78. Young meet the vengful one

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The party had just began and all senior commanders and junior commanders were present sitting comfortably in a well decorated part of the hall on different tables. The head enforcers were also scattered on smaller tables abit further back at the other side also feasting and looking at the display of fire spheres and entertaining crew in the middle of the hall.

Suddenly heads were turned as Tiberious and his guards entered the hall. The friends of Tiberious did not move to go greet him as they were aware of the special place that Tiberious had gained that day. He was the valuable prize that was not to be spoken to unless under close watch so word for word was going to be reported to master. So this was quite off putting for Octavian and Zachary who were dying to talk to Tiberious.

As Diodora came to view, every one gasped including Octavian and Zachary. Octavian spoke with widened eyes " Poor Tiberious. They say that woman is from hell."

Zachary spoke " Shh. Man don't even try to glance at her. We are sitting in this corner trying to avoid attention of Xanthos and his gang and now you are trying to get Diodora's attention."

Octavian shrugged " Trust me if that woman doesn't like anyone's aura, she would kill them on the spot. I don't think looking at her would make a difference if she wants my blood. But ironically I was just keeping an eye on your girl till now. She is keeping Lorna company and now guess what Lorna is the least of our worries. Diodora would make Lorna look like a saint. At least you can talk to Lorna and maybe trick her or reason with her but Diodora is really not human. There are rumours that her nickname is actually true. She is a demon from hell. Don't look at me like that. She sure acts like it."

Zachary was looking around with distress " Octavian. Seriously, knock it off. You are lucky we are in a corner with few people around and our shields protect us against eavesdroppers but don't risk it. It's not worth it. Don't mention that girl."

Tiberious and Diodora were now seated at an isolated table with guards standing around them. They were there to only enjoy the view. Tiberious was certain that this was going to be one lonely night. He knew that no one would have dared to come close just in case something happened that displeased Tiberious and also his new personal guard who was well known amongst the Arkansans. Everyone knew who the vengeful demon was and what she was capable of. The fact that she was their masters cousin made the prospect of displeasing her even less appealing.

Diodora spoke; " I hate this place. It's so crowded. I need to find myself a man. Help me Tiberious. Who is my best match."

Tiberious sighed " Come on Diodora. Even if I picked someone, you may not like them and then you would surely kill them if they don't meet your expectations. I don't want blood on my hands."

Diodora was frustrated; " Why doesn't your response surprise me. All advisors are pacifists. Be careful Tiberious being the peace keeper is one step away from being an empath. That's against the protocols if you direct it towards the weak. But again why should you care. You are immune to prosecution with any harsh sanctions. You are a rare blood after all. Lucky you." She then got up from her seat and spoke: " I am going to walk around. You are safe here guarded by these 50 trained palace guards. I may get lucky and get myself a man. wish me luck."

Tiberious rolled his eyes and spoke sarcastically " Good luck....... to the guy you pick." Diodora turned around and narrowed her eyes " Dont push it." and then she walked into the crowed amongst the tables.

All heads were now on Diodora. No one wanted to be the subject of her attention in any way. Anyone who she ignored or walked past without a glance, breathed out in relief. At least they knew they were not going to be her next victim. Suddenly one of the servents in charge of delivering refreshments walked right into her. The young man had no idea who he had just spilled drinks on. He murmured an apology and started collecting the brokren glasses onto his tray.

The room fell silent. It seemed as though everyone knew what he had done except the poor soul. Diodora's suddenly turned red and the young man suddenly was hung upside down from the ceiling. She then waved her hands and throw about a dozen force sphered towards the man. As each spehere hit him, he screamed as loud as he could. Diodora then summoned a flying snake and threw it in his direction. The snake wrapped its body around him and kept biting him everywhere. The mans screams were getting louder and louder. As this was unfolding, Diodora started take deep breaths and closed her eyes. She felt much calmer and her eyes turned back from red to their original green."

As though she had forgotten about the screaming figure hung from the ceiling she sighed " Is there a skilled artist or architect in this room who could fix this. No one dared to move. Everyone was dead silent and the only sound that could be heard was from the screaming man. She rolled her eyes " Oh, he is making too much noise. Those bites are not even fatal. Just poisonous. Its not like he is dying anytime soon. Maybe a week later." She then waved her hands and cast a spell that muted the screaming man and he was now crying hard instead."

Diodora asked impatiently " Now that the screaming coward has gone silent, could some art expert come here and fix my dress." No one moved but one person and that was Lorna. Many looked horrified. Did she know what she was doing? if she volunteered to fix the dress and failed, she could suffer the same faith as the servent hung from the ceiling.

Lorna walked up to her to everyones horror and closed her eyes and focused her energy on the stained dress. Suddenly it worked and the dress was as good as new.

Diodora spoke " Wow. how nice. Thank you. The rest of the room, carry on as normal. I am perfectly fine now. That coward could not hurt me." The room slowly went back to its original noisy self but people kept glancing at her with horror. Diodora turned to Lorna " I would like to say thank you. You must be Lorna?"

