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She sat on the floor. Lifeless.

She remembered the storm.How there was a swirl of emotions. How recently she was called everything in the book of wrong.How she was to scared to look at herself in the mirror because she didn't want to see if those words were true.She didn't want to prove them right. That she doesn't belong in the world of K pop. In the world of an idol.  All the hate that stemmed was the only thing she knew and so that's what she became. She was the  person who everyone wanted to be around at one point, the person who everyone turned to.

But...she couldn't do it anymore. She still didn't think she was worth it because every time she saw her reflection,
she didn't know who was staring back. She had lost herself amongst carrying the burden of other people's plights, by working tirelessly. She had gambled everything. And lost the biggest thing.


Slowly things became more apparent to those around her, they watched her withdraw from them and the outside world but they left her to fall further. She was the one with all the answers, and they forced themselves to believe that she would find one alone. But she had never left them to do that alone; she walked with them hand in hand through thick and thin, through good and bad and in return she received fuck all. She laughed at herself. She was stupid. Naive. And too loving for her own good. People assumed she was cold, that she was rude, unpleasant and ignorant, but Irene was the complete opposite.

And that's the first thing they got wrong about her.

The second thing they assumed was that she didn't need anyone. They made jokes that she was cold with men, that she didn't give them a chance. And she didn't. Not easily. She had been taken advantage of too many times, she wasn't willing to have her heart ripped out for a third time. They failed to understand her barriers. No one tried hard enough. No one tried to understand her.Her eyes. Her soul. Her.

They thought she was strong and she was. A warrior fashioned by God himself, she took everything. She absorbed it like a sponge never once complaining out loud because that's what she was taught, but her heart was weak. Over the four years they had debuted she grew more fragile, the spark in her eyes dimming, becoming unfamiliar. She took solace in her own music, releasing what she wanted. Exploring what she wanted. It was loved. It was different. But hate is inescapable, over the years Irene had come to terms with that and she prayed for  something to soothe her tormented heart but just like her countless other prayers that remained unanswered. Her faith slipping further and further each passing day. Her heart aching more, tears becoming harder to hide.

The other thing becoming harder to hide was the scars on her arms. Ironically she took pleasure out of the pain. She hated herself for doing it but even for a split second it made her feel alive. It was sadistic but ultimately it was the truth. She loved the pain. No one could see how deep she had fallen. She had no idea how they would react but deep down a voice told her they didn't care, and that they never would. And she forced herself to believe it. She forced herself to learn a truth that had no weight, because it was easier than having to open up. A bitter laugh emitted from her throat, ripping out against her own will. She was broken.

Jackson Wang was her saving grace before she even knew. Her unanswered prays taking form in him. She pushed him away... telling him to stay out of her business, that she didn't need him or anyone else for the matter. He knew it was a lie, and he knew that everyone else had turned a blind eye to the girl who was screaming out for help. He was persistent. He made sure to talk to her at every award function he met her at, every single event he was looming, watching and waiting for her to let him help her. He could see her slipping further away. The distance in her eyes, the fire almost extinguished. Her music becoming darker, as he and the boys of got7 sat there listening in agony at her pain. His unwavering commitment to try and get through to her hurt her. What she wanted was there but she pushed it away; her fear taking the wheel swerving her away from him. Her depression was getting worse. She was falling quicker than anticipated and more people were picking up on it. Fans noticing the flame had quenched. She was getting skinnier, missing meals. She was no longer dancing with passion, everything she did was half hearted. Got7 had decided to do a meet and greet with Red Velvet, she sat there limiting her interactions before walking out, everyone watching as she just left, the devoid look in her eyes unsettling everyone.

She walked into her dressing room, brick by brick her walls coming tumbling down. She sat with her back pressed up against the wall, her head in her hands as her tears broke free. Everything finally coming out. In a swift movement she was standing on her feet looking through her drawers trying to find the blade she had secretly hidden. She closed her eyes, her heart thumping in her ears, bringing the blade down on her skin as a punishment for the tears she had let slip. She was weak a voice chided to her, she deserved more punishment.

Her arm was stopped by a strong grip on her wrist. She focused on the hand refusing to look at the one who had caught her in the act. She tried to push down but the individual quickly took the blade chucking it to the other side of the room. She tried scurrying to her feet, to race to get it back in her hands. The grip moving to her waist holding her against his frame. But she was unyielding, she tried her tactics, eyes blurring as unshed tears clouded her eyes; the grip remaining firm but patient. After struggling for ten minutes her body slumped against his in defeat, waiting for his words but they didn't come, he just held her. She forced herself of him, into a sitting position. She looked into his hazel eyes that stared back at hers. She saw no judgment, no disgust, no hate, no pity. Nothing.

"Save me." She whispered. Her eyes remaining transfixed on his. "Please." His eyes broke in that split moment. His arms pulling her back into his warmth.

He was her saving grace.

-Authors note

Hey guys.
So this is new. Jackson and Irene are the two I'm currently shipping and so I've written this one shot. I hope you enjoy this. It's quite dark and so I just wanted to say if anyone is feeling like this please ask someone for help. Don't go through it alone because your not alone. Let me know what you think in the comment section below. Lots of love.

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