chapter 28

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In hospital avni's room

It was at evening time, only one person is allowed to stay and all agree with neil as he told he will stay with avni. Now neil only in hospital and he is sitting in avni's room. Avni was getting sounds good sleep due to effects of medicine and neil was staring at his wifey from couch, he was staring at her bt at the same time thinking abt something very deeply, actually he was thinking abt yesterday night incident.

(Flashback start)

Neil was putting avni sleep by stroking her hair, sleep also took fast to avni and neil settled himself in couch, he also slept in some minutes

At midnight neil was woke up by jerk bcz of avni's shout, she was sobbing and sweating in her sleep. Neil was shocked at core, its all bcz of him and bcz of him avni got kidnap and he went there by late and bcz of that she has to face all these and now this, he failed as a police officer and being a husband, he didnt save her, her didnt protect her on time, he was hell angry at himself apart he is cursing himself

Avni- (in sleep) neil.......plz s...a..v...e stay a...w...a..y f...r...o...m m....e , d..ont touch me plz.......neil save me

Neil- avni calm down, avni i am with you

Avni woke up in shock, neil didn let her to speak future and gave water and he lie down beside her, he gently took her in his embrace without hurting her, he was not comfortable in his position bt he make avni comfortable and cares her hair and plant a soft kiss on her forehead, without uttering a word avni slept immediately

Neil- i love you avni and i cant see you like this, i promise avni, i will make everything alright

(Flashback end)

He was guilty, what ever he did, he consoled himself, he did all these as a husband bt not a police officer, bt beating goon was done by acp neil khanna, when he remembered avni's beautiful smile face and at the same time abt last night incident, then he thought what he was did is not wrong, he recalled what happened in past two days, how doctor declared avni is dead and what he felt at that moment and what he went trought in these two days, he couldnt express it bt words, thinking all these just only as a husband then he felt he didnt do any wrong bt he know when ever avni got to know all these she will surely mad at him, he dont no what will he have to do at that time he cant take avni's anger bt now ignoring all these thought to live at this moment with his love, he even didnt realised when avni woke up and she was looking at her husband very lovingly

Neil- when did you woke up

Avni- when my handsome husband is in other world

Neil- huh.....

Avni-(worried ) what are you thinking abt neil, is everything alright

Neil come beside avni sat beside her bt holding her hand and intertwined his fingers with her

Neil- nothing much just abt a case

Avni- neil i want to go home, when will

Neil- dont worry avni soon we can go home and i will ask doctor while you take rest

Avni- (pout) huh.......she turn her face to other side, neil smile at her cute antics and he arise his eyebrows by asking "what"

Avni- now only i woke up and again you are saying to take rest

Neil- then what else you want, you are patient

Avni-(with puppy face and act like thinking keeping her finger in her chin) hmmmm plz talk to me

Neil-(bit surprised ) talk to you bt what

Avni- anything you want and i will listening you

And they talk, both are in same single bed, neil was half lying on bed, both feel more comfortable, and neil was soo much peace, unknowingly avni was helping to him to coming out of morning incident bcz he was speaking like that with avni may be after one month, during their first trip they both talked freely after that now, it was so relieved to neil, neil shared lost of things abt him bt poor neil doesn't know one thing, which is he was telling to avni she all ready know all that else we can tell she know all secret abt neil.....hahahah😁😁😁😁 May be neil is best police officer bt he missed one theif in his life, who is spying very successfully without his knowledge, hmmm yes avni, she is the one who is spying on neil in very long time, bt he didnt no that, he lose infront of his wifey,

Avni mentally smiled at herself, all he said she know it bcz of 'Misson of spying Acp Neil khanna'' bt she didnt show any disinterest in all these as she already know bt keep listening him very interestingly, finally she chuckled

Neil- what happen

Avni- no look at the time, its already nine, we talked long time

Neil looked at the watch and get surprised, they so involved in their talk, now he dont feel any guilty, all thanks to avni

Neil- ok i will get the food saying he turn to leave bt once again look back avni and say

Neil- (smiled and whole heartly ) thank you

Avni-(surprised ) thank you ......why

Neil- hmmm you take out me from big stress

Avni-(more puzzled ) what i didnt get, and i didnt do any thing

Neil- no you did and you will get to know on time saying he kissed avni's cheek and storm out the room avni could realised what he did

Avni gasped and rolled her eyes, she realised what happened now and immediately kept her hand on her cheek, her cheeks turned red tomato, she is blushing very hard, this was the first time, first time she felt his lips against her skin, their firt kiss, she was blushing and smiling ear to ear.

Some time later neil come with food and started feed avni neil stayed like nothing heppen while ago

Avni- neil what did doctor said and when i can go home

Neil- nothing to worry avni, everything is normal, and doctor said tomorrow we can go home

Avni- its nice, i feel bore here

Neil- ok now you sleep and i told to mum and maa they dont need to come here, you ok naa

Avni- yah its good, k good night

Neil- good night now sleep.

Next day morning, new morning for avnil, neil woke up early and did every discharged formalities, at the same time dd come there, neil called dd, after finishing everything both headed to avni's room, when he entered he got angry on avni, walk towards her and say

Neil- (bit angry ) so you always ready to get scold from me right

Avni-(innocently ) now what i did, bcz of that you can scold me bt i didnt do anything like that

Neil- you didnt do anything, then what are doing now

Avni- i am just trying to stand by myself and is this a crime

Neil- no its bt what i told to you, wait for me, bt no, you didnt listenn whats soo hurry ahhhh

Avni- woh i just tri.........

Neil-( cup her face worried) avni you are week, and its only two days, dont try to do that, dont try to hurt yourself, i dont have strength to see you like this anymore, plz try to understand

Avni was overwhelmed seeing his love and at the same time dd also so happy seeing his bhai's love toward his bhabhi

Avni-(with love) sorry i will not do again bt how can i will go from here, dont tell me by wheelchair

Neil-(laughing ) hahahh avni why are you worrying abt that when your husband is with you (he winked at her) (to dd) dd pls keep these bags in the car

Dd nod and took bags and went from there and neil took avni in his arms in bridle style come out the room

Neil- now ok

Avni- neil what are you doing, plz put me down,

Neil-(he is laughing inside seeing her situation ) why avni i didnt do anything wrong

Avni- plz neil, everyone watching us

Neil- avni stay calm, i dont have any problem who ever watched us, i didnt picked up any random girl, i picked up my girl ( its come in a flow in his mouth then he light up what he said and ) i mean i picked up my wifey ok and avni more over we almost reached outside

Avni- she look out side and say, you are impossible

Neil placed avni front seat and put her seat belt and dd sat back and the drove to home.

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