Chapter Sixteen

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"You can't always control who walks into your life, but you can control which window to throw them out." -- Anonymous.

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After spending as much time as they could outside in the Sun, they packed their things up and left the cabin. They had many more things than when they packed before they left since they took many things from the cabin.

The light mood changed after a while once they were all aware that they were back on dangerous waters. The mood changed drastically and soon all of them -- besides Sam -- were a nervous wreck and repeatedly asked Sam if she knew what she was doing, where she was going, and how she was going to do this. Her only response was a reassuring smile and a nod.

They walked for what seemed like forever. Sam had drew up a map and specified locations and was following her directions which made everyone give her doubtful looks the entire time.

They took a short break early afternoon and by the time Sam said they had arrived, the Sun had turned into a pale yellow and cast shadows three times its size.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Jay-Jay asked at the same time Reece said, "Where the fuck are we?"

Sam rolled her eyes. "If you had bothered to look at the pictures I showed you, then you would now. But you didn't, so figure it out yourself."

"But it's a fucking warehouse!" Reece exclaimed.

"Do you mind shutting that vulgar mouth of yours?" George snapped at him.

She didn't swear often, the only times Sam had ever heard her swear was when she had to wake up before time. But, lately, she's been swearing a lot more than usual.

"Does it look like I want to?" He retorted.

Reece had a tendency to swear whenever something confused, agitated or angered him, or when something didn't go his way, which was basically all the time. He also swore when he couldn't figure something out which wasn't often at all.

"I didn't say you did," she said slowly, turning her back on him and looking at Sam.

"Come on, guys, let's go in," Sam said, gesturing them over.

"But why are we here?" Jay-Jay asked.

Georgianna answered before Sam could and glared at them all.

"Sam knows what she's doing, okay, and you people better trust her right now or else you're going to have your first taste of my fist," she threatened.

They gulped and nodded stiffly, not uttering a word.

Sam heard Carter mutter underneath his breath, "That wouldn't be my first."

It all started when she was bullied because she acted like a boy. It infuriated her beyond the limit. She decided to learn self-defense after a while; the boys were purposefully very rough with her and she wanted to put them in their places. When she was finished with them all, they never came back.

Sam cleared her throat. "Okay, so let's going then."

The warehouse didn't look any different to last time, the only different thing was the tape surrounding the warehouse. Entering the warehouse, she felt a shiver run through her body.

Her eyes scanned the walls, briefly stopping at the anchor, and ran along the tables. Everything looked the same; untouched and hurriedly cleaned.

"What is this place?" George murmured.

Lucas came and stood beside Sam. He nudged her shoulder and motioned for her to follow him.

She gave him a confused glance before taking off after him. He came to a halt and crouched down next to Reece who was on the floor, his eyebrows pulled together and his eyes wide.

"What is it?" she asked.

Lucas looked up from the same spot Reece was staring at and end looked at Sam.

"Someone's been here," he said quietly.

"And it doesn't look good," Reece added in the same soft voice.

"What do you mean?"

"When I came here with you and my father, I looked around the place. This," he pointed at a mark on the floor that they were staring at, "means that someone else has been here after we came."

"So? It could've been Chief's crew," Sam said.

Reece shook his head.

"Having a detective for a father teaches you things over the years, Sam, and helps you figure out things more easily."

"And that is why we know it's someone from this group," Lucas finished.

"How do you know that?"

Reece and Lucas shared a look before Lucas said, "Our fathers had a convo last night. They were giving lots of details on the case, and Reece caught on easily. He figured out what they missed and followed footsteps, prints."

Sam nodded, understanding what they were saying.

"You can follow this?"

Reece nodded. "Most probably, it's pretty clear. Whoever these people are, are the dumbest asses to walk the face of the Earth."

Lucas nodded in agreement.

Sam blew out a long breath and stood up from her crouching position.

She fixed her crooked glasses and asked, "We gonna start following the lead now?"

"It's better if we follow leads the minute we see it. It reduces the time and that means they also couldn't be too far from us," Reece replied.

Lucas' phone started ringing. Reece gave him a look and Lucas sighed, not answering the call.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"My dad. He's been calling me ever since the first morning in the cabin," Lucas exhaled heavily.

"Luke here is worried and feeling guilty," Reece explained, patting his back.

"His dad knows he's up to something since he's not answering any of his calls."

"He'll be able to track my phone if I pick up. The only thing I could do was leave a note at home," Lucas added.

Sam nodded in understanding.

She felt bad for making their parents worry about them for weeks now, but she reminded herself that it was entirely their decision and she didn't force them.

"Let's go then?" Reece asked.

"Yeah, let's go," she agreed.

They walked back to the rest of the group and found them staring at the massive anchor that was on the wall. Sam and Lucas explained their last visit here, showed them the pictures again and the mark on the floor. Reece then went into further detail -- Lucas added in things here and there -- and informed them that they're going to follow it.

Sam brushed over the next part of the plan, made a few changes regarding their new discovery, and then they left the warehouse and began a long walk once again.

They followed Reece for ages, following a never-ending trail that no one -- besides Reece -- could see.

Darkness soon fell and their surroundings were covered in a black blanket. The only things they could see was the silhouette of their surroundings and its shadows.

The Moon itself wasn't too bright; the clouds covered it, leaving only a little light shining through. They switched their flashlights on and looked for the safest place to spend the night.

They came across a small, four-sided house -- Sam thought it was a sad excuse for a house -- that was abandoned and barely standing on its own.

The single window and door was wrenched out, leaving a gaping black hole in its place. One part of the wall was broken and the roof couldn't even be considered as one.

Deciding that there was no other place they could possibly sleep in, they entered it warily and cast doubtful glances at the ceiling every once in a while.

Moving rubble and jagged rocks to cover as much of the broken wall as the could, they spread out their sleeping bags across the uncomfortable ground.

Reece and Lucas volunteered to keep watch for tonight and sat on their sleeping bags in front of the openings that were supposed to be a window and door, having an animated discussion in hushed voices.

Sam exhaled heavily and slumped her shoