94. Wisdom & Heartache

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Dante Ronas was furious. He could not comprehend how intruders had broken into his camp and had managed to escape with three of his most prized captives. Not only that. they were able to disappear before his fighters had even managed to arrive at the scene. Dante was outraged and had only one thing on his mind now. Revenge. He wanted his missing captives found and those intruders who dared break into his compound to be brought to Arkansan justice.

Demetrious cautiously entered Dante's chambers and spoke "Brother, did you need to see me? I heard a commotion outside and felt the presence of intruders, I expected you to summon all commanders but is there a reason you have not summoned anyone yet? I know you brother. You must be thinking about retaliation. What are you waiting for really?"

Dante shook his head "You know me well brother. I just wish you also resembled me in some ways too and your thoughts were alongside the same line as mine." Dante then smirked and started walking towards Demetrious.

Dante addressed his brother "You know, I can't wait for your power maturity to reach its peak soon. Then hopefully you will become wiser and wiserlike how I became when I got closer and closer to the age of 21. I cant wait to see these appalling waves of empathy getting kicked out of youthat I am sensing right now. Until then, I will be waiting. But back to your question. I am just waiting for some messenger spheres from the southern and eastern territory to reach our camp. I am going to issue a summon callto all commanders and outline my future plans but first I would like to find out what the other two remaining territories have decided. Their deadline is less than an hour away. What do you think the response will be? Would they fight or surrunder. Tell me."

Dante was now standing in front of Demetrious and was watching him with an intense gaze waiting for response.

Demetrious swallowed as he leaned onto the closed door he had just come through. Now he wished he hadnt come to his brother's chambers. he didnt know what possessed him to enter his brothers room voluntarily without being summoned. He hated his curiousity now. This was going to cost him dearly now. He could feel it. His brother was trying hard to feel the emotions from the depths of his soul. he had posted a question just to distract him.

Demetrious started shaking. his brother's powers were overwhelming  him. He started breathing heavily and slid down. he was sitting down on the floor leaning against the door, looking up at his brother who was tworing over him and smirking.

Demetrious spoke as he was breathing hard and was forced to be pushed down to sit on the floor by an unseen force "Dante. What are you doing to me? Why am I feeling drained of energy?"

Dante laughed "I am pretty sure you know exactly what I am doing since you are resisting it. Stop fighting. I am going to reach into your emotions and see your true feelings one way or another. You are no match for me. I can start feeling it now. You are trying so hard to push down different parts of your emotions so I cant feel them when you are in my presence. Dont bother with your empathic feelings. I am not interested in them. The part of you I am waiting to reveal itself is your dark side brother. I can feel it. Its quite powerful too. Its going to boil to the surface so suddenly one day you wont even know you ever lived any differently. But I must help you harness it. Tell me brother. Do you want me to help you fasten the process?"

Demetrious closed his eye shut and spoke "Stop this right now. I am happy as it is. Let me get up. I would let nature take its course."

Dante rolled his eyes "Fine. It would be really entertaining to watch you unleash your darker side in one outburst  anyway. So I am willing to drop it for now."

Demetrious then suddenly felt as though the tight invisible force that was pushing him down release him suddenly. he started breathing normally again and stood up carefully "Dont do that again. It really hurt. Or at least give me a warning when you want to assault me like this next time."

Dante smirked "It wouldn't be called assault if I issued you a warning in prior. Dont you think." He looked deeply into his brother's eyes and leaned closer to him "Dont tell me what to do brother. If I want you to entertain me, then you will. No questions asked. I dont like people telling me what do to brother. Remember that. Waitch it next time. Now answer my initial question. What do you think of the other two territories? Are they going to surrender completely or are there any idiotsout there who would dare put up a fight?"

Demetrious sighed "I think you already know what I would say. Of course the chances of any resistance is slimnow that you have shown some grusome power display towards those who opposed you in the western territory. That ocean spell was really deadly and destructive. I am quite sure you wont get that much resistance from anyone anytime soon. No one would want their towns to turn into ashes."

Dante laughed bitterly "careful Demetrious. You make it sound as though I destroyed the western land. Well I di burn down some towns and monuments but I got them replaced with Ronas built style towns. Our architects have done a great work of it too. Their lands looks more appealing than it did before, the red and black buildings with spears hung everywhere around town. I say we blessed their lands or rather our territory. The north, west and central lands are now ruled under Arkansan laws and we are their rulers. Only two more territories and North America will be all ours. As you know, the ancient Aztec holy land down south also sent messages of loyalty to us. They have agreed to allow our enforcers through their defence walls without a fight  and be ruled by us. They will be enforcing Ronas protocols. They agreed to it. So as you can see North America is falling hard on its knees to surrunder to me, the rightful Ronas heir."

