Chapter 15

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Hey guys I'm back sorry for the delay I truly want to give an update every day and that is my goal! Keep those comments coming I love to read and reply to them ❤️ let me begin before you throw your chamili' at me 😰


Shivay looked at her

Ani- I will tell you the truth...

Shivay- Ani Im sorry I should have known it was a Murder!

Ani- Shhhhhhhhhh Now just listen to me!

Ani goes into flashback


Guri- OH god I have to do this Bhai why Do I have to do this?

Sidharth- Hey Guri YOu know na Mallika is devastated after his death we have to help them out!

Guri- yeh you are right But it just hurts more that we shared the same crush but she got to him first!

Sidharth- I know but we have to be strong and move on na

Guri- yeh you are right.

After 2 weeks Guri got her acceptance to be the intern secretary of Tej Singh Oberoi!

Guri- Bhai It worked whatever you did, I got selected to be his secretary!

saying that she hugged Shidharth!

Sidharth- Great the plan is all set now I will book your plane tickets and hotel room, after that we will be able to execute everything!

Guri- yes Bhai but im very nerves like I know this is for avenging his death but still I feel like something bad is going to happen!

Sidharth- Guri I will always be with you now wipe youre tears, mom and dad would be very angry at me for making you cry, you know na YOU ARE THE ONLY BLOOD LINEAGE I HAVE AFTER OUR DECEASED PARENTS!

Guri- Han bhai you are right it's just me and you in this cruel world! I will pack

saying that she left.

Leap of 3 days

Guri was at London Heathrow International Airport, she hugged her Bhai

Sidharth- Always remember that I am always with you and never give up.

Guri- yes Bhai,

she then engulfed Ani into a big bear hug


she said jokingly while having tears in her eyes! Guri playfully hit her!

Guri- Oi Pagli Teri Chutki itan Nalayek nehi hain!

Ani- Oh Chutki Di You know na how much I LOVE YOU


saying that they were in each other's arms crying until Sidharth pulled them apart and Guri was off to India!

After 11 hrs

Guri Landed in Indira Gandhi International Airport in Dheli. She put on her shades to cover her bloodshot eyes that were created due to constant crying on. the flight.

Guri- Ab Bass enough of being an emotional fool now we have to spring into action as I WILL AVENGE EVERYTHING THAT THE OBEROIS HAVE SNATCHED FROM ME!

saying that she got into a cab and Spann way to her hotel room where she freshened up. she called Sidharth and told him about her arrival and was just engaged in a Brother- Sister conversation. It was soon night in Dheli and she went to sleep as the next day she had to go to Oberoi industries.

Next morning,

Guri woke up bright and early as she knew that this is her first impression she would have to give to the Oberoi's and this was very important for the whole Plan! she grabbed herself a glass of orange juice, wrapped herself in a baby pink chiffon sari and left with an Auto riksha towards Oberoi industries, The main office at the time was in Dheli. Once she got inside the office the receptionist guided her towards Tej's office.

Guri- (to her self) Ok let's do this!

she knocked on the door

Tej- Enter

Guri entered the room and he was shocked to see such a beauty!

Guri- Good Morning sir I am the selected Intern to be youre secretary

she said with her deep British Accent! But Tej was just staring at her as if he was lost in another world!

Guri- Sir?

Tej was still lost in Guri! She waved her hands in front of his face

Tej- Huu oh yes Miss...

Guri- Guri, Miss Guri

Tej- Well a pleasure to meet you miss Guri!

saying that he took her hand and kissed her hand with made her feel very uncumfterbul!

Tej- well Im glad we got someone from the UK to be my secretary!

he said winking at her with made her feel disgusted but she maintained a fake smile.

Tej- well for today My younger son Omkara Singh Oberoi will show you the whole faculty and staff members and then we will discuss more thins later

Guri- Ok Sir

After 10 minutes Om came and was Shocked to see such a Beauty standing in front of him!

Tej- Ah Om, please show Miss Guri around the whole industry and make her known to the whole faculty she is my Secretary!

Om- Yes Papa!

Saying that Om and Guri left Tej's cabin and went on a tour!

After 4 hrs ( I feel like this is a Shivika story and im not going to go into much info on how Rikara got together sorry )

Om- Umm we should head back to Papa's cabin

Guri- yes we should

saying that they went back to Tej's cabin

Tej- ahh So Miss Guri how was youre tour of my Industri ( JHOOTI KAMINA!)

Guri smiled

Guri- Oh Sir I thought that the industry is under the Government of India, as It is SHIVAY SINGH OBEROI'S! and until he is 21, it will remain in their hands and all new revenue will stay enclosed within the government!

Tej- How did you...

Guri- Oh sir Dont you think I should do my research before coming into a company? ( CHOP!)

Tej- Ummm yes umm let's talk about youre intern, so We are meant to accommodate with youre living expenses so right now where are you residing

Guri- In a hotel!

Tej- Ok so from today you will shift to Oberoi Manson!

Guri- umm Sir are you sure?

Tej- yes 100% sure it is our companies duty to accommodate you miss Guri!

saying that he held her hand with disgusted Guri!

Guri- so what about my stuff?

Tej- I am sending you with a driver he will help you shift everything to Oberoi Manson

Guri- ok in that case may I take my leave?

Tej- Yes My dear you may

saying that Guri ran out of the Apartment and went with the driver to her hotel room

Guri- PLease load my bags in the car ill join you in 10 minutes

Driver- sure ma'am

Saying that she left and made a phone call to Sidharth

Sidharth- Hey Guri

Guri- Bhai

she said crying

Sidharth- what's wrong?

Guri told him about Tej and how ghanda he was!

Sidharth- Guri you know who we ultimately have to kill?




So I am showing Guri's story and how she is related to Oberoi's hehe more twists and revelations to come just remember that this is a revenge book so expect the unexpected 😈🔱 for now

Signing off 😘😘😘

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