8. Welcome to Valera

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Athena's POV

As the flashes of white light disappeared I started to take in the scenery. We had landed on the beach. The ocean was beautiful. The trees were calling to us to run through them and build homes for all. the mountains looked also welcoming.

Helena and Mariana were the first ones to break away the hold. I hadn't noticed that we were still holding hands. Helena looked at the long distinct route that was cutting into the trees from where we were standing and smiled ;" building our base would be much easier than I anticipated in Valera. Who needs cabins when you can build castles?On this type of soil only you would get high durability trees." And Mariana continued; " which of course means we would finish making our main base till lunch time. We can build 7 towers surrounding the castle we are intending to build."

Tattiana sprinted to the trail and shouted; "then what are you waiting for. Lets find the right spot. Somewhere close to both the mountains and the woods. And we all closed our eyes and followed Tattiana.

Our survival instincts would have lead us to the right spot. There was no need to look. I could feel that the perfect spot wasn't far away. In fact within minutes, I felt the pull to the ground. I stopped and opened my eyes. my other 6 fellow healers also were standing and looking at the view with admiration. There it was our spot and indeed when I opened my eyes I was mesmerised. Th trees sparkled with magical leaves and fruits. The beautiful ravens were everywhere watching us and singing as though welcoming us. But we all knew our arrival here was no ordinary occasion. We were on the run.

So I hated what I had to do next. It was never the nicest feeling to interrupt any healer when they had peaceful moments. "All right, it's time to start. First things first. Lets build the security system first. The concealing curse should be enough but a 2nd layer of shield is needed too. So lets hold hands." As I finished the sentence, the circle was made. This was it. Our defiance to Dante's rules started this very minute when we closed our eyes and whispered some of the most ancient and heavily guarded spells. Now that the island was concealed we could get started on construction.

It was indeed lunch time when our castle was finished and the 7 towers were built around it. Helena and Mariana should have been real proud. They planned the base and gave each one of us one tower to build and decorate with our own choices. Alexandra kept saying that mine was more beautiful but for me nothing mattered but the security. If we were ever to be found before we were a fully formed clan, we were all doomed.

Elena quickly created the dining arrangements and summoned fish from the ocean for us to eat. it was needless to say that the fish were fried and served on leaves right in front of us within seconds with her usual jinxes. I sighed. I really prefered human cooking. I even had set up my own kitchen in my tower. I did not like magically prepared feasts. They never tasted the same.

After lunch we all separated and spent hours collecting supplies and exploring the magical sources. There were plenty of magical stones and multipurpose leaves. We needed to fill the storage rooms in the towers we were in charge of with as much supplies as possible. From tomorrow, me and Tattiana would be bringing warlocks and witches who would refuse Dante's rule. It was expected for most clans to surrounder with no questions asked even before Dante got in touch with them, many will hear of his brutality to the Quebec vampires.

In fact, Canadian clans were already giving up. Helena's sources in north Canada sent her hourly reports almost about the situation. The messenger was her distant cousin Nora. so as a blood relative, she still could link to her without knowing where she was. Little did these Canadians knew about Dante's plans. Dante was not looking for alliance. He wanted to rule. Any one making peace with Dante would be condemned to a lifetime of servitude. I felt his hearts deepest colours. He was ruthless. What I felt when he touched me convinced me to flee, otherwise i had work to do in that forest. There were many secrets still waiting to be unlocked. And it was now too risky to go back there.

It was almost night time and time for bed when all the rooms were furnished and supply cupboards were filled. We could receive thousands into this castle as it was designed to expand with demand. Helena estimated for the size if the castle to double in the next month. One can only hope for us to reach the people in need on time before he could invade their lands.

All the lights were off now, i said goodnight to all and made my way to my tower.

I slipped into my bed and thought about the events of today. I didn't expect to get much sleep tonight. I was wondering how Dante was holding up knowing I had betrayed him and had left his side. Time would tell if I had made the right decision to leave. Could I possibly had convinced him to change his plans in any way.

