56. His dark intentions

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Dante was now looking at Athena with an unreadable expression as she was sitting across from him in front of his desk where he liked sitting. In ways this spot reminded Dante of the most intimate and closest he had gotten to Athena so he kept insisting for them to sit around that spot. On the other hand, Athena despised this location in Dante's chambers. Athena hated how Dante had made her feel helpless hours ago by pinning her to his desk and making out with her. She had not fought back to avoid making him angry and sending him on a rampage to massacre and hurt more people at the northern territory which was still within his reach.

She was now tired of naming the men she had met. Dante had been serious. He had demanded her to name every male she had even glanced at.

Dante shook his head " Athena I can feel it. You are hiding someone from me. It's the same male I felt associated with you isn't it. You are being stubborn. You can't hide his identity from me forever. Last chance. Tell me his name. Who is this man who's presence is so strong. I can even feel you have touched him. His body contact with you is still fresh. Maybe days ago even. So this means he is an Alaskan. I may not kill him if you reveal his identity to me willingly, not too painfully anyways. I don't share. You are mine."

Athena kept silent. How could she name Donavan. She just couldn't bring herself to do this. He was her best friend. Of course that was counted as her cheating on Dante is his books. She had to convince Dante of her loyalty somehow.

Dante smirked; " You really want to test me. Don't you Athena? I want a name. When I touched you, I felt his closeness to you. He is also strong. i could feel it. I would surely add him to my collection of wanted list if you give me his identity. Once I capture him, I would interrogate him to find out his intentions about you. If he has no feelings for you. He will live. I would send him on my conversion programme for his kind. He may become a valued enforcer one day. But if I find out that he has been having any feelings for you. I would punish him. I may give him a painful death sentence or torment him depending on his affections for you. There is no way around it. Come on darling. Surrender his name now and I may not make his punishment too extreme when I get my hands on him."

Athena looked at Dante in horror. He was talking about killing and tormenting so casually. She was going to save Donavan at all costs no matter the price.

Athena spoke warily; " Dante you are over reacting. I told you beforehand. This male in question is one I was raised with. He is like my brother. You must be able to tell that I am telling the truth. I don't tell you his name because I feel that you would kill him either way out of jealousy. He is innocent. I have never cheated on you. I have always waited for my blood match. You took my first kiss too. I am serious."

Dante rolled his eyes " I know sweetheart. I don't doubt that you have had no romantic feelings towards him. It's him I need to interrogate. I need to know that he has never looked at you with love or lust. I don't tolerate such disrespect. No male is allowed to look at you. When you finally accompany me to my castle, I would announce you as my blood match and companion while waiting for our wedding day. I would lay down the law that every living soul must show the same respect to you that they do to me. All beings must kneel to us. No one is allowed to make eye contact with us or speak unless spoken to by us. I can't fix the past but I can surely make examples of some shameless males who have ever dared admire you. I am very jealous and possessive."

Athena narrowed her eyes; " Why do you speak of me like I have no choice in these matters. What if I wish for people to treat me like an equal. What if I never want to live in a castle being treated like royalty. I am a healer. I save lives and make contact with others."

Dante's eyes turned silver again. " Athena watch what you say. Don't push me. It is taking me so much self control right now to keep my fury on the inside. For the last time. You are mine. I call the shots because I am Dante Ronas and what I say goes. You will come to my castle and serve me as my blood match, my wife and mother to my children in future. The only people you can talk to as equals are my mother Leona, my brother Demetrious and my father Eros. All others are below you. Male or female. You can of course command my enforcers and commanders around the castle but can't talk to them as equals. They are there to serve us."

Athena laughed bitterly " I choose my circle of friends. You are delusional. I can not treat others as though they are below me."

Dante lost all control and cast a spell at Athena. She had little time to react. There was a stinging pain on her left cheek and then right cheek as though he had slapped her twice.

Dante was breathing heavily: " Look what you made me do. Whenever you disobey me, I told you I would punish you. Don't cross the line again or I will hurt you badly."

It was Athena's turn to be furious. She turned to Dante with an expression that had disbelief written all over it. Suddenly something snapped inside her. she could call it her instincts that acted to defend her against danger. it happened so fast. she couldnt comprehend what she was doing. neither could she stop it. She waved her hands suddenly and the ground shook and Dante was thrown against the wall. She then threw a force sphere that hit Dante in the face.

Athena looked at her hands horrified and picked up the red jewel of illusion that was now on the floor. She held the precious rock tightly to her chest and stood up and formed a shield around herself.

Dante recovered quickly and looked at Athena with furious eyes. " Darling. Did you just hit me? Because now you have to face the consequences. Apologise my love and I may let you off lightly. You are my woman. I don't want to hurt you badly." As he said this, he teleported to the spot in front of Athena. His presence was now so intimidating. Even though there was a circular shield surrounding Athena, she started to panic. She was afraid of what he was going to do next. He wasn't going to hurt her too badly surely but others were fair game according to him.

Dante started circling Athena and spoke; " Sweetheart. Hurry up. Give me an apology before I bring about the immense pain and destruction that I am tempted to create. I wouldnt mind. But you certainly would. You are a healer after all."

Athena whispered " I am sorry I hit you Dante. I can only describe it as a reflex reaction or survival instinct. I had no control over it. I don't know how else to explain. It. You hit me first and my body reacted."

Dante chuckled " You call this an apology?" He now stopped circling her and was looking intently into Athena's eyes.

" Athena, beg me to forgive you." Dante said earnestly

Athena looked at him in disbelief " How can you ask that of me. I just reacted to your attack and you are not even hurt. Besides I don't bend to no one for self defence. Especially not to my own blood match who keeps promising me not to hurt me and he does the opposite every time."

Dante looked at her with an amused expression; " Last chance sweetheart. You will regret it. Beg me and I won't do what I am planning to do next. It would cause you pain. Believe me. How about this. Forget about begging me. i know you have your pride. I suggest as an alternative for you to drop your shield and make out with me again and I may be satisfied. That desk awaits us sweetheart. I think you may even enjoy it this time if I give you more control."

Athena scoffed " I won't beg you. Neither would I make out with you right now. Your words and intentions disturb me to no end. I would take any pain any day rather than following orders from a heartless man with no conscious."

Dante sighed " Fine love. You asked for this."

Unlike what Athena expected, he did not attack her shield. He just smiled menacingly and went back to his desk and sat down. Athena was now looking at him suspiciously. " What are you planning in your complex mind Dante?" She asked cautiously." Was he going to attack her suddenly? she thought to herself.

Dante did the unexpected. He suddenly waved his hands and summoned a sphere filled with some type of drink that resembled butter scotch mixed with vodka. He poured himself a drink into a goblet and then carried on smiling. He swallowed the drink all in one go and started looking at Athena amused. He spoke in a bored tone " My love, why dont you look closely at the sphere?" he then waved his hands again and kept looking at Athena expectantly.

Athena stared at Dante and then quickly glanced at the drink sphere. As her eyes registered what Dante was referring to, her eyes widened in horror. She began to recognise the images. The drink sphere on Dante's desk was revealing a broadcast of images of a middle aged couple inside a small room that resembled a prison cell.

Athena was now almost close to tears. " How can you do this to me. I am your blood match. You are supposed to care for me and those I love. They are my parents you are keeping locked up. Where are you keeping them. Don't you dare touch them." She spoke with a shaky voice.

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