Demetrious contemplated his words but he thought he should stab his brother in the heart with his words in his reply. He knew he was going to be backhanded but it was worth watching his brother's moments of frustration even if too brief. Demetrious spoke the words with purpose behind each word "You are wrong. How about Alaska? How about the lands that the Alaskans also protect? You took over Quebec but what about the Arctic mountains territories. The Alaskans protect all of them. I bet you wont be on Mount Vancouver anytime soon."

Dante suddenly grabbed Demetrious's neck and squeezed hard "If you dare taunt me again, I would condemn you to watching visions of your blood match tormented. I may not have her in my possession but I can still imagine her flawless figure. I can still imagine what I would do to herwhen I get my hands on her if you continue to commit despicable crimes such as mocking me deliberately. I warn you Demetrious. I can hurt you to an extent beyond imagination. I am holding back from putting you in your place because I know you are only a teenager still. Your character is not formed. I wont punish you so severely while you are still a kid. I know you will reveal your dominant Ronas genes that I so badly want to see very soon. I am waiting for you brother to grow up. But meanwhile dont push your luck. I am not forgiving when it comes to anyone insulting me. Not even you. But your naive state also amuses me. If you really believe Alaska and their Arctic mountain neighbours have a chance at beating me, then you are mistaken. Besides you are forgetting that many states in the Arctic  Land are giving up already. Mount Brazeau citizens have surrendered. Alberta land has fallen already. They dont have many strong holds. Victory is near us brother. Once Alaska falls, all remaining territories in the Arctic mountains would fall too."

As Demetrious was about to respond to get himself into depper troucble, he froze alongside with Dante. Demetrious whispered "Can you feel it? It is Tiberious."

Dante narrrowed his eyes "It seems like our wisdom sorcerer is in agony. But I cant feel any intruders in his chambers who could cause him pain. It only means one thing. He is having a vision of some kind. He is too young to have complete control over his powers. So I guess he has to put up with the mental pain of seeing visions for now. It seems like we have to cut this conversation short and pay Tiberious a visit next door. I look forward to hearing what kind of vision has troubled him to this extent. I can feel so much distress. It must be one hell of a vision for me to find out about. I am very excited now. Lets not waste a moment."

Demetrious sighed " How can you feel excited from one's agony? Tiberious's powers come at a cost for him. At least call upon Alexander to come over from Arkansas and heal him. I bet none of our healers can really help him recover from the wekness that would be endured by him after such a powerful vision from what I can feel from this distance."

Dante rolled his eyes "I am pretty certain, he would live. Besides his current weak and agonised state helps get the truth out of his faster. it makes it easier. He will have to tell everything. I know I can detect lies but a wisdom sorcerer can sometimes find ways of hiding their true intentions for a while if they wish it. I would hate to punish him for such crime if he dares attempt it. So as you can see, it is for his own good to be in paina nd agony. It makes it easy to extract information the easy way. See, I can be merciful at times too. Dont you think?" Dante then laughed and did not wait for the response. He then  took Demetrious's hand and teleported them out of Dante's chambers into Tiberious's residence.

At the sight of Tiberious, Demetrious's heart broke. He was sitting on the floor in front of his fire place and crying hard. The flames of the fireplace were forming shapes that were moving around in front of Tiberious's eyes. Demetrious could not recognise what those shapes meant. It could only mean that they were fire writings in an ancient language that only wisdom sorcerers could naturally communicate in with each other and their visions. Suddenly, Tiberious screamed at what Demetrious assumed he was seeing in the fire and got up from the floor and took steps backwards. As he screamed, Diodora also teleported into the chambers and as she saw what was happening, her eyes widened and met Dante's and Demetrious's stare. She decided against speaking knowing better than to make any sounds. She looked on with astonishment witnessing what was happening in front of her that was a rare sight.

Tiberious was sobbing uncontrollably and trying to back away from the ancient fire writings. But the fire writings also followed him as he backed away unsuccessfully. Tiberious's back hit the wall and he spoke in a language that neither Dante or Demetrious could recognise. Then suddenly the fire writings were pulled back into the fire of the fire place. As this happened, Tiberious knelt down and cried even harder. His eyes then recognised his master who was looking at him with interest alongside the horror struck Demetrious who was staring at him with his blue orbes filled with worry and concern.

Diodora was also standing a few steps behind Dante next to Demetrious looking at Tiberious with curiosity. Tiberious swallowed hard and looked down and waited for his master to address him. He waited for his master to ask him what he dreaded the most. His master was going to order him to reveal everything about his vision and he was certai, Dante Ronas was not going to leave without knwoing every single detail of his vision. He was aware of how much energy he had lost. There was no point fighting it. He could barely stay awake right now let alone supress his emotions down or hide anything from his master.

