10| Watching

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"I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell"


I couldn't help the anxiety and fear that rose in my chest
I was at a boys house
Kade King's house
Without my parents permission
What on earth was wrong with me?

"I'm home" Kade called out as he opened the front door
I stepped in nervously after him
"About time, Addy's been waiting age- oh... you... you brought a girl home" a woman spoke as she rounded the corner.

She was very pretty, I assumed she was Kade's mother
"You... you brought a girl home" she said again, with a lot more enthusiasm in her voice as she grinned at me. I offered a small smile back, nervous of how she would react to Kade bringing me here.

"Oh Kade" she said happily surprised, I looked to Kade, who merely scratched the back of his neck and stared at the floor
I'd never seen him so... awkward until I had actually spent time with him. Anyone who looked at him would be intimidated.

And rightly so. He was huge. But since our interactions he's been... nice. Cute in a sense
"This is Kingsley mom" he introduced
She smiled
"It's lovely to finally meet you Kingsley, I'm Chaska" she said nicely.

"Nice to meet you too... uh... finally" I said unsure of myself
"Um, tea?" She asked, I nodded
"Teas good" I said simply
She clapped her hands together
"Great, I'll put the kettle on" she said, giving Kade a glance before disappearing into the kitchen.

"You wann-"
"Kade" a little girl shouted, running down the stairs and into his arms.
"Hey Princess, you have a good day?" He asked
She nodded
"Yeah. Some girl at school ruined my painting though, so I threw hers in the bin" she laughed.

"Right" Kade drawled out
"You're rubbing off on her too much" his mom shouted from the kitchen
"You shouldn't do things like that Addy, you'll get in trouble" he said
"She already is!" His mom chimed in again.

"Addy... It's nice to meet you" I said happily, smiling at her
She looked at me, then beamed
"Hello" she said, smiling, before she turned to Kade and whispered in his ear
But I she wasn't a great whisperer
"Who is she?" She asked, making Kade chuckle.

"This is... my friend" he said with slight hesitance, like he wasn't sure how to address me
"Kingsley" he said
Friend... great
"You're pretty" she said
"Thank you, so are you" I said, she smiled.

Before she wiggled out of Kade's hold and ran off to the kitchen
"Mom" she shouted, drawn out
"Can I have a cookie?" She asked, disappearing from view.

"She's cute" I said
"Yeah, that's the trap" he chuckled, looking after her

We'd been sat on the sofa for about an hour now, and I had 18 texts from my dad asking where I was. As well as missed phone calls from him
I'd already text my mom to tell her where I was. And I simply text dad that I was at a friend's house.

"We should watch a movie one night, when everyone's out" Kade said, eyes never leaving the screen
"Sure, what movie though? You strike me as an action guy" I said, quickly realising my choice of phrasing.

"I mean like... action films" I said simply, listening to his laugh and wishing the ground would swallow me up
"I don't mind, what do you like?" He asked, leaning back and looking at me
I shrugged
"I'm more... fantasy... mythical. Or romance" I said.

"We can watch one of those films" he said casually
"Really?" I asked, he nodded
I didn't pin Kade as a magic loving boy.

I thought he'd be all explosions, guns and girls.

"Okay, great" I said, sitting back against the sofa, Kade's arm was already thrown over the back, so I tried to subtly inch closer into him.
Before the front door swung open
"We're back" a boy called out
I've seen him around. I knew he was Kade's brother. Followed by his sister.

But the boy stopped when he saw me
"Why is Kingsley Hadley on our sofa?" He asked
"Finn. Don't be weird" his sister said, rolling her eyes at him.

"But she's- why is she..." his gaze drifted to Kade
"Well... fuck" he said, almost in... disbelief?
Before he wondered off upstairs
"Ignore him" the girl spoke up. I think her name was... Atlas?

"Yeah, idiot" Kade mumbled
"I mean, he does have a point" she chimed, before she also wondered off
Kade sighed
"I'm sorry" he said
"Don't be" I said honestly.

"Your family is nice. Big" I chuckled
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Where's... your dad?" I asked cautiously
I hadn't seen him at all. And it was pretty late now.
"Work" he said simply, shrugging

"Oh, right" I said
"He works a lot" he offered
I nodded
I got it. Dad works all the time too
He always in the office. Or in his study.

"Speaking of, I think I need to get home soon, or my dad will come knocking" I chuckled
"Okay, I'll drive you" he said, slowly getting up, holding his hand out for me to help me up.

