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Yoongi blankly stared at the ceiling of his bedroom while trying to process everything back in his head.

"Wow," he whispered to himself.

I still couldn't believe that I asked a girl out... did I?

I must've looked stupid in front of her! I was just trying to look cool-

Suddenly a door knock interrupted his thought. He sat up as the door opened, and there was Namjoon, poking his head in.

"Yoongi hyung? Are you alright?" the young one asked, as he closed the door behind him and sat by the edge of Yoongi's bed.

"On what reason do you have to be in my room?" Yoongi asked him, giving him a stare.

Just the usual Min Yoongi's stare.

"Though your room has a dark theme to it, you're wearing a bright pink pajama. What a mismatch," Namjoon claimed, rubbing his chin in suspicion. "Also, you ate less at dinner earlier."

"And? Your conclusion?"

"Something happened to you today, am I right? It's just that I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, because of the pajama you wear and the less food you ate."

"Namjoon ah..." Yoongi called out, changing his position, now facing Namjoon. "I know that it's going to sound weird since it's me, but I'm telling you," he paused and let out a breath. "I got a date tomorrow."

"Whoa, what?! Are you serious?" Namjoon asked with wide eyes, totally surprised.

Yoongi vigorously nodded his head, pulling his comforter closer to him as he flashed his significant gummy smile to the group leader.

It was so obvious to Namjoon that the elder one was overly excited about it just by how his legs moved around under the thick comforter.

"Don't act giddy, you look weird!" Namjoon said, giving Yoongi a weird look.

"How can I not?" he giggled, letting out a happy sigh as he finally felt relaxed after bottling it up to himself.

"Seems like you have a deep feeling on this girl. Care to tell me more?" Namjoon asked, cocking up his eyebrow.

"Convince me why would I tell you more."

"I can help you. I know you may not be telling this to the others."

"If it was Jungkook who came in instead of you, I would've told him, not you," Yoongi chuckled. "I know that it's weird to know that I like a girl, but... if you ever saw her..."

He paused again, his eyes were twinkling as he stared at Namjoon, who kept on giving weird looks at him.

"She is so cute, and she makes you feel like... she's that one thing that I want to keep in my pocket!"

"The fact that you're swooning over a girl's cuteness..." Namjoon then waved his hand in front of Yoongi's face as he called out, "hello? Min Suga? Are you in there?"

"Namjoon, I'm serious!" Yoongi groaned, slapping away his hand, and huffed.

"The fact that she made Min Yoongi crazy... Who is this girl? Have I met her before? Is she someone that we've seen before?"


"Can I meet her?"

"What, no!"


Suddenly Yoongi pouted, insecurities suddenly took over him. "What if... she... likes you-"

"Wah, Yoongi hyung. You're being obsessive now," Namjoon snickered.

"It's just... she's our fan too."

"How did you even meet her?"

"Well, I saved her. From an accident, like a few weeks ago. But, nevermind that, I'll tell you more later."

"You said you got a date tomorrow. So, let me remind you again: we need your part in 'Autumn Leaves' recorded tomorrow."

"I'll do it before I go out."

"At what time?"

"I promised her at 9 am."

"That's early!"

"I'll record at 8, don't worry. Besides, our meetup point won't be that far from the agency anyway."

Namjoon let out a sigh and then asked him.

"Are you really serious about this?"

"Yes. No one will stop me," Yoongi said, nodding his head.

"Then I wish you good luck. Good night, Yoongi hyung," Namjoon smiled, patting his hyung's shoulder, and stood up to leave the room. But as he grabbed the doorknob, he turned back. "Oh, both of you are official?"

"Oh. Not yet. I just... asked her out. I never told her... about my feelings. I just... wanted to start knowing her, that's all."

"Wait. So... you had a crush, on a girl that you had saved. She then agreed to go out with you, to know her more... Did you blackmail her or something?"

There was a moment of silence between Namjoon, who was staring at Yoongi, who had gone quiet after hearing the question.

"Naaaaah..." Yoongi nervously said, ruffling his hair as he felt anxious.

Namjoon squinted his eyes, feeling suspicious.

"Hm. Whatever. Good night, hyung."

"Good night."


"Hey," Yoongi panted, catching his breath after his run from the agency to meet Hyun Ae at the same place where they met last time.

"Sorry, I'm late. Got some works to do," he said, still catching his breath.

"Nah, it's fine," Hyun Ae chuckled, rubbing his back as he was still recovering from his run.

After letting out a loud sigh, Yoongi stood up straight and stared at her.

And he just noticed how beautiful she was in her long royal blue coat, with a simple white blouse and straight-cut matching pants.

Despite you went against this date yesterday...

"You looked great today," he complimented, shyly.

"Oh, thanks. The same goes to you," she giggled, pointing to his black trench coat.

Both smiled, before pulling out their face masks for their undercover.

"Well, let's go now," he said, after adjusting his cap.

Together, they walked down the quiet road, with the nearest subway station as their destination.

