13- H?

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"Trust yourself, you've survived a lot, and you will survive whatever is coming"

Kingsley's POV

It's been 3 days since I heard from Kade
I'd texted. And texted. Rang and worried
But nothing except a few short texts that he was okay
And that he'd see me soon enough
He hadn't been at school
None of his friends had told me anything.

"Are you even listening to me?" Alex asked
"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked
"I said she's taking me out tomorrow night, she's got an in with the nightclub across town" she said, sipping her milkshake
"Who?" I asked
"Athena, the girl from the party? Keep up Kins" she said.

"Sorry, long day" I said
I had to get back to work soon.
"Still worried about the text? Don't be, it's not like anyone will kill you in the diner, there's people around" she said
"Thanks Alex. I told you because you're my best friend, not so you could scare me even more" I said.

She shrugged
"Sorry, it's probably just some weirdo from school with a crush" she brushed off
I left out the part that it had something to do with Kade
That two people had broken into my house and threatened me.

"Maybe" I dismissed
I didn't want to talk about it anymore
I thought working would have took my mind off of it.

"Kingsley, 5 minutes" Lana called, I nodded
"I have to go Al" I said
"Yeah, I should probably go too, wanna hang out tonight? Maria's busy at her drama club but Aubrey's free, movie night?" She suggested.

"I can't, I have to go to a dinner with my parents, some business associate of my dad" I said
"Sounds fun" she chuckled, drinking the last of her milkshake as she stood up.

"Movie night for two then, I'll see you tomorrow?" She said, I nodded
"Yeah" I stood up.
Hopefully this dinner could take my mind of things
I was worried about Kade
And I was terrified someone was going to come for me again.

Kade's POV

"You can't spend all day in there" mom commented, placing dinner on the table
Being in the office was more useful than being at school
We had to figure out our next move
He had threatened someone close to me.

One of the people in this world I cared about deeply. I wasn't going to let that slide.
"What do you want me to do?" I said simply.
I had been so swamped in this, I had barely spoken to or seen Kingsley

I felt guilty, she was probably still scared
I couldn't blame her. I wanted to be with her to protect her. Always.
But that was hard with a dad like hers.

"Go out into the real world?" Finn suggested
"Shut up" I said
"I'm just saying. A few days ago you had Kingsley fucking Hadley on our sofa. Now you're moping around in dad's office all the time and we barely see you" he said.

"I have things to do, you'll understand that when you're old enough" I said. He was still so oblivious to what this life really entailed.

"I don't think you even understand. You had Hadley here. Fucking Hadley" he said
"Why do you sound so surprised?" I asked
I know she was out of everyone's league
She had that soft natural beauty that everyone fell for.

"Because you're you. You can barely sting a sentence together in front of her and you do most of your talking with your fists" Atlas chimed in
I sighed
"I think she's nice" mom smiled.

"Thanks mom" I said
"She's pretty" Addy said
"She is, isn't she?" I smiled at her
She nodded.

I just hoped she wouldn't hate me when I go to see her.
I hope she doesn't hate me when she finds out the truth.

Kingsley's POV

"Do I really need to wear this?" I asked
"Yes, we have to make a good impression darling" Mom said, fixing her hair in the hallway mirror
"I know but-"
"But nothing, these clients are very important to your father, we can't mess this up" she said.

Kingsley's Outfit

I sighed
"It's just dinner mom" I said
"I know, but you know how your dad stresses" she said. True. He did stress, too much
"Are we all ready?" He spoke up, walking down the stairs
"Yes" mom smiled, doing his tie as he reached us.


The house we drove up to was huge. With bodyguards on the gate, at the door.
They must be very important people
And if they were clients of dad
Then they must have done something wrong
Or been accused of something.

"This is it" he said, getting out
This was intimidating.

I got out of the car, cautious of the men standing at the door. Guarding.
"Mr and Mrs Hadley, miss" one man greeted, opening the door for us
"Thank you" dad said, walking inside.

"Grant" a woman smiled, walking towards us
"So glad you could come, you must be Autumn" she smiled at mom
"You must be Cassandra, I've heard so much about you" mom said politely
"I hope not legally speaking" she joked.

"Of course not" Grant agreed.
"Mason should be here somewhere, come through" she said, ushering us into the living room.
"This is my daughter Liana" she introduced
We exchanged smiles.

"Ah Grant" a man I could only assume was Mason spoke, rounding into the room, in a black suit.
"Mason" dad smiled
It was odd, watching him be polite and friendly to people.

Acting as if he had a perfect family when all he did lately was scream at me.
"I see you've met my daughter, and my beautiful wife" he said, putting his arm around Cassandra.

"Huxley isn't home yet, he should be back soon" Cassandra said
"He won't be" Liana chuckled
"He's probably caught up with work" Cassandra offered, making Liana roll her eyes.

"So, what is it you do Autumn?" Mason asked as we sat at the dining table, eating dinner
They had talked on anything and everything as me and Liana sat in silence
Both eating and wishing for this to be over.
"I run a restaurant, well I own a restaurant rather" she said.

"Ah that's lovely" Cassandra
"I always wanted to get into baking..." she went on.
I pulled my phone out, texting Kade once again
I didn't want to sound needy
But I was scared. I was missing him. And I wanted answers.

'Please call me or something, I can't keep going on like this Kade, I need you to tell me what's going on'

"I'm home" we heard a voice call out
"Ah Huxley, we waited for you but eventually we had to start without you" Cassandra called back
"It's alright, I'm sorry I tried leaving work early but I got caught... up" he said, trailing off as he appeared in the doorway.

The more he spoke, the more I recognised the voice
And when he appeared before me
I froze. A jolt of utter fear ran through my body as his face... his voice reminded me.

'When they told us about you, I didn't think you'd be so... prissy'

It was him. He was... H
"Lee are you okay?" Mom asked
But I couldn't move
I thought I was going to explode from the frustration of feeling... so trapped
All the air had left me.

"I... I need some air" I said quickly, rushing from the room to the back door
It was him. Was he following me? Did he know I was coming?

Do I ring Kade for help?
"What the fuck are you doing here?" He said, abruptly shoving me against the wall outside
I couldn't speak. Words failed me. I felt nothing but pure fear.

My heart had stopped.
"You what? How the fuck did you find me little girl?" He taunted, caging me in with his arms braced against the wall
"I... I didn't. I didn't know you'd be... here" I said, breathing seemed to become harder and harder.

"You shouldn't fucking be here. You keep your mouth shut. Alright!" He said, I nodded quickly
I didn't plan to get on the wrong side of this guy at all.

"I mean it. You say nothing! To anyone. You don't tell anyone about my family, my name, nothing!" He warned.

"I won't... I promise" I said.
"Good, you may know things about me but I know you far better Kingsley, I know your friends, where they live. I know your mom and dad, where they work, where you work. Cross me and I'll rip your life apart in seconds, understand?" He said lowly, glancing back into the house briefly.

"Yes. I understand" I said
He pushed himself off the wall, disappearing inside
I caught my breath, desperately trying to get myself together.

I didn't want to be here
I didn't want my parents to be here. I just wanted to feel safe
I wanted Kade to be here and make me feel safe.

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