Chapter Four

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I was currently sitting in the back seat of a black SUV with 2 of this pack's warriors to go back to the motel to get my stuff.

It's not like I had much, just some clothes and money and little things. The money was the only thing that mattered. Even though the Luna said I could work at the diner a bit, I still did not want to depend on them.

I did not have anything of value as far reminders of my parents or family. They had died and I was left a pack orphan.

I do not know about any of their family members because the pack has not told me much. They just remind me that my parents are dead.

I'm not too broken up about that but it reminds me that now that I am free, I could finally find a good pack that loves me and treats me as family. I could have that connection with a pack.

Thinking about it brings my thoughts to the Alpha and Luna of this pack. I would love to stay here to get to know them and their pack better, they seem like good people, genuine people.

Unfortunately I can not stay. I had put a good distance between my old pack and me but I do not like being in the same country as them. I guess some small part of me still fears them.

Plus I would not want to bring my issues to this pack, they don't deserve it, come to think of it I don't even know the name of the pack.

I look up to the front of the SUV where the two warriors are sitting, one driving and one in the passenger seat. They were not saying anything out loud but I could tell they were mind linking.

They were both looking like they were in deep thought and constantly kept glancing back at me from the side of their eyes.

I was definitely the topic of discussion. It looked like they wanted to ask me questions but were unsure.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation but can one of you tell me the name of this pack?"

They both looked back at me, the one driving glances away and scowls as if I had offended him. Strange.

The one in the passenger seat smiles and responds, " This is the Black Moon Pack, sorry about him, he's just wary of strangers."

I look at the one driving and see that he tenses his hands on the steering wheel, not saying anything.

"Look man I told your Alpha that I am not here for trouble and he knows I'm telling the truth else I would not be here," I say as I lean back into the seat and fold my arms.

" This pack has been through enough, I am sorry about what happened to you but I do not want your past bringing trouble here." He clenches his jaw as he finishes.

I think for a bit before I respond, should I be a sarcastic asshole or should I be genuine for him to see I mean no trouble?

You should not antagonize him, he is just protective of his pack. He means no harm.

" I am not here for long, a couple weeks at most, then you'll never see me again. Don't worry, my old pack would not be coming here, I put a lot of distance between us and covered my scent."

He looks at me for a couple seconds then nods and slightly relaxes.

"So what are your names?" I ask curiously as we pull into the motel parking lot.

The one in the passenger seat turns and says
"My name is Jake and Mr. Serious over there is Blake."

I nod my head at them then climbed out of the car just as they do the same.

They follow me as I lead them to my room to get my stuff. It's a quick thing, taking no longer than 5 minutes for me to grab my bag and money while they wait by the door.

I check out the motel and we all get back in the car. They start the drive to go back to the pack and I take the time to study them.

Both are tall, definitely about 6 feet. They actually look like siblings now that I think about it. Cropped dirty blonde hair, tanned skin complexion from being in the sun a lot and both with an impressive amount of muscle.

They look similar, twins even with the matching names. How unoriginal, Jake and Blake? Ew.

Jake has a more boyish face with green eyes while Blake has a more manly one with blue eyes.

The more I observe them, the more I see how they are definitely twins if not brothers close in age.

"So............ what's your name since you know ours?" Jake says as he draws me out of my thoughts.

"My name?Jade Valentine. Yeah it's a nice name I know," I respond cheekily.

I can see Blake trying to hold back a smile at my response while Jake grins at me before he thinks of something and his grin fades.

"Can I ask what about your parents? You said the pack abused you and treated you like shit but what about your parents? Why didn't they get you out of there? Why didn't they come with you?" Jake looks confused as he questions me.

"My parents died in a rogue attack when I was 2. They were pack warriors as I was told." I said with a careless shrug.

They both glance at me and I could see pity in their eyes. I did not want their pity. It's not a sad story. It's life, that's what happens.

"I'm sorry about your parents and about your pack. No one deserves that. Pack is supposed to be family." Jake finishes with a soft smile.

"It doesn't matter. I have no memory of them and it's hard to miss something you never had. Anyways do you guys think the Alpha would let me train while I'm here?"

They glance at each other before surprisingly Blake answers this time.

"We don't know. You'd have to ask him and the Luna. You are still a rogue so it might make other pack members uneasy."

"Can I ask why you want to train?"  That time was Jake.

"I've never trained. They usually beat me down and starve me. I know I'm strong but I need proper training. Plus as Blake said, I am a rogue, I'll leave this pack soon and I'll need to be able to protect myself until I find another pack and show them that I'm worthy enough to join their pack."

It's silent for a minute as they both ponder on my answer before Blake responds

"That's a good idea. If the Alpha approves, we'll help you out."

I mutter a quiet thanks, lean back in my seat and close my eyes while getting lost in my thoughts.