"Thanks, for tonight" I said
"It's alright, I'm glad you came back with me" he said, pulling up outside my house
"Me too" I smiled, before I looked at the house
And I couldn't help but sigh
"What's wrong princess?" He asked.

"My dad. Is going to kill me" I said
"Hey, he won't. And if you do have any trouble, call me. I'll save you" he said
"Save me?" I chuckled
"Yeah, every princess needs a knight right?" He asked.

"I suppose they do" I smiled
"I thought you were my sunflower though, not a knight" I teased
"Can't I be both?" He asked, earning a chuckle from me, before I did something bold
I leaned across the seats and planted a small kiss on his cheek
But as I moved away, his hand grasped the side of my face and stopped me

I looked up at him, we were... close
"Yeah" he breathed out, gaze flickering down to my lips
I didn't know what else to say
I felt flustered and flawed every time he looked at me that way.

He slowly moved in, and I closed my eyes
Braced for the feeling I had been chasing since the party
The feel of his lips against mine
Kissing Kade King was like floating on a goddamn cloud.

But before I could feel it
Before I could kiss him...
A light flickered on to my right.
And my father's yells interrupted the moment

"Kingsley!" He shouted
I winced slightly
How... embarrassing
"Kingsley Hadley! Get in this house this instant" he shouted.

I sighed, breaking away from Kade's grasp
"I'm sorry" I said
"Don't be" he said quickly
"No I am. Families are strange but my dad... my dad is a whole other level" I sighed
"Yeah... I know the feeling" he mumbled.

I moved to get out of the car, throwing a glare of my own back at my dad's
"Bye Kade" I said, earning a smile back that almost had me melting before I shut the door
I turned around, and quickly walked up the path

"You are so embarrassing" I whisper shouted at him, walking into the house
He followed me in, and shut the front door
"Why didn't you text me? Tell us where you were" he immediately shouted as he slammed the front door
"I told mom" I said simply, shrugging my jacket off.

"Don't walk away from me Kingsley" he snapped, I stopped in the kitchen doorway
"I'm not arguing with you" I said simply
"Don't talk to me like that. I'm the parent" he said
"Then act like one" I snapped back, leaving him there.

I was sick of this. He doesn't have to like Kade. He doesn't even have to see him.
He just has to accept my decisions.
If Kade turned out to be a bad guy, then that would be on me
My heartbreak.

But I knew deep down he wouldn't be
He was sweet to me, he liked me.

"Autumn! Aut!" I heard dad shout
"What's going on?" She asked confused, coming out of the living room
"Talk to her" he said angrily, storming off, before I heard the sound of his study door slam.

Mom appeared in the kitchen with a sigh
"You need to stop rising to him" she said
"It only feeds the fire" she added
"Well he should grow up" I said
"You both need to grow up" she said.

Did I? I was mature for my age
I was perfectly happy with the way things were going between me and Kade
It wasn't my dad's business
I know he's concerned, he always is.

But this was my choice


"You're very happy today" Mom commented from the island
"Mm" I hummed, closing the fridge
"Maybe I am happy" I said simply
Fuck that. I was ecstatic

Kingsley was round my house
In my car
Seconds away from kissing me
We were practically together at this point
"Anything to do with that girl?" She asked
"Everything to do with her" I said.


"Your father wanted you by the way, he's in his study" she said
"Okay" I said, making my way down the hall
Dad was actually home?
"Dad?" I called out, opening his door

"Kade, good day at school?" He asked, looking through his pile of papers
"It was good, mom said you needed me though?" I asked
"Yes, you're not going in tomorrow" he said, still not looking up

"What? Why?" I asked
"Business" he said vaguely
I sighed
I don't want to take the day off to beat someone up for him.

"Really? Can't someone else help you?" I asked


The morning wasn't any different than every other morning recently
Dad had left for work. Without me.
Mom was getting ready for work, and I... was walking.

Kade was busy apparently. And wouldn't be here today
So here I was. Walking to school again
But I didn't feel... secure
It felt like someone was... watching me
And when I looked behind me... the black car I saw two streets over was there again.

The mere sight of it made me walk that little bit faster.
I only felt truly safe when I had got to school, but even that was short lived when my phone pinged.

You look pretty today, lonely little girl walking to school

What the...
"Kins? You okay?" Maria asked, approaching me

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