98. Wrath of a warlock (part 1)

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Demetrious was looking at the sunrise of the west coast. All seemed peaceful but he knew full well, that all enforcers and commanders at their base were worried for their lives and no one had any sleep since the escape of those three outlaws, Oberon, Elisha and Sabrina from the leadership division. Demetrious laughed bitterly. The army personnel were worried about being sanctioned by Dante for allowing three prisoners to escape but little did they know that Dante could be going on a killing spree any minute now that he had summoned his blood match. The presence of Athena always was calming for Dante but if they had any heated arguments, there was hell to pay for all. It seemed to be definately the case this time since Demetrious could feel the waves of fury of his brother from across the walls. He knew Athena had done it now.

Even though Demetrious expected a storm to come, he still became startled when Dante entered his room unannounced. Dante roared menacingly "Demetrious I have a task for you. I will be gone for the next hour. I would like you to drop by next door and guard my beloved for me while I am gone. If she escapes you will be held responsible and charged with neglecting your duties. Its not a difficult task. The chambers are tightly sealed. i just want you to watch her so she does not do anything .... unexpected. She is my blood match so she is capable of performing many spells that you cant imagine."

Demetrious spoke quickly " where are you going brother? May I ask what has brought on your one hour absence?"

Dante spoke dismissively "Do you even have to ask? My blood match has defied me again and I wish to let off some steam to calm myself. Where else would I be going except the captive division. I cant see the point of hurting my blood match when I have the rest of the population to harm. You do not let my blood match out of your sight until I return and and dismiss you. Upon return I would summon my commanders alongside you for a meeting. This time of course my blood match would be present too."

Demetrious gasped "what are you planning Dante? why do you need your blood match present when you address your commanders?"

Dante rolled his eyes "Dont question me. I don't need to explain all my decisions to you. Especially you don't need to know about how and why I treat my blood match a certain way."

Just when Demetrious thought, Dante was ready to leave, Dante spoke one more time " By the way, don't think that since I trust you with guarding my blood match, I have forgotten about your recent empathy episodes. You will pay for them. Believe me. The only reason I allow you to be alone with my blood match is since you have found your blood match who happens to be Athena's sister. Now I am certain you would never dare look at my blood match with any forbidden desires and also ... You wouldn't dare ignore my orders today since it won't be long before your blood match would be captured. I am certain that you hold her well being so dear that you would never dare defy me again. I don't think I even have to threaten you about the outcomes for you and your blood match if you fail to serve me in the way you are obliged too. So don't even think about betraying me, brother. Kill those waves of empathy or you would be in too deep. Now I take my leave for the hour. Don't disappoint me."

Before Demetrious could respond, Dante disappeared. His brothers threats had really unsettled Demetrius. He sighed and stood up with balled up fists and made his way to Dante's chambers. He thought to himself " How hard can this be? I have to only guard Athena for the hour. This is a short time to refrain from doing anything to defy Dante?" With those thoughts, he teleported inside Dante's chambers. The sight in front of him, made him gasp. He looked at his brothers blood match in awe as she was trying hard to break the seals inside the chambers. Athena was standing in the middle of the room and was casting spell after spell.

Demetrious smiled " Give up Athena. Those seals only can be broken by my brother. Only those he wishes can enter and leave his chambers."

Athena jumped as she heard the musical voice of Dante's brother. She turned to his direction and started walking towards him as she spoke " uh, Demetrious, I am glad you are here. You have to help me. Dante has plans for the healer coven. If he captures them, then there would be no one left to rescue the innocents from harm. The Ronas army has taken over all territories now except one that is my homeland. There is no where to run to except Alaska. My coven have to be able to carry on with their activities. We need to keep rescuing those who seek us. Please Demetrious, help me break out of these chambers."

Athena was now standing in front of Demetrious and looking with a pained expression at the more rational Ronas. He was resembling Dante in many ways but he looked much kinder and more compassionate. His blue eyes, held nothing but concern, determination and sadness. But as Athena finished her sentence a hint of defeat crossed his face too. That worried Athena.

