her protector (16)

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He reached hospital....

He enquiry in Hospital about his father and about to know that tej faced a big accident and now in critical condition...he request the doctor and nurse to meet his Father but they didn't allow him..he feel all alone...
He fill the form for the operation because it was emergency ...he is scared and shatter ...don't know how to handle the situation...
the father he loved the most is on This situation...don't know what to do now ... Khanna also came there and help him.....console him

Khanna wanted to call Janhavi but Omkara said let's see the situation first then we will call....
because he doesn't want to give stress to her mother when she is not here....

A nurse comes there and said to ommkara that his father want to meet him, they don't want to allow it but Tej is requesting them so much to meet his son before the operation....



Ommkara went inside...
He saw His father was lying on bed ...he felt Heartbroken to see his father like that.....
tej is conscious and he want to talk to Omkara...

when he saw Omkara extend his hand with difficulty....
Omkara quickly go there and hold his father hand with teary eyes....
Tej is attached  with so many wires ....Tej start talking but Omkara stopped him ...

he said

"dad ,don't talk ...let the doctor treat you....when you will be better...we can talk peacefully"

but tej said
"no I want to talk with you right now ......because I don't know what will happen after the operation....there is something very important I want to tell you"

Omkara see his father and  said yes then tej begin to say everything from his childhood to till now...
and at last he asked Omkara

"I had a wish......you can say maybe this is my last wish and I want you to fulfill it"

Omkara said

"Dad please,don't say like this...
I will fulfill everything what ever you want....I know you want to search Trivedis and give them a good life...
I promised I will fulfill your wish...but first you have to come out from this situation...I really love you dad I am nothing without you "

tej  Said
"yes that is one wish but I know that is  not only my only wish ,  a promise I given to someone which I have to fulfill"

"what is it dad ?please tell me  I will fulfill all your promises"

Omkara said

Tej smile weakly and say

"I know that ....but this is something may you find difficult to fulfill"

"first tell me what is it...I will surely fulfill it"
Omkara promised...

"then listen my son....I promised to my friend that I will bring his daughter as my daughter in law to my house as your wife....
so if you find them then promise me , you will marry Gauri trivedi, I know you never Saw her....you never know her...and I think this is the biggest thing I am ever asking to you"
Tej sad emotionally...

Omkara was in shock because he never knew about this promise of his father...
while he was processing all this tej again said...

"believe me son, I never wanted all Like this...I wanted you to meet Gauri first.. I wanted you both to know each other first...but what can I do now I don't have much time"
Tej is looking pale..

Ommkara get worried...

"Dad please...don't say like this" Omkara is emotional now...

"please beta promise me....you...you...will do it for me....if something happened with me....you have to take care of .....of your mother and Trivedi...and specially...specially Gauri .....promise me before it's too late"

Omkara is in shock and confusion. ...
what to do now ...the girl he saw yesterday was the one he started liking but now his father want him to get married some random girl whom he didn't know....
he looked at his father who is looking to him with hope and expectation...

He relax himself and promise his father...
because for now nothing is more important than his father...not even his own feeling...

after that he came out from that operation room and sit on bench and think about the whole scenario ....
He relax himself....he get himself ready for everything...he has to be strong...then he informed his mother Accident....






next day Jahnavi came to India but it was too late.....because the operation was failed and Tej went to coma...
Jahnavi and Omkara was broken, they both are sad, but Omkara keep patience and handle his mother carefully along with that hi continue searching Trivedis....

Omkara and Jahnavi Want to take Tej to America but doctor told them to wait at least one month .... if tej did not recover, they will allowed them to take him to other country...
in the meantime Omkara told everything to his mother about tej promise and about that girl...

Janhavi said she knew about the promise...Tej had already told her...then Omkara asked to his mother what he can do now ? He can't break the promise but he can't marry  other girl when he like that it girl in the function....

Janvi said

"Let's search the Trivedi first then we will think about it....
maybe the girl is married now or we can talk with them and make them understand the situation ....first search them"

Omkara understand this is the right way to do everything ...in this way he will keep his father promise and he can understand his feelings about that girl also...




