her protector (10)

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Sorry for the late 😶😶😶
No proof read.... 🙄🙄🙄


They were lost in each other...
He slowly get apart from her and look her face...
She is closing her eyes...

Gauri open her eyes and look at him... They look at each other Passonatly for few seconds...
He joins his forehead with her...
Both close their eyes for few seconds... Living in that moment...

But suddenly reality hit Gauri...
She jerk and leave ommkara....
Ommkara also come out from his dreamland....

Both look at each other in shock...
Both don't know how to react...
Ommkara curse himself for being a stupid and did that stunt... How can he does that?
Didn't he decide something before come here....?
How can he forgot that?

While Gauri mind is blank...
What just happened? Was it a dream or real?
How can she does that ...
She just know him from few days... And how can she attract to him..

Both are looking at each other in shock... Both are silent...
They know they both are responsible for what they done...
Ommkara know he is the one who started all this.... But can his apologies will rectify his mistake.?
But before he  could say something....


They look towards the door and find daadu is standing there...
Both look daadu and run to him because daadu is standing by supporting other people...

"Daadu... What happened? Why are you"

Gauri ask Worridly....

"Beta let him lay down on bed first... "

One of the man said who is holding daadu..
Ommkara get tense to see daadu like this....

They make daadu lay on bed...
Gauri come with water....
Rikara almost forgot about the incident seeing daadu like this...
Narendra drink water...

"Are you feeling good? "

Ommkara ask...
Narendra nods...

"What happened to you? "

Gauri ask almost crying....

"Actually he got unconscious  while we were returning.... We take him to the hospital and check up... His BP and sugar level is high"

The man informed...
Gauri hug her daadu and sobs....
She has no one except her daadu.... If something happened with him she would die....

"I told you to not take stress.... Why you don't care about you daadu... If..... If something happened then what will I do? You know I have no one except you"

Narendra make her look at him...
He wipe her tears....

"Don't cry beta.... I am here.. I am ok... And I won't die before I get you marry to someone who will always there for you"

"Daadu please.... Don't say like that"

Gauri wipe her tears....
Ommkara smile to see the love between them....

"You just take rest... We'll come to see you"

The men said and went from there....

"I filled a complain against parv and his father.... They said they will take action"

Narendra said weakly....
Ommkara feel so bad.... How can he left like that.... Daadu is so weak and tensed....

"Daadu you just take rest.... I'll take care of everything... I am calling a doctor right now"

Ommkara said....

"No beta I am fine.... There is no need... And when you return"

Daadu said...

"There is need daadu... You just don't worry... Everything will be fine"

Ommkara assure....
Gauri look at ommkara... He also look at her....
Just then they remember about the kiss....
Both look here there embarrassed....

"You... You take rest daadu... I'll make something to eat... "

Saying this Gauri run to kitchen...
Ommkara understand her situation... He is also in same page.... But now he have to take care of daadu.... He quickly call someone...




Gauri enter the kitchen....
Controlling her heartbeat....

She is feeling embarrassed and bad too...
How can she just go that far with him?
And what about daadu... How can she didn't think about him...
Is this the things daadu taught her....

She hold her head...
She should take care of daadu right now....





In room...

"Ommkara how will you find a doctor here... You don't even know this area"

Daadu ask...

"Arm... I'll manage daadu... You just take rest"

Ommkara said and about to go...

"Ommkara... Can you please sit here for few minutes.... I want to talk to you"

Ommkara nods and sit there...
Narendra sigh tensed....

"You know ommkara.... When I was in hospital and felt like I am going to die I was just thinking about my Gauri"

Narendra eyes feel with tear...
He was so scared at that time... He couldn't say anything to Gauri...
Ommkara feel that and place his hand over Narendra...

"Daadu please relax"

"There is no one for my Gauri except me.... I know the villagers  loves her.... But still my child will be alone if something happen to me.... "

"Daadu nothing will happen... I am here"

"Today I realized I should start searching groom for Gauri.... Now it's really necessary to make her marry someone who can be with her.... Who can protect her.... There is no guarantee of my health"

Ommkara heart stop beating for a second after hearing this...

"Gauri's marriage? "

He said in shock...

"Yes.... I talked with the village headman while returning... He said he will search for a groom... And I am requesting you too for this... You have so many friends..."

Daadu request....
Ommkara is in shock.... Daadu is thinking about Gauri marriage...
How can this happened?
He come here with a motive and now the situation is like against him.... He needs time....


Narendra ask when ommkara is silent...

"Yes... Yes daadu"

He said....

"Did you hear what I said"

Daadu ask...

"Arm... Daadu.... We'll talk about it later... You just take rest please"

Saying this ommkara go from there....
Before he go out of the house he looks at Gauri who is busy in the kitchen....
He sigh...

"I will never let you go...you are mine and always be mine"

He said Possesivly....







Gauri take lunch to daadu room...
She couldn't find ommkara there... Her eyes searching for him....

"Daadu... You have your lunch"

Gauri sit beside daadu with food plate.... And make him eat....
Narendra eat...

"Arm... Where is ommkara? "

Finally she ask...

"He went to call a doctor... I said there is no need but he is"

Daadu said... Gauri smile...

"Now you'll take only rest"

Gauri said.... Narendra smile...

"Ok mummy... As you order"

Finally he finish eating...
Gauri sit near her daadu...

"Gauri I want to talk with you"

Gauri nods...
Narendra tell her about his decision.... That he want to marry her....

Gauri is shock....
Marriage? Why?

"Daadu.... Why you are thinking about all this... I am not going to marry anyone"

Gauri said...

"Beta please... I am not saying to get married now... We'll seach for a suitable groom... Who can take care of you. "

"Daadu please.... There is no one for me.... And I am not marrying anyone"

Gauri said and stand up...

"You take rest"

Saying this she left.... Narendra sigh...




PrecapGauri's love confession. 😍

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