Demetrious sighed as he spoke " If only things were so simple. Athena. Look. Even if I break you out of here, you won't be able to stop my brother. It would only anger him further if he comes back to an empty room. Do you know where he has gone right now? Do you have any idea that he is now so furious, only tormenting the condemned poor souls in our captive base is calming him down." As he saw the bewildered expression of Athena, he nodded " Exactly. You must be outraged. So am I. But this is the type of person my brother is. He would hurt those who are weaker than him to help achieve anything he wishes. If he wants to calm himself, the weak would suffer at his hands. If he wants to conquer the world, he would walk all over the weak first. He would not even feel any remorse. He would make them scream and suffer until he is satisfied. Come on Athena. I am sure you know my brother well enough now. I don't have to keep going. He is invisible and has no weakness. If you surrender now, at least you can try to oppose him as an insider. I am his prosecuter knight. I hate myself every day for serving him but at least in my heart I know that I have a better shot at helping others when I am close to him. The immunity and special choices I get in this role helps me achieve some hope in changing things around to some extent. So give up the struggle Athena. You can't escape him. No matter how hard you try. The more you hurt him, the more irrational and stubborn he becomes. He wants you at all costs. No one can stand in his way of having you. You have to accept defeat."

Athena sounded urgent "please Demetrious. You don't understand the severity of the consequences if Dante gets his way so soon. I need my coven members to help me delay him further. We had plans for meeting the ancient society at sacred river and seek their assistance. Demetrious, you have to help me break out so I can meet them before Dante can catch me again. I know you can break me out. You are of Ronas blood. Most of your brother's enchantments can be broken by you. Why do you refuse to use your powers to help me? Your powers are growing fast too. The last time I met you, there wasn't such powerful aura that I am feeling now. Your powers are moving towards full maturity. Maybe you don't know your potential. Let me tell you." Athena then grabbed Demrtrious's right hand and closed her eyes as she tried to sense his deepest powers.

Demetrious growled " Have you lost your mind Athena. Dante would be furious. He is sensitive about anyone coming near you. He is going to beat me up to a pulp now for this. Let go now. He may not notice that you have touched my hand if you don't hold it for long."

Athena was so drowned deeply into feeling his powers, she totally ignored his warnings. She squeezed his hand even tightly and frowned as she reached out further. Suddenly she pulled her hand away and with wide eyes started taking steps away " No. It can't be true. You are good inside. You have a. Pure heart. How is it possible."

Demetrious was curious. He matched Athenas backwards steps by walking slowly towards her" What is it Athena. what did you see?"

Athena suddenly hit a wall and stopped and so did Demetrious. She reluctantly spoke " I felt darkness deep inside your soul Demetrious. Alot of it. You have to fight it or you will break Aretha's heart just like how your brother is breaking mine. Don't let your powers dictate to you how to treat others. You are the only hope that many of us have. If any one can challenge your brothers extreme rule, it is you. Even if you don't defeat him, surely you can weaken him. You are of Ronas blood. But you have to try hard to keep the good inside you. Don't let your dark side win."

Demetrious smiled to Athenas surprise " Just because some one has some dark powerful Ronas genes, doesn't mean that they are going to be pulled to the dark side. I get the urge sometimes to put anyone who challenges me in their place. I get the urge to show my dominance to mankind by a power display to send the message that I am no one to mess with. I have been feeling these urges for a while now. But that's a curse that's also a blessing. Like you said I have power and can pose a challenge to Dante one day but that day hasn't come yet. I am helpless right now. So I am careful about picking my battles. We have to surrender until there is hope. Until that day my brother is the one who rules us all."

Athena shook her head " You may dismiss this as nothing. But I know what I felt. You have so much familiar darkness in you that resembles Dante's dark side. It's more powerful and dominant than you think. Please be careful. My sister won't love you fully if you act on your temptations to show your dominance. Believe me. This was just some friendly advice. Now back to square one. Demetrious, you must help me or ... Get me to someone who can."

Demetrious looked curious " What are you implying?"

Athena spoke carefully " besides you, the only one here who can help me is ..,, your brothers wisdom sorcerer. Bring him here please."

Demetrious was looking at Athena with his mouth open. He was stunned. He recovered " Do you know what you are asking? If you don't care about my life then care about Tiberious. He is weakened already because of his powerful visions earlier on. He is resting in bed right now. Also that poor soul does not have Ronas genes to help him heal fast if my brother decides to punish him for helping you. Have you lost it. Don't you know my brother?"

Athena sighed " Come on Demetrious. he is a wisdom sorcerer. Even Dante can't crack his emotions that easily. I think Tiberious won't be in any danger if he communicates with me. But What if I told you that Aretha's life is at stake too. Would you bring Tiberious to me then?"

Demetrious's eyes suddenly turned silver. He growled " Keep her out of this. She is my blood match. I would protect her with my life. Dante would have to go through me before he touches her. I would die before I let any harm come to her."

Athena nodded. " Exactly. So if you don't want to risk Dante capturing her and hurting her since she is a member of healer coven ... Then you must help me. Dante made it clear that he wont care who he hurts."