Dante ordered "Tiberious, speak up this instance. I want you to tell me everything you have seen. Dont even think about holding any information back. I am a Ronas. I can easily extract your memories this very minute. but I dont want you to get damaged more than what you have been through already. You have suffered. But thats nothing compared to what I can do to you."

Tiberious looked away as he was kneeling on the floor as he continued to sob.

Dante demanded " Dont tempt me Tiberious to hurt you. Speak now or I would get the truth out of you the painful way. Your choice. I can feel how much this vision has weakened you and has devastated you to this great extent so for this defiance you just showed, i wont punish you. Last chance Tiberious. Speak now. You may stand up and speak."

Tiberious took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a few moments to take his emotions under better control. He managed to stop sobbing. Tiberious then opened his eyes and stood up as he looked into his master's eyes. He spoke steadily but weakly " Master, I saw him. I saw the Turquoise eyed warrior standing by your side. He was powerful as the legends state. He stood by your side and summoned his army of darkness."

Diodora spoke without thinking " No. Thats impossible. I though he is just a legend."

Dante looked at Diodora with narrowed eyes "Silence cousin. There is nothing impossible about this. The legends state clearly  that the descendent of the enemy of the followers of the ancient arts that was pioneered by the great sorceress Marisya, would stand by my side one day. The enemy of those ancient art follwoers was called the hooded darkness assassin as you know. His descendent is surely said to be a torquoise eyed warrior who would be serving me soon in near future according to the prophecy. But his identity is of great interest to me. I wonder why I have never felt his power around me. he must be still too young then." He then turned to Tiberious who was looking pale and weak staring at his master with deafet. He stated "Now Tiberious you must have seen his face clearly. Reveal him to me now."

Tiberious shook his head "Please master. Give me time. I do not believe the vision myself and doubt its accuracy. Its impossible. The warlock that my vision unveiled to me as the invincible legendary warrior is a truly powerful individual but he cant be special to this extent based on his bloodline. This vision just does not add up. the vision revealed someone of noble warlock werewolf heritage. But he cant be the descendent of the hooded darkness assassin. That warrior must surely descend from a more special bloodline. The legends say that the turquoise eyed warrior has the power to summon the armies of many creatures of darkness such as unicorns, dragons, arctic owls and even the phoenix would answer his calls. He can summon them all from the depths of the cursed forests from around the world. This man has to be so powerful that those creatures would obey him in the same way that they would be the only ones who these destructive beasts would listen to. He cant be who i saw in my vision. I would have sensed his immense power at some point if he was truly the descendent of the hooded darkness assassin. He cant be him."

Dante spoke impatiently " Reveal his identity to me. You are underestimating your powers Tiberious. You cant be wrong. Besdies I cant even feel his powerful presence in this world. He must be too young. Also as you said he has warlock  and werewolf genes. So that measn he can conceal himself without trying. As you know we were attacked hours ago by an army of midnight warrior pack warlock werewolves and they took Elisha, Oberon and Sabrina without detection. They cant be tracked easily if they are not detected on time. But erst assured. We have our own army of warlock werewolves who would trace them and put them in their place next time they show up. We are expecting them next time. they took Octavian to his father, Alpha Augustus for now but we will get him back alongside our other captives soon. Now enough said, reveal him to me." There was no mistake now. Dante observed how Tiberious had suddenly shook so hard and looked terrified as Dante had mentioned a name. Dante was now almost certain from Tiberious's reaction who this mystery turquoise eyed warrior could be but he had to be sure.

Tiberious was frozen with wide eyes "Master. it cant be him. I refuse to believe it."

Dante spoke while gritting his teeth "Reveal him to me now. You are seconds away from experiencing alot of pain when I extract your memories. Reveal him to me You are a wisdom sorcerer. Your visions are never wrong. Now Tiberious. Dont test my patience."

Tiberious sighed heavily and closed his eyes as he cast a spell. Suddenly a cloud of dust appeared and the vision of Dante standing next to a black and green cloaked figure appeared. There was no mistake who he was and his army of darkness were standing behind him too as the vision zoomed out."

Demetrious gasped "Octavian? how? His father is Alpha Augustus and his mother is Valentina. she is..."

Dante smirked "A formidable witch able to hide her true identity for so long. Of course she must have been afraid that enemies of Arkansas would harm her and son if anyone knew her identity or how many generations had past since Octavian's great ancestor the hooded assassin was alive. There is no mistake. The numbers of generations adds up roughly if we count the years. they match the prophecy. That is octavian in that vision. That is great. We just have to wait for him to come to us. he will do that soon with or without his fathers consent. The future is bright indeed." He then turned to Demetrious "If you wish to summon some skilled healers now is the time. I heard all I needed. Our wisdom sorcerer is about to pass out too. Diodora help get him to to his bed. he is not allowed to leave his bed until he gains full strength. he must rest and healers would come to help his recovery on daily basis from now on."

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