48. Initiation Dance (Part 2)

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Zachary had found himself waiting for Zelina to get ready for the second time on the same day. He was walking impatiently back and forth in the living room of his brothers mansion and thinking hard about today's events. The interviews had finished 3 hours ago and all recruits were dismissed to go back to their residence and get changed for the Initiation Dance.

Suddenly Beatrix, their young governess came downstairs in an elegant dress. Zachary smiled " Uh you look stunning Beatrix. I can't believe my sister is still not ready. Xanthos would be here soon and I have to go pick up Bethany."

Beatrix smiled " Uh, she is coming in a few minutes. But before she comes down, are you going to tell me what the matter is? Why are you so thoughtful tonight. This is just a dance event. Nothing to be nervous about. What is really bothering you Zachary?"

Zachary looked away Beatrix could read him really well. Ironically she was like a kind older sister he never had. Even she understood things about him that his own brother Sean didn't. Zachary contemplated whether to open up. Could he trust her?

Zachary gave in finally and looked up; " Uh, Beatrix. You know me well. There are many things running through my mind right now. Firstly, I can't believe I have asked Bethany to accompany Me. I had to do it because i had almost hugged a girl that she hates and i dint want her to target her. Her heart is out of stone. She hardly has any feelings at all. All she feels is hatred to the weak and love to the Ronas protocols and those who abide by it. I really hope she falls into someone elses arms tonight who at least shares her views on brutality. How am I supposed to entertain her for a whole evening. This is a terrible mess."

Beatrix sighed " Zachary don't worry yourself. Like I said this is only a dance. This is your first date with her. Just try hard to make conversation with her and then if you have no agreements surely she would read between the lines and back off a little bit too. Your first priority is pleasing the commander superiors at the event. Make sure you act professional and serious. Try to make Sean proud. You know how much you and Zelina's future mean to him. He wants the best for you. Dating and relationships happen by themselves. Leave al that to faith. But your career is in the hands of the commander superiors. Act the part and don't ever show weakness to secure good reports and high recommendations from them. Master would do his postponed interviews soon and you must perform like Edwin did. Master must appoint you as a junior commander at first glance. Edwin was on your year. You are even stronger than him. Show them you are worth recruiting Zachary."

Zachary nodded but he spoke with irritation in his voice. " Well if by all this, you mean that I should turn a blind eye to what goes on around me then I may disappoint you and Sean. There are things I find hard to ignore. I don't call it empathy. I call it common sense. Well when going with Bethany I would try my best to force a smile. After all like you said its only one night. It's a first date. It could end tonight. But Bethany comes with a package. I have to endure sitting at the same table as Xanthos and his gang. How can I keep silent if I see Xanthos's gang members treating others rough. Especially defenceless girls."

Beatrix narrowed her eyes " Wait a minute. Do you mean defenceless girls or a defenceless girl? Is there someone who has caught your eye. Tell me Zachary. I promise not to judge you. I just want to help. You can trust me."

Zachary sat down on one of the sofas in the living room and bent forwards. He was now holding his head in his hands. He took a few deep breaths and looked up. " Beatrix. Fine I tell you. But don't tell anyone. I don't want to endanger this poor girl. She deserves better. You see, there is a girl that I want to protect from Xanthos's destructive influence. Her name is Serena. She is Rowlens date tonight.

I remember her as the sweetest and most innocent looking girl in Phoenix Academy. Today just before we left the recruitment building, I witnessed how Rowlen terrorised Serena and told her that she was going to be his date. he wasn't asking. He was so rude and rough towards her. I couldn't help but feel protective of her when I heard her pleas for Rowlen to loosen his grip on her hand and stop pulling her so hard behind him. Basically he pulled her out of that building and took her dress shopping by force. Her protests were obviously ignored by Rowlen every time. He always growled at her and told her to keep quiet. I have to do something. But what can I do. I hate Serena's brother for standing by and watching with an ugly smirk on his face as his sister was pulled away. The poor girls wrist was badly bruised by the time she reached the door. If Xanthos had treated Zelina this way, I would have challenged him to a duel in a heartbeat. Xanthos maybe a lot of things, but he is not violent or disrespectful towards Zelina and that's what matters the most for me. Tell me Beatrix, how can I ignore such things around me?"

Beatrix almost whispered " Well, Rowlen is Dylan's cousin. What did you expect. He is a part warlock- part werewolf crazy new recruit who does not understand the meaning of gentleness. I think you should keep out of it Zachary. What if your display of empathy stands out and the superior commanders note this down as a negative point about you? Sean would punish you severely if you embarrass him as the third in command by showing the slightest signs if compassion in public."

Zachary sighed and looked thoughtful. Beatrix was right. Everyone was watching tonight. If he showed too much empathy, he could be embarrassing Sean and his brother always made Zachary regret the smallest offences relating to any acts of kindness or empathy at all. The last time he had tried to help someone, he was given 5 weeks of curfews and daily reporting to Sean's office. If he was unsatisfactory in convincing him that he had shown no empathy that day, then he was done for. Sean was quite creative when he disciplined him and always made his sister watch too. Zachary's least favourite punishment was when Sean made him memorise and name the Ronas protocols by heart one by one out loud. If he even made the tiniest mistake, he was asked to start all over again. Once he had kept him awake one whole night to do this. And that was when he was much younger. Now that he was 18 and his powers had matured, Sean could most likely beat him up as punishment and not even hold back. But the thought of enduring any form of pain to defend any innocent from Xanthos's gang or any arrogant noble did not unsettle him at all. It came naturally to him to speak up and challenge what went on around him.