After few days finally Khanna bring a good news ....now oberois shifted to a house which Omkara bought to stay here ...
he was handling his business in other country and family here as well as searching the trivedis....
finally Khanna handed him a file about trivedis, he find out about their place where they are living....
Janvi was in Tej room...
Omkara called her ,she came.....then he open the file while Khanna was explaining about Trivedis....

Khanna says

"as you know the Trivedis parents are no more ,only the grandfather and the granddaughter are living in Banaras. the grandfather have a shop and some crop field...whilr  the granddaughter whose name is Gauri she is working as a dance teacher in a school...."

then Khanna explains the problems they are facing financially and personally...
he told about jayant and perv who were troubling both of them....

Jhanvi and Omkara felt bad after hearing this ....
then Khanna shows them the grand daughter and grandfather's pictures which is Narendra and Gauri.....

after seeing the picture, ommkara is shock and happy...this  is the same girl he saw in the function .....
Janvi is confused to see him smiling ....the next second he stand up and literally shout

"this is the girl ?the Trivedi girl? her name is Gauri ?are you sure Khanna? this is Gauri? "

Khanna said

"yes sir I am hundred percent sure she is trivadis daughter Gauri...."

Janhvi look at the picture and said

"yes she is  looking very beautiful ...and innocent"then he ask Omkara

"do you know her? "

Omkara smile get bigger and he said excitedly...

"mum this is the same girl I was talking.....this is the same girl I saw in the function ....I can't believe the destiny is playing game like this....the girl with whom my father fix my marriage since childhood.....after coming India the first girl I saw it was her....and I started liking her"

Janvi smile and get happy after hearing her son....finally her son don't have to sacrifice his happiness for his father's promise...he will get his love...

then janhvi ask "do you love her? "

in this question Omkara get silent....after 2 minute of silence he said

"I am not sure but yes I like her so much..."

Janvi said

"how can you say this? you are looking so excited to see her picture....I can see the charm in your eyes"

Omkara said

"I just saw her once ...I did not talk with her....I did not know her personally ....then how can I say what is this feeling? "

"then don't worry we will go there and meet them....we will talk with them after that you both will have enough time to know each other"

Janhvi said...

Omkara stay silent

but after 5 minut he said

"no mum we are not going there"

Khanna and Jhanvi was confused....

"why we can't go there?...this was your father's wish and you also like her so why not? "

Jhanvi ask

"because I want to know her as Omkara and not Omkara Singh Oberoi" he said

"but what is the difference?...both are same" Khanna ask

"no Khanna both are not same" He reply...

"I did not understand what you are trying to say please explain" janhvi ask

"I want to say that if we go there and tell them everything about my father and about the promise, maybe they will say yes but what if Gauri doesn't like me or doesn't accept me as her husband wholeheartedly?...what if she  did not loves me the way I deserve ...? I did not know anything about her likes dislikes....her habits, her dreams or anything ....she also deserves to know everything about me before we start our life....I also want to know about her...."

Ommkara said

"so that is the thing I am saying...if you both did not meet each other then how you both are going to know each other? "
Janvi ask

"Mom we will meet, I will meet her ....we will know each other but not as the to be husband wife....I want to meet her as a stranger.....I want to know her as Omkara and I want to make her know about me as Omkara"

then he tell them about his plan first janhvi was not convinced and she said that this is not right but Omkara explain that this is the right way he will know her more and make her know about himself....
and if they go there to help them as Oberoi they might don't like it as Khanna said they both are are loved their honour the most...

after a lot of discussion finally Janvi convinced Then Omkara and Khanna make a plan and met Satyam who was the driver in Gauri house....

Ommkara was really nervous when he have to go to gauri's house ....
when they met Sathyan and discuss the plan Satyam was not ready to be a part of it but then Omkara explain him everything and told him about Tej ....
Sathyam understand because he knew Tej very well ....

After that he went to gauri's house as Sathyam nephew....

When he met Gauri for the first time he was really happy.....
at night he discussed everything with dadu and about to know their problems....
he decided he will make everything fine for them....
The next day he went with Gauri to school ....
after they had tea Omkara didn't have cash to pay for the tea so Khanna came there ....

