaway for being late but there is no excuse for rudeness Edwin."

His mother was indeed much kinder now since he had been given a commander role. When he was younger there were always horrific consequences if he was breaking rules especially when it came to punctuality and respecting her. He remembered when he used to come home late from time spent with his friends at Phoenix Academy, his mother used to interrogate him without mercy. Asking him where he had been, with who and who was responsible for making him late. If he answered politely with respect and remorse, she would just ground him otherwise, she normally brought his friends' families to the mansion and tormented them right in front of him for making him late.

Alessia was a fierce senior enforcer. Everyone of Edwin's friends feared her and many people that he knew had suffered at her hands at some point. But fortunately their mother hated the sight of the lower class citizens so much she only allowed night time shifts for servants to get on with cleaning, maintanance and gardening at the mansion. Basically the servants stayed in their damp rooms in the basement during day time and when all the members of the houshold were sleeping they were allowed to come to surface to do their daily duties. Therefore, it saved them alot of pain and torment. Still Alessia summoned them from time to time to get them to do some extra chores cleaning the bedrooms or hurt them if she was ever displeased with their work. But the pain and suffering she unleashed outside the mansion was beyond the imagination of the servants. Allessia's tormenting hand was more active at her work environment. The young recruits and trainees were fearful of mentioning her name. Allessia and Tanya were indeed the most notorious trainers in the whole army. Edwin really felt sympathy for his mothers victims at her workplace, since he knew Alessia always showed him and Edward consideration and held back immensely. She never harmed her sons since she was a close follower of the Ronas protocols. No blood relative of a noble should be harmed by them personally unless as last resort for punishment.

Alessia's violent and cruel nature could be partly the reason him and Edward were now quite reluctant to use too much violence even though they were Ronas commanders. It was the major reason that had made both of them attracted to a more knowledge based role rather than an action based one.

Edwin tried to speak in his most remorseful tone "I apologise to you for not addressing you as you entered. I was quite stunned to see a guest tonight. Please forgive my rudeness Marcus"

Marcus talked dismissively "Do not worry yourself boy. I know what goes on in your mind these days. Oh Alessia all your son thinks about is which girl to ask on a date. I have seen him embracing and sharing kisses with almost every eligible noble girl in this district. I think he is running out of the female population that deserve being in the presence of such noble bloodline. Alessia you should be proud of your son. He surely is waiting for you to approve of a descent bloodline before he gets into a serious relationship. Good for you boy. Enjoy the playful flirting as long as you can. But don't worry your mother would find the right one for you to settle down with. No rush. After all you are only 18." Marcus suddenly sat down at the table and started helping himself to some wine.

Alessia suddenly was standing inches from Edwin and spoke in her serious tone ; "of course my son knows his heritage and would never associate with anyone other than a descent noble girl with full history" she then grabbed his shoulders and spoke in a promising tone "If you ever look at any girl below your class as anything more than just a temporary entertainment I would pay them a visit. By the time I would finish with them, they may be so afraid that they may not even remember how to speak or walk or even who knows they won't even be able to breathe. But I know you would never disappoint me my son." And she planted a kiss on his forehead.

Edwin cringed and thought about pulling away but his mother could start a fierce argument that never ended well whenever if she sensed the slightest resistance in her sons towards her in any way. Marcus to Edwin's surprise came to his rescue "Alessia, supper is getting cold. Besides, I think you have nothing to worry about. Your son is the talk of enforcers these days. He only dates the highest of the highest classes of nobles. Apparently since he was recruited as a commander he is even breaking the girls hearts at even a faster pace. Me and the other enforcers have seen him in the Unicorn leisure club many times. Not once have I seen him with the same noble girl twice in recent months. He is a heart breaker. But he only associates himself with the ones deserving of his precious time."

Alessia's eyes sparkled with joy. "Of course, he is my son. Expect no less from him. But my concern is not him, it's for the seductive girls these days who would do anything to seduce highly ranked members of the Ronas offensive force." She sighed and stepped away "you are right as always though. My bloodline is not corrupt able. I shouldn't doubt my own blood. Mm, food smells great. Lets eat Edwin."

As he sat down he felt he had lost his appetite completely. But he wouldn't dare tell his mother that. So he forced himself to reluctantly take little sips if the soup.

Alessia spoke again almost as though she was sad "where is Edward? You can't tell me he is still working overnight. I am tired of his excuses. Why does he want to break his mothers heart like this. Is it a lot to expect for my two sons to spend time with me."

Marcus frowned "Don't upset yourself Alessia. Your two sons are loyal commanders of our master. You have done your duty well to your bloodline. Right now we are at war, so Edward must be working hard to serve our master. You should be proud of both of them. Once our master returns victorious surely things would go back to normal and both your sons would be in your presence as long as you wish at supper time. I miss seeing Dylan too but I know how he is now a high commander with great responsibilities. I am proud of him and that is enough for me to know I have done my duty to raise a powerful son loyal to our values."

Alessia now had tears in her eyes " thank you Marcus. You are right. My sons have duties to serve our master so I can't complain. But I love them so much. They are my sons. You may have a point. we are at war now. Maybe once this war is over, they could even come to the gatherings at the palace more often and meet girls deserving of their blood. surely the time for seeing my grand children would come soon. Oh Edwin i cant wait for that day. I am so blessed." And she carried on having her supper and talking with enthusiasm with Marcus. Edwin owed Marcus big time. The man was a monster but at least he kept his mother occupied and kept her in a good mood.

But Edwin suddenly started feeling depressed. He remembered how his father never was shown love and affection as far back as Edwin could remember. He only recalled his parents arguments which resulted in the same outcome every time for his father. He was always tormented with different spells viciously until he lost consciousness or he was at the brink of death. His mother was a heartless and abusive parent who no one dared confront. Even now Edwin felt sick that he would never dare travel to see his father after all these years. If his mother found out, she would have indeed made him and Edward watch their father die.

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