Chapter 18

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Sorry once agin for comming late like I said im actually on holiday so updateing is alittile hard but you guys deserve an update so here you go!


Tej- Oh Baby Bitch hee-hee I made you kill her because I want my, no not my son Rudra to lose his mental stability and die

He said clapping his hands leaving a shocked and disgusted Guri!

Tej- Now Rudra will go from the succession line and Om is always loyal to me, right Om?

Om- Yes Papa you know na I love you!

Tej- YOure the Son I never Had!

Guri- What do you mean?

Tej- Rudra is najayez! but It was Mine and Jhanvi's child but at the time it happened because I forcefully made him Ahhhh I remember that night so well dammm that pussy felt soooo good on my Dick!

Guri- wait so You raped youre wife?

Tej- well it's a little complicated, let me explain so when I was 17, I was just entering college and This beauty was there her name was Jhanvi I fell in love with her at first sight! it was valentines day when I asked her out but she rejected me and I dont know why but something clicked into me like as if she was only mine and no one else! so I forcefully took her to one of our farm Houses and made love to her!

Guri- But you just said you forcefully...

Tej- well she did resist that's why I tied both of her wrists to the head pols of the bead and both of her ankles to the end's of the bed and just forced my way up to her pussy! I must admit she did scream a lot, but I can understand that as she was a virgin handling this monster! 

Om- Papa how big is your Lund!

he said chuckling while Guri's eyes went wide!

Tej- Laeger than yours!

he said winking at Guri when she immediately started to ask him more question!

Guri- so you made love to her then what?

Tej- well I did want to keep her like my doll and that's exactly what I did, for 3 months I kept her in that house chained and use to use her pussy every night which I did get bored of after the first 2 and a half months, but then she started vomiting and feeling pail so I took her to the doctor when we found out she was 2 and a half months pregnant!

Guri- you did not use condoms?

Tej- haha you think The Tej Singh Oberoi uses protection? Nope, I dont I want all that pussy all natural!

He said making Guri feel gross to her stomach!

Guri- ok so after Jhanvi was pregnant what happened?

Tej- Tbh I was happy as now I have an excuse to keep her but that bitch put sexual assault and rape case on me and I went to Jail for around a year.

Guri- Bass Ek saal!

Tej- yes how shame full The TEJ SINGH OBEROI in jail for a year it was so humiliating, during that time She gave birth to my Illegitimate son and society started terrorizing her, Her family also disowned her and threw her out on the streets! and my mother and Brother teamed up and threw me out of Oberoi mansion! Having no choice I had to marry her witch only meant for me to enjoy more legal pleasure!

Guri- hmmm then what?

8 years passed and we had Omkara, but he was legitimate so no one said anything about him, but due to the need of money and another thing's I tried to claim Oberoi property but MY younger brother Shakti claimed everything! so I kidnaped him and tried to get some property but it all went in vain when I killed him!


Tej- They were bastards who took away my rights to the property! but it did not en there I found out that all the property was transferred to Pinky, His wife!

Guri- So basically you killed your Brother for no reason!

Tej- well let's say it was revenge for kicking me out all those years ago!

Guri- Then?

Tej- I went after Pinki! I kidnaped her and held her hostage for almost 2 months, Fucked her probably a few thousand times, it felt good as Jahnvi's pussy was all stretched out and shit! by god she also had Shivay and that pussy felt like a Virgin's pussy!


Tej (proudly)- Yes! but still, that bitch would not transfer anything to me and eventually even ran away!

Guri ( under her breath)- Thank god

Tej- Georges you said something?

Guri- NO I did not please continue!

Tej- She was missing for 3 whole days but then I found her hanging from a ceiling fan in an abandoned house in barely! I was quite shocked as she committed swerside but happy as now I would become full ownership of the Oberoi Empire but still, after these two were dead I did not get anything!

Guri- What do you mean?

Tej- when Pinky ran away she wrote her will that her Son Shivay would acquire the whole empire!

Guri- But wasn't he like 4 or 5 years old at that time?

Tej- Yes that's why I thought that I would get the whole Empire as he is a minor I would become his legal guardian but the court found it fishy how my brother was missing, as at that time police did not find his body and now his wife killed herself so the court will keep oberoi mansion under no ones name until Shivay turned 21, after that the Empire would be under his name! oh and in order for the court to make that decision I trapped Jhanvi and now she is still in Jail for killing Shakti, and causing Pinky to kill herself!

Guri was shocked to the core as He used Jhanvi like his soldier and just dumped her in jail to cover up his crimes!

Guri- for how long?

Tej- For life without parole! Basically, she is not going to get out until she dies!

Guri- Wow 

Tej- and since then I've been building this empire thinking that Shivay would give the empire over to me but my tables got turned when Shivay wanted to give it to Rudra as they had a strong boding! 

Guri- so that's why you want to kill Rudra?

Tej- Not always!



Gosh the past is so dark and is lurking! soon you guys will witness more secreats that Guri coverd during her mision, but for now

Signing Off😘😘😘

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