Demetrious had a conflict in his heart now. A part of him was telling him to ignore Athena and get on with guarding her. But part of him was telling him not to ignore her.

His eyes turned back to their shade of blue as he took a deep breath and spoke. " How long do you need Tiberious for? I can get him here for the excuse that you like to heal him further after his visions. You can't keep him here long though. Dante said he would be back within the hour. We can't let my brother walk in on us with his wisdom sorcerer around. He doesn't like his orders to be ignored. I was sent here to make sure you don't escape. He would really unleash his wrath on a three of us if what you are planning to do back fires. But I am willing to help you. I trust you when you say that ... Aretha may be in danger. I would do anything for her."

Demetrious then disappeared and within seconds appeared with Tiberious. As Demetrious put Tiberious down, he collapsed on the floor. He sat on the floor and started rubbing his chest " Ah. It hurts still. Master's sphere really stings. I can't even stand up without shaking from pain. Do You mind me sitting on the floor? What can I do for you Lord Demwtrious."

Demetrious spoke " Oh. Sorry Tiberious. Let me make you more comfortable. He then carried Tiberious to a bed in the corner of the room and layed him down " Relax Tiberious. I just want us to have a chat. Just me, you and Athena. Have you met her yet?"

As Athena stepped around Denetrious and smiled warmly down at Tiberious, the wisdom sorcerer paled and spoke " What? Why do you want me dead Lord Demetrious? Master would kill me for sure. You underestimate your brothers love and possessiveness towards this woman. I have never felt any thing like it. Your brother is obsessed with her so much, he would one day sooner than you think won't allow you even to glance at her without permission. Especially if .... There is any children in their future reunion, masters possessiveness would even intensify. So please take me back while master is not here. Please. Keep me away from her or she will get my death warrant signed by master."

Athena sighed " Don't worry. You have nothing to fear. I can feel my blood match when he gets close. I would signal Demetrious to take you back quickly if I felt him. Please Toberious. We are running out of borrowed time. Listen to me and give me some straight answers. I count so much on you. The knowledge you have can be the key for me to buy myself and my healer coven and all those willing to stand up to Dante in Alaska some time."

Tiberious spoke " I guess. i dont have Much of a choice do i? Of course. I can't deny you anything Lady Athena. If I do. Master may still punish me for upsetting you. But i do trust you. You meant your words about detecting master and alerting me to danger approaching. Now, tell me. How can I be of service."

Athena bit her lip and then started " As you know my blood match will be summoning the other half of the jewel of illusion soon to help him locate my healer coven whom are concealed right now using the other half of the jewel of illusion. I need help sabotage Dante's plans in attacking and capturing my coven in some ways. As I said I am looking for buying myself and those who fight for the cause to resist Dante some time. I need you to help me in anyway you can. There has to be some knowledge that I know not but you do that would help us. Tell me how I can delay my blood match abit more before he can conquer my last hopes. That's right. The resistance put up by my coven and Alaskan citizens are the last rays of hope I have for resisting Dante. Tell me anything you think Might help me prolong the fight."

Tiberious sighed " I am not sure if I like to answer this question. I really wish for you to surrender to your blood match Lady Athena. Believe me when I say to you that if you think what is happening around you is bad, you have no idea of what's to come. That prophecy would come true but it could happen by even more gruesome ways. Your blood match would conquer the world whether you resist him or not. If you decide to go to him sooner, he would make the suffering much less for the citizens of the lands he conquers but if you keep denying him, that would make him more frustrated and heart broken. That would mean master would hurt others to get over your resistance towards him. By telling you to surrender to him, I don't just mean for you to give up your healer duties and agree to marry him. You must not fight him at all once you go to him. He loves you so much even the slightest resistance on your part can anger him to a point of craving even more destruction to fulfil his desires that you would refuse to give him. There is nothing in this world more important than you for master. He would want no other pleasure in life more than the satisfaction that your obedience and submission would give him. That would give him the feeling of complete victory that he seeks so much by conquering the world. You may wonder why your blood match has the desire to conquer. Like I said he gets pleasure from victory. That is all. But he is not aware that even when he conquers the world, that would not quench his thirst for power, victory and dominance completely. Only when you truly surrender to him too, he would be totally satisfied."

Demetrious interrupted " But all the things you said are irrelevant to what Athena asked you. She wishes to delay Dante. That is all. She did not ask for relationship advice. Tiberious. This is serious. The life of my blood match who happens to be Athenas sister is also at stake. She is a member of healer coven and I don't want her to get hurt. I would do anything to save her from any pain that I can avoid. You have to answer Athena truthfully. It is vital that you co-operate. Tell Athena what she seeks before its too late and Dante returns."

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