I did not even realize I had fallen asleep until I feel hands on me, lightly shaking me and calling my name repeatedly. Unknown to whoever was trying to wake me, they scared the shit out of me and my wolf and I instantly went into defensive mode.

I snapped my eyes open, pushed the hands off me and growled defiantly.

"It's just us Jade, it's just us, we're at the pack house, calm down."

It took me a couple seconds to shake out the sleep and properly focus on who was near me speaking. I relaxed when I saw it was just Jake with his hands up and Blake off to the side, prepared incase I did attack.

"Sorry, I didn't remember where I was for a second, just didn't like you touching me," I muttered and looked away.

They both analyzed me with a confused look before Jake speaks up again,

" Jade are you sure your parents were warriors? That growl you made almost had us submitting and when you pushed me away, it was with a lot of strength and force."

I look up at them in shock and confusion, there's no way I did that. I mean I knew Alpha and Beta commands did not work on me but still. I had no strength, I've never trained.

I decided not to think too much of it and shrug as my reply to them before turning to look at my surroundings, the pack.

There was a large almost mansion like house a few feet to the side of us with other smaller cottages or 1 story homes surrounding it at a distance. There was also what looked like little shops and cafes and boutiques.There was a lot of forestry around, like a lot.

Thick green trees stood proudly surrounding the little village where the pack had made their own. Many packs were like this. They would find a large piece of land, build in the middle of it, then used the forest around as a barrier or protection. Different packs protected the forests different ways.

Some packs built huge walls, some used witches protection spells, some guarded it themselves. My guess is this pack used witches.

"Come on Jade, lets go see the Alpha so he can inform the pack before they get suspicious and then you can get settled in."

I look around at Jake's words and saw that scattered around the pack house were pack members and kids. The ones who were paying attention already smelt a rogue, their gazes were curious and cautious.

I followed behind Jake as he led us into the pack house and up to the Alpha's office while Blake followed behind me. He could be doing that to give pack members a piece of mind or to make sure I do not slip from their fingers and attack. It did not bother me.

After a going up a good bit of stairs and passing many doors, we stopped at the top floor of the four story pack house. A huge mahogany door stood in-front of us, standing out against the beige walls.

Jake knocked and waited for the Alpha to give the okay to come in then opened the door with me following and Blake in tow.

Once inside, Blake and Jake step on either side of me but slightly behind. The Alpha was sitting at a huge dark desk, his Luna behind him and 4 warriors around them.

I chuckled to myself. It's not like I can fight or I've been trained. I cannot fight them nor do I want to hurt them or their Alpha.

"Okay Jade, we'll announce to the pack through mind-link that a rogue will be on the pack lands and that you are no danger them and mean them no harm. I will make sure to let them know you are not to be touched or harmed while you are here," the Alpha states looking at me with his hands linked under his chin.

"Understood Alpha. I was wondering if it would be okay for me to start to train while I'm here? I will be leaving in a few weeks and I would be traveling alone as a rogue, a female rogue, I want to be able to protect myself. Plus the beat downs from my old pack have me weaker than I should be." I explain in one long breath hoping he says yes.

He watches me with a sad look in his eyes before it disappears as he tilts his head, his eyes get a faraway look as he seems to be thinking but also mind-linking the others in the room before making a final decision. He straightens up before answering,

" You may train, Jake and Blake have agreed to train and supervise you. I think that's all. I'm Alpha James and my mate here is Luna Alice."

I beam at them gratefully before letting out a rushed ring of thanks you's while bouncing on my legs like a child. I'm so thankful for the opportunity they're allowing me. They're letting me stay at the pack, work and train too.

They both smile at me before Jake and Blake start motioning for me to follow them out.

I do not say anything as I follow behind them quietly, lost in thought as they converse with each other. I'm so unaware that I did not realize when we stopped in front of a white door.

I look up to see them both already watching me expectedly, gesturing to the door.

"This is gonna be your room while you're here, there's a couple bathrooms on each floor so you can take your time and bathe." Says Jake as he leans against the wall.

" The cooks have breakfast on the table from 8 to at least 10. If you come down later than that then you can make your own." That was said by Blake as he shrugs disinterested.

"We have training at half 7 but tomorrow you can start 10. After that, you'll start at 9. Get some rest and welcome to the pack."

You can guess who said that one. The oh so lovely Jake. They both turn and leave after that. I opened the door and head inside. It was a good size room, walls were a baby blue, there was a average size bed at the center, a closet and chester draw on the side with a mirror. There was also a desk and chair. Interesting.

I was not in the mood for anything besides a good sleep before having to face the pack tomorrow. I threw my bag to the side somewhere, stripped out of my clothes, only keeping on my underwear and flung myself on the bed.

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