Lorna looked overjoyed " Oh, you remember my name from the days I was attending the noble gatherings at the palace? wow. I am honoured. I loved how you put that outrageous rule breaker in his place. He should have looked where he was going. Serves him right."

Diodora spoke " I know. the nerve of him ruining my dress. I want to ....." There were the cries of a woman walking towards them that interrupted Diodora. Her screams were so loud that the hall fell silent again. Everyone was looking and listening intently at the scene where Diodora, Lorna and a servent woman were standing.

Diodora was not pleased at all that a common servant woman who was not even a noble dared approach her. Suddenly the servent woman knelt at Diodora's feet and spoke " Please, I am begging you to show mercy on my husband. I am pregnant and have a baby on th way. We just got married less than a year ago. Please have mercy on him. Please forgive him for his offence. I am begging you not to let my child be raised without a father."

Diodora laughed " I see. Well. I cant grant your wish. he has to die. But if you are so upset by his eventual death, tell me if you would like me to sentence you to the same pain. Maybe you would not feel guilty and miserable all your life. I will be doing you a favour. You see, I could have given him even a more painful death he dies in about a week maximum. he is quite weak so he wont last longer to suffer more. Answer me. Would you like the same death."

The woman put her hand protectively on her stomach and she swallowed hard " No lady Diodora. Have mercy. I have a baby on the way."

Diodora nodded " Too bad. I actually have decided that I would have fun tormenting you. It is a great idea to make an example out of a couple who do not know how to show respect to their superiors. If you had read the protocols, you would have known that you are not allowed to talk to the noble class unless spoken to. So take your punishment now. I hope your screams do not bother the people in this room as much as your husband's did." As she waved her hand to cast a spell, a shield appeared in front of the pregnant woman who was kneeling on the floor.

Diodora narrowed her eyes and spoke " Who did this? who dares challenge me. Show your face." She scanned the crowed and spotted the standing figure of the one who dared defy her. It was Serena. If her bold act was not enough, she cast a spell and the man hung from the ceiling was let down and his restraints and the snake disappeared from him. As the servent woman saw this she cried out and ran to embrace her husband who was laying on the floor half dead and bleeding.

Serena spoke " That woman is pregnant. You can not harm her like that. You cant make the child fatherless. What happened here was an accident. You must let them live. I , commander Serena wish to challenge this decision by you of condemning the couple to death."

Diodora narrowed her eyes " Oh. I see. An empathic commander. Charming. She then signalled the guards standing next to Tiberious to come forward." She spoke " I need 10 guard here. Take commander Serena to the captive base at masters advisors residence which is in the basement. Since I am pressing the charges I wish to interrogate her." The guards suddenly surrounded Serena and immidiately teleported her out.

Diodora then spoke in a raised voice for all to hear " I want to grant commander Serenas wish. I wont kill them. Maybe another time. I think its better if the commander will be paying for their actions instead. But I want to subject the definat couple to three months of night shifts for insulting me. Everyone back to your conversations, there is no more to see." Again the hall turned noisy and Diodora smirked, she then scanned the crowed and spoke to Lorna " I will see you around Lorna. I must find someone here that I seek very badly."

Lorna nodded and went back to her seat reluctantly. As Diodora scanned the crowed further, she froze as a pair of piercing and electrifying eyes were staring at her with anger and hate. He was the most gorgeous being she had set her eyes on. He was beautiful and his mesmorising blue eyes were taking her breath away.

Diodora was completely oblivious to the fact that Zachary was being restrained by Octavian and his brother Sean at the back of the rooom. She could not feel that this georgeous young man was in pain and was being forced to stand pinned to the wall whilst Sean and Octavian were casting spells on him to stop him from breaking free. He had almost sprinted to rescue Serena. But Octavian had quickly alarmed Sean to his intentions and both had managed to quiet him down in a far corner of the room where no one had noticed the rageful state Zachary was in.

Sean was whispering to Zachary " Stop embarressing me Zachary. I have a reputation to uphold. Some foolish girl gets herself into trouble. So what. Dont try to get yourself killed for her. She deserves what is coming to her for challening master's cousin".

Octavian was speaking to Zachary pleadingly " Please, Zachary. Stop this. She is coming our way now. You have to follow the advice you gave me remember." While Sean was there, he Octavian did not want to elaborate more and speak about how Zachary had told him to think of logical ways to save Sabrina. "Please Zachary. Dont do this to yourself. Dont do this to her. She will die a thousand times if you do what I think you are going to do because we both know what may happen to you."

Diodora stood infront of the trio, Sean, Zachary and Octavian and spoke " Gentleman, I would like a word alone with him. Leave my presence immidiately." She was pointing her finger directly at Zachary as she spoke and was looking at him with interest. Meanwhile Zachary was staring back at her with a stone cold face.

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