"I told you to to go with preparation but why on earth you will listen to me"

"just shut up Khanna bhaiya and help me" Omkara said

when they talk the tea stall boy heard everything and doubt them .....Omkara said to take care of him...

he didn't mean to kidnap that boy but Khanna don't have any option and kidnap that boy...
but after that he talked with that boy and give him a job in Mumbai so that he didn't return Banaras .,...
while Gauri and Omkara where going to school Gauri commented on his shirt....
only then he realised he is wearing branded shirt....
then he call Khanna again and told him to send some normal shirts for him.....

then Omkara noticed Gauri is really smart and she is asking lots of questions.....
he was really happy to see the smart girl but he has to hide his identity.....
so he talked with Gauri and when Gauri said he is always afraid to trust strangers he promised himself to be with her lifetime and protect her from everything .....

After that when he saw gauri's hand was cut....
he was ready Worried and help her in this process.....
he scolded her a little and when Gauri was upset he thought he messed up everything....

then he about to know Narendra problem about the shop and field ......
so he called his  Khanna and told him to find Aditya anyhow and collect all the documents from him.....
and as usual Khanna did his work perfectly....
He already had the document and Aditya when he went to Sathyam house with dadu...
He already know parv has his eyes on Gauri and he could not tolerate this....
he just wanted to beat perv to the hell but he controlled himself .....
when  parv  ask for Gauri hand for himself ommkara was furious.....after that he gave an answer and warning to parv and came back to home and then said sorry to Gauri....

the next day he arranged a fair for Gauri overnight because she was really sad....
Janvi called him and tease him for arranging a big fair overnight....

in all there Khanna was exhausted due to the whole night work of arranging a fair....but he did it happily.....
still he did not meet with Gauri so he changed his getup and came to the fair.....
there are many bodyguards who were acting like shopkeepers......
Omkara recognise all but he was afraid from Khanna because Khanna was acting over excited
seeing Gauri There......
After the fair finished when they were coming back , parv create a trouble and Omkara answered him perfectly.....

after that when his mother called him and made him realised about what kind of blunder he did, he was thinking how to escape from this....
in the early morning he received a phone call from Khanna that Tej is having some problem in breathing.....
so he went to Mumbai early morning without informing anyone and that day perv and Satyam gon's came and insulted Gauri .....
after all the things sorted out when he came back again ....
he saw Gauri was crying and tensed there ....hi saw how Gauri was hurt due to his sudden disappearance.....
His heart bleed to see her tears, he can't tolerate seeing her like that ....and in the flow of emotion he kissed her ....
only after that he realise what kind of blunder he did....

After that Dadu Falls sick and they both take care of him.....
in the meantime Omkara decided he will tell Gauri everything and his feelings but the situation was not in favour,...The Other day daadu was searching groom for Gauri and it terrified him .....
so he decided he will talk with Gauri soon but the next day Gauri was Kidnapped by perv  and his blood boiled to remember how parv torture Gauri ......
then he saved Gauri from perv....when Gauri confess her love he was out of the world....
ready to accept and Express his own feelings and everything to her but he received a phone call......and it was her mother who called him and told him his father came out from coma and they have to take him out of country for treatment.....it is really urgent.....
at the time Omkara was confused what to do....tell Gauri everything first and then go to his parents or something else...
but if he told everything then Gaure is not in a state right now to understand....

so he decided he will be back and then explain her everything .....the most important thing is his parents need him the most..... Gauri is fine right now....
with that daadu....so he went to his parents....

but it takes one month for his re his father to recover.....and he could not call anyone because what will he say to them ?where is he? what he is doing?
so he waited for his parents....The meantime he make sure that parv and jayant will never trouble Gauri and Narendra.....

he sent them to jail ....Khanna dig their past and give the court  enough proof to let them behind the bar for lifetime....

He is getting information about Gauri and dadu from his sources.....

when his father finally well....
he talked with both of them and told him everything......
At first tej was really angry....
but then he understand Omkara point of you and decided to come Banaras with family to ask Gauri hand for his son officially...

finally Omkara finished his story and waited for her reaction .....

while she was silently looking at him with expressionless face....

he is a little bit afraid.....what will be the decision....
is she going to understand him or blame him for lying to her....

to be continued

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