Chapter One

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"Wake up useless!"

Those were the first words I heard as I had start to awaken and then the next thing I know, I'm being kicked in the stomach. I didn't need to open my eyes to see who had done it, I could smell him and the kicks were something I had become familiar to.

Opening my eyes, I look up too see my pack's future Alpha standing above me looking at me with hatred in his eyes. Immediately I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Fuck off"

His eyes narrowed at me and I knew I shouldn't have done it but honestly the most he could do is kill me. Death would be way better than living with these people.

"You're gonna regret that later. I'd love to beat the shit out of you now and make sure that every time you moved, you'd remember the pain I inflicted on you."

He says as he grabs me by the throat, lifting me from my bed and squeezing like he's about to kill me.

You shouldn't have said that, you pissed him off and now he's gonna kill us before we meet our mate

I heard my wolf mutter in my head. Stupid wolf. Our mate is either in this pack which means I don't want them after everything they've done or our mate is in another pack and there's no way they'd let me leave.

Feeling his hands tighten on my throat, I stop thinking about my mate and focus back on Caiden. I could feel myself blacking out or dying because of lack of air and right before it happens, his hands are gone.

He drops me to the hardwood floor and looks on as I gasp for air. From the corner of my eye, I see him smirk and stoop down in front of me.
He grabs me by the face and forces me to look him in the eye.

"Felt like you were dying right?"

I don't answer but i glare at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm not gonna kill you. Yet. You have to make preparations for the party tomorrow but after that, I'm gonna out you through so much pain. Maybe you'll die. Maybe you won't."

"Once again. Fuck. Off. Caiden"

His eyes go darker and his hand turns into a paw and his claws sink into my face, not enough to do real damage but enough to draw blood.

Why do you keep saying things to upset him. You know what he'd do. As much as I can't stand him, I don't like him hurting you.

I hear my wolf say to me in my head. I know she's right. You're probably wondering why I keep talking back.

Ever since I could remember, I've never cowered from the Alpha and his family nor any of the high ranked wolves. I don't know why. Their commands and power don't affect me.

" I can't wait till after the party tomorrow. I'll find my mate, get the Alpha title from my dad, fuck my mate and maybe some other lucky girls then I'll come find you. I've held back from tasting you. Maybe this time we can have some fun before I beat the shit out of you."

His eyes light up and he licks his lips thinking about what he wants to do to me. As if I'd let that happen. I'd kill myself before I let myself get raped by any of these assholes.

My wolf growls in agreement in my head. She'd rather die than be used by filth like him. If only we'd been fed properly and not beaten down, we could kick all their asses.

"Clean up yourself and go start the preparations. You look like shit."

With that, he lets my face go and turns and walks out my room.

I really hate cant stand him. Especially when he tries to take advantage of you.

I'm so grateful for my wolf at times like these. When the whole pack is against me for breathing I guess. I had been on my own for so long.

I'm an orphan. Both my parents died in a rogue attack when I was 2. I have no memory of them. I grew up in the pack orphanage and never had any good interactions with other pups.

The whole pack alienated me for some reason. They acted as if something was wrong with me, I believe it's because of my parents death. They were loved warriors of the pack or at least that's what I've been told.

I've never really had that feeling of loss for them or sadness from losing them. I do long for parental figures or at least a supportive figure besides my wolf.

Ever since I shifted at 16, I knew something was different with me. My wolf nor I feel the need to submit to the higher ranks and I have a slight temper and a problem with keeping my thoughts to myself.

My mouth gets me in trouble a lot. The higher ranks hate it when I look the in the eye or answer back but honestly, it's tiring to fake that they affect me when they don't.

Anyways back to now, I pulled myself off the floor and got ready in some ratty shirt,jeans and sneakers that I've had since who knows how long.

After getting ready, I went to start preparing for tomorrow's party. Cleaning up the pack house, outside the house, making the lands look presentable for guests tomorrow and going into town to get groceries and last minute decorations for tomorrow's party.

All the while doing that, I was planning my escape in my head. I knew that once Caiden turned alpha things were going to shit for not only me but the pack. The guy had no alpha qualities, neither did his dad but his dad did okay. Even if he was a horrible alpha.

I pitied whoever would be Caiden's mate. He would sleep with her and every other girl in the pack and try to come for me. That was the reason I was leaving. I knew he wouldn't be alone to try to rape me, he'd bring others, others who wanted a "taste" of me.

They disgusted me. Tomorrow I would find my mate and if they were in this pack, I'd reject them. This pack was horrible and I couldn't wait to leave.

I heard my wolf growl in agreement. We talked about it and she'd rather be a rogue than be here. Hopefully we'd find another pack but who knows.

If mate is in this pack, I would not object to you rejecting him. I've seen the people in this pack. They aren't worthy of you.

I heard my wolf add to my own thoughts. I'm glad I have her support. Most wolves couldn't handle their human rejecting another but my wolf was strong.

There is also the possibility of a second chance mate. There is hope but don't think too much on it. We shall see tomorrow my child.

She's right. We shouldn't waste time worrying over it. We should be planning for tomorrow.

I think about how I could find my mate. I'd be turning 18 the same day as Caiden sadly.

Yes I know what you're thinking, unluckily we have the same birthday. He doesn't know that though. Not like he's care but yeah. I never told him or anyone, I didn't have anyone to tell it to anyways.

I think the alpha would know but he doesn't care for me in the slightest. Annoying man.

Brushing them from my thoughts, I focused my attention on something else.

I had finished everything I had to do today. Tomorrow I'd make the food and finish the decorations. I crawled into my mattress on the floor and just drifted off to sleep. Too tired to bathe or anything else.

Picture of our main character up top. You'll learn her name and everything soon.

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