Beatrix took Zachary's silence as a sigh of acceptance. " I know you understand the risks you would be taking if you tarnish your track record in any way. Whenever you think of displaying empathy, please think of consequences. Would it be worth it?". Then Beatrix left the room to get back other duties.

" It is time now." Zachary thought. He turned around as he felt Xanthos's presence outside the mansion. He waved his hand and opened the large door. Xanthos had his cocky usual smirk on him and was wearing his formal black and red outfit. " Greetings Zachary. I am here to pick up Zelina."

Zachary tried to be sarcastic" Uh I didn't know why you showed up if you hadn't made it clear now. Thanks for enlightening me for your reasons behind stepping foot in this house. She is gonna be ready soon. Also it would be good if you could refrain from ambushing my sister with your mini make out episodes. I don't want to watch."

Xanthos's smile dropped and his tone turned cold " Uh Zachary it seems like you don't know my degree of possessiveness over your sister at all if you put forward such outrageous request. If I want to kiss my girl I would do it. And I am warning you not to interrupt us when we are making out tonight. Nothing sets me off more than any soul telling us off for display of affection that we are entitled to."

Xanthos was now standing in front of Zachary " If you try in the slightest way to make any form of protest against our intimacy in public, Well I will get you back. Trust me. If you dont back off, then I would be returning the favour and also interfere in your affairs with Bethany. Don't come complaining to me if Bethany dumps you and doesn't give you a second glance after tonight. I don't respond well to people telling me what to do. No one gets away with telling me and my girl how to show our love to each other. Not even you."

Xanthos had no idea how much Zachary was hoping for anyone to interfere and cause a rift between him and Bethany. Xanthos would have been doing him a favour if he disturbed their complicated loveless romance.

Zachary couldn't help himself and started laughing at Xanthos's threat. This set Xanthos off and he was now looking at Zachary with murderous eyes. " how dare you not take my words seriously. My threat was serious. I dare you to try to interfere in my relationship with your sister and you would see how I would make your relationship crumble down. That's a promise. If you were not Zelina's brother. I would have challenged you to a duel and put you in your place right now for laughing and not taking my words seriously. Don't push me any further Zachary. "

Zachary stopped and as he was breathing heavily, he spoke with a smile " Xanthos, your possessiveness is amusing. Don't worry I won't make any comments when you try to kiss my sister in front of me. As long as you don't do anything she is not ready for and she is reluctant to do, you have my blessing. You need to loosen up and relax Xanthos. Besides, one more thing, if a relationship can be ruined just by the snap of someone's finger, then that relationship should not be there in the first place. If you respect the Ronas protocols you should know that well. Love is sacred and can't be forced, bought, destroyed or created. Love happens by itself. Well it seems like I know my protocols better than you do Xanthos." And he winked as he said this.

Xanthos was caught off guard. As he opened his mouth to speak, he noticed his girlfriend walking towards him climbing the stairs. The sight calmed him down and made him forget his heated exchange with Zachary that came from his old rivalry with him from years back.

Xanthos smiled " Darling you look beautiful. Just about time. Hurry down the stairs love. We need to go to Pick up the other guys on the way."

As Zelina appeared in front of Xanthos, he embraced her tightly around her waist and attacked her lips with a possessive and lengthy kiss. Zelina wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

Zachary wasn't amused at all. He knew Xanthos was doing this on purpose to set him off. Even though the minute they had embraced, Zachary had looked away, he could still feel Xanthos's eyes on him as he was kissing his sister with great intensity.

Luckily Beatrix came to his aid " Uh guys break this up. You need to go or you will be late. Uh I will need to make some arrangements around the mansion with the servants. I would be at the event shortly with my date soon. Have fun. Please take your leave now."

Xanthos broke away reluctantly and protested. " Since when do you order me around Beatrix. You do know that your boyfriend, sebastian is a head enforcer working under my brother's management. So if I were you I would watch it. Don't tell me what to do or I would put you and your boyfriend in your rightful places."

Zelina frowned " Xanthos don't speak to Beatrix like that. She just doesn't want us to be late. That's all. She is watching out for us. No need to threaten her."

Xanthos nodded " Anything you say sweetheart. Lets make our leave before I lose my temper and take out some anger on your governess. I am sure Sean would not be happy if he had to look for a new governess now. Would he?" He made one last glance at Beatrix and muttered " It is not over".

Xanthos held Zelina's hand and started pulling her and gestured to Zachary to follow as he teleported out of the mansion.

As Xanthis teleported out, Beatrix sat down slowly and conjured herself some calming herbal cranberry tea to help her nerves. She knew Xanthos meant every word. She had made an enemy out of him and Sebastian her boyfriend was now in great danger.

Zachary turned to Beatrix " Ignore him Beatrix. Basically he talks to everyone around him like this. He is a jerk. Don't let his intimidating threats get to you. He wouldn't dare assault an employee of Sean's. see you there Beatrix."

Beatrix was not assured but she forced herself to smile warmly and nodded.

Zachary followed Xanthos and Zelina's trail and found himself in front of Bethany's parents mansion. Just great.

Xanthos and Zelina were standing there waiting. Xanthos sighed " Do us a favour will you. once you go inside, tell Bethany to hurry up. We need to pick up the other guys too on the way too. We have to show a united front as the most Powerful noble recruits by arriving together but we don't want to be late either."

Zachary did not look forward to tonight at all. His personal nightmare was about to begin.

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