I thought about all our construction work today. We were lucky we had teo skilled architects with us. The truth of the matter was, mariana and helena could have a much easier life if they had stayed on the council of guardians down south. It was the highest rank in any territory to be on the council. In all territories, various clans lived on separate lands. Werewolves, seers, vampires, warlocks, witches and any mythical creature lived in their own separate clans ruled separately. The only way for them to link up was through the council of the guardians for the territory. You had to be extremely skilled and experienced to help solve the disputed to keep the peace. Maybe one of the reasons, Dante could still get many followers in each territory despite his brutal protocol was the face that people did not feel safe enough by being so spread out. They wanted a central rule that protected them instantly against any kind of invasion. Even if that central rule allowed cruelty to humans and weaker mythical creatures. I knew for sure that the only territory that would never be attracted to Dante's principles was Alaska. Back there. There was only one clan and that one clan included everybody. Each type of creature may have had their own leader but there was no one superior force. We had a council of guardians which worked closely with the elders. My parents were both guardians and they had worked so hard to introduce changes when they had arrived. when we had first arrived, there were some tensions between werewolves and vampires. Even though vampires these days fed on blood tasting potions and were no threat to others, their instincts Dictated to them to challenge the threats around them. But now thanks to my patents and the other guardians, gone were the days of fights and brawls between the two races. Even some vampires lived next door to werewolves and their children played together on the streets.

I really didn't want to think about what kind of hell the territories would turn into when Dante conquered all. The outcome that Dante had planned for us all was only going to bring misery and darkness. I tried to distract myself by looking around my room. My bed chambers were quite spacious and I had most of my key possessions with me. I just wish I hadn't forgotten to bring my picture of my parents and me. That picture was so precious to me. I missed them so much but I didn't want to put them in danger by contacting them. There were possibilities for Dante and his men to have attacked Alaska already. It would help them if Dante was to ever interrogate them about my whereabouts. He promised he won't hurt my blood relatives but who was to say he followed through when I was on the run from him. His amount of obsession with me was terrifying. I sighed and spoke my thoughts out loud;" how can you be so obsessed with me Dante. You don't even know me."

a distant sound answered for me; "but i do my love. I know you well. I remember your touch, your smile and have felt of the depth's of your heart's desires. I am going to find you and destroy the lives of any one who has dared to to assist you in any way. the charge is treason for any one to attempt to Create distance between me and what's rightfully mine. So think carefully about the consequences of your actions. Do you really want your accomplices to suffer for a crime they did not commit. I know you left on your accord and I know you were not alone. I sensed the presence of others in your room after you left. Send them my regards."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No my love, no threats, I am making promises. No one can separate me from my entitlements. Like how right now your spells are no threat to me. I can reach you any time I want and disturb your thoughts. I was hoping in a way you would understand the depth of our bond. You can conceal your location but I can still feel your emotions and hear you when you truly mean to target your words at me only. So feel free my love, call my name and talk with me to quench your heart's desires. i know deep down you feel the attraction of our blood too." And with that sentence along came the Images of Dante sitting on what looked like a throne's chair. The room's view got bigger and bigger, the walls were so dark. everything was dark. The walls were decorated with red, and black sparking ribbon like structures. i knew this room. I had studied the arts at the time of Ronas's rule. The black colour represented death and red meant blood. The flags, Ronas's followers carried also had the same colours embedded on top and bottom of a rectangle with a spear in the middle to symbolise war. This only meant one thing. He had resurrected the Castle of Spears from the depths of the underground. He was rebuilding Arkansas as the capital of the power. This meant he was much more powerful that I thought. He must have used tons and tons of power to resurrect that castle but he looked so healthy and smiling happily. Not even a hint of tiredness in those cold grey eyes.

"Before I bid you good night my love, I want you to give my proposition a thought. You have until my official crowning ceremony to come to me willingly. That would take place after I conquer all territories and suppress all those who dare resist my rules. As part of the ceremony, i am planning for all representatives from the lands I would have conquered to also come to me and kneel before me and swear their loyalty to me and my principles. If you come to me then, you could join them and no questions will be asked. I may even forget about the excruciating punishments I have planned for your Accomplices. But if you are stubborn enough to not accept this act of kindness, then you would only have yourself to blame for my vengeful actions when I do find you. And believe me when I say my love that part of me hopes not to see you at the crowning. I hate showing mercy. Sweet dreams my love."

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