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Mumbai is a city of dreams . It's believed that Mumbai meets everyone's dreams and doesn't let anyone alone . It is a city of hope which brings new life to some while a new shade to others .

Gadodia house

Morning prayer is been conducted by a lady while a girl with slow and steady steps comes and stands infront of the Lord with closed eyes making sure that her mother dint see her coming late or else she will be dead with morning scoldings .

Lady finishes the prayer and turns around to see her husband and daughter standing behind her with a smiling face making her day bright

" Good morning " says lady with bright smile

" Good morning " greets back her husband and daughter

" Won't you give us Prasad ? " Asks girl with shinning eyes

Lady laughs at her " always waiting for Prasad " and hits her head slightly and hands over Prasad to her

Girl pouts and takes Prasad " mumma you always tease me this isn't fair "

Girl goes near her father and hugs him while complaining : baba see your wife

Man makes an fake angry face : Shomi don't tease my daughter

Sharmistha laughs loudly : here comes the another Prasad lover

Shekar pouts while Swara makes funny face making Sharmistha admire her small family .

Sharmistha seeing her husband and daughters sad face changes the topic : breakfast is ready so come fast and Shona don't be late to college today as it's your first day

Swara nods her head and along with Shekar sits on dinning table . They three have breakfast with their nok jok and daily talks .

Shekar after finishing his breakfast : Shona I will drop you to college today

Swara while wiping her face : it's ok baba I will manage as I know my college and your shop is in different places

Sharmistha : Shona it's your first day so for today go with your papa

Swara was about to deny again

Sharmistha : no more arguments Shona

Swara pouts while Shekar smiles and says : come sooner

Swara nods her head and goes to her room to bring her bag . Bidding bye to her mother Swara goes with her father to college .

Mumbai University

Shekar drops Swara near the gate : Shona don't fall in trap of any seniors. If they rag you then don't be hesitant just go and complain with principal ok

Swara nods her head being obedient : don't worry about it papa I will take care of myself you just reach shop on time or else your customers will be angry with you

Swara giggles while Shekar glares her . Swara keeps her hand on her ears and seeks forgiveness . Shekar smiles at his daughter's antics and forgives her . Swara kisses her father's cheek happily and enters college while Shekar goes from there .

Swara's POV

Wow ! Dam ! What a beautiful college it is ! I know it's an University and Universities are always big and beautiful , but today for the first time I'm seeing such a big one .

I'm feeling myself lucky to get merit seat in this much big campus. I will surely roam around this campus and know all the corner of this campus very sooner. But before that I need to do friends and should even search my classroom .

Swara's POV ends

A group of boys looks at Swara with a smirk on their face while one boy calls her loudly " oh girl come here "

Swara looks around and finds only herself infront of them and goes near them while a boy was already standing infront of them with an irritated look .

Swara with attitude : yes what do you want ?

One boy : I need nothing but this boy needs your help as his mouth is itching a lot and need a kiss

Other boys laugh loudly while the boy standing infront of them gets hell angry and fists his hand . Swara observes all this and gets hell angry and slaps the boy hardly .

Boy while keeping his hand on his cheek : what the hell ? Why did you slap me ?

Swara acts innocently and stands : actually my hand was also itching badly and thus wanted to slap someone badly and as I dint get anyone around me I slapped you

Boys look at her with wide eyes while the boy standing beside her looks at her being surprised .

Other boy comes forward angrily : oh hello don't act smart as if this college is your father's

Swara with innocent eyes : but this college is my father's

All the boys looks at her with suspicious eyes : how is that possible ?

Swara : it is possible as I have paid fees same like you people so stop doing all this or else I will complain against you and make sure that all your itching will be stopped sooner

Swara holds the other boys hand and glares those ragging boys and goes from there while scolding the other boy : what the hell is wrong with you ? Can't you protest against them ? Can't you speak against them ? They will tell you to kiss anyone and you being a coward will kiss anyone ?

Swara was dragging the boy while scolding him but the boy gets angry and harshly pulls his hand back and goes from there without speaking anything .

Swara just looks at his disappearing figure : what happened to him ? Did I speak too much ? But I did nothing wrong , I just spoke what was needed . Let it be even I will not help him further .

Swara twitches her nose angrily and goes towards the notice board to find the classroom . She finds her name and classroom and goes towards her classroom with the help of staff members who were assisting students . While searching class Swara finds the same boy sitting in middle bench while bowing head .

Swara gets angry seeing him and thinks to herself : he is good for nothing and now in my class too ! God ! Why are you so cruel ? You know na I don't like either first bench nor last bench and prefer only middle bench but here you kept only a place near to him ? Why God ?

Swara having no other option goes and sits beside the chair near to him without looking at his face. As boy was lost in his own world he doesn't see her and continue his work of staring the desk .

Soon lecture comes and takes the attendance where Swara gets to know that the boy's name is Sanskar . And from his introduction she gets to know that he is Sanskar Maheshwari and came from Kolkata which makes Swara realise that he left his family in Kolkata and came to Mumbai .

Swara too gives her introduction and at that point of time Sanskar observes her but doesn't react making Swara more shocked and confused .

Swara to herself : might be he is missing his family and that's why he is acting wired . But what I have to do with it ? I have nothing to do with it . I just need a friend for my survival and should concentrate on it than thinking about Sanskar .

But she had less idea that how much ever she will try to be away from him , she will be going more near to him .


Hey guys !

I'm back with part 1

Hope you all liked it *fingers crossed*

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