"Um... can I ask... something?" Hyun Ae suddenly asked.

"What is it?"

"Weren't you also got injured during the accident?"

"Ah... It's not that serious though-"

"Impossible," Hyun Ae said, suddenly hit his left shoulder with her bag.

Yoongi shrieked, holding onto his shoulder. The excruciating pain shot through his whole body.

"Ow! That hurts! What are you doing?!" he raged, with the pain was still lingering.

"See?! Go to the hospital, now!" Hyun Ae anxiously said, holding his shoulder as if it was going to fall off.

But Yoongi kept on shaking his head. Because he didn't want his agency to find out about his injury. Or they would make him rest for their upcoming comeback.

"No! I don't want to!"


"I can't believe it..."

Yoongi sighed as he stared at the queue number in his hand and stared at the monitor on the high wall.

Four more numbers to go before his turn.

"I had everything planned out, and you had to drag me here," he groaned, leaning back into his seat in the waiting lobby of the hospital.

"Excuse me? Your health is more important than your hang-out plans! You're an idol!" Hyun Ae said, being concerned about his condition. "Also, why didn't you get your treatment on that day when I was treated?"

"It's not like bleeding or something! I can still walk around! It's not that serious!"

"Won't the others be worried about you? Or you never tell them?"

Hyun Ae knew she hit the target when Yoongi clicked his tongue and grunted as he ignored her and looked up at the monitor.

"Wah... Min Suga," she chuckled in disbelief, shaking her head.

"We've been here for almost 45 minutes now. We wasted my time. My free time," Yoongi muttered under his breath, looking around the lobby.

"I'm sorry," she suddenly whispered, letting her head hung low, staring at her hands that were holding her bag.

"Nah, it's okay. You're just... worried about me..."

Yoongi let his words faded away as he noticed her becoming quiet.

Minutes passed as they waited, and still, no words were exchanged between them, and it frustrated Yoongi so much, knowing that he might have screw everything up.

"Ugh, this is frustrating..." he whispered to himself, right when the next number was called.

"Will you wait here?" Hyun Ae finally said, pulling out her purse from her bag as she turned to him.

"Where are you going?"

"Toilet. Don't worry, I won't go anywhere else. I'm leaving my bag here with you. Just wait here unless it's your turn, okay?"

With that, she smiled and patted his arm as she passed her bag to him, and immediately left the lobby, towards a hallway on the other side of the hall.

I made her feel bad, right?

Yoongi let out a long sigh, totally disappointed with himself, and leaned back to his seat again, staring at the high ceiling.

"Ah, Min Yoongi. You're so stupid," he grunted.

Around ten minutes had passed, the same goes for the queue numbers. But Yoongi only concerned about Hyun Ae's whereabouts as she hadn't come back from the washroom yet.

He was about to give her a call, but only to remember that her bag was with him.

He let out another frustrated sigh before he felt a presence from behind him.


He turned around, and there was Hyun Ae, with a smile on her face as she passed a paper bag to him.

"What's this? I thought you said that you were going to the toilet," he asked, not trying to show his worry as he grabbed the bag.

"Er... after toilet, I went to the cafeteria. And saw these. I thought that you might be hungry," she giggled, sitting back on the same chair where she had sat down.

She watched him looking into the bag with a confused look on his face.

"That's a lot of dumplings!" he pointed out, beginning to count the dumplings.

"Um... I didn't know which one you would eat, so..."

"You bought one every filling?" he asked, honestly a bit surprised when she did it. He smiled and took one out of the bag anyway.

"I'll eat any of it since you bought it. Thank you," he said, began to take a bite of his dumpling.

He began to hum in joy and took another bite as the taste began to spread out in his mouth.

"Is it delicious?" Hyun Ae asked, her eyes wide opened as she was curious. But instead of answering, Yoongi took another dumpling and divided it into two parts, passing one half to her. "No-"

"I insisted," he urged, hand still holding the dumpling towards her.

She sighed and finally took it. Together, they took a bite of their halves and hummed in the response of the good taste.

"You bought these because I made you feel bad, right?" Yoongi asked, taking a few gulps of his mineral water while staring at her. And when she suddenly looked down at her hands again, he immediately cleared his throat. "I-I didn't mean to-"

Suddenly, they heard a ding, echoing the lobby.

3342, room 4.

Hyun Ae suddenly stood up in a rush and said, "oh, it's your turn!"


I'm glad you guys love the first chapter ^^

And I'm glad to see some familiar names read and voted the first chapter ^^ that means you guys really there for me UwU I'm seriously touched T~T

Anyway, let me just tell you readers about the sequel of Her that I had in mind.

The main point of that book would be about Yeon Hwa. Like... the first 'Her' was Hyun Ae. So the second 'Her' would be Yeon Hwa. And the time that is set for this book is Yeon Hwa around 15-16 years old.

Yes, a teenage girl. Basically, it's about how Hyun Ae and Namjoon are going to deal with their daughter at her rebellious era :3

And of course, I won't make their life easier like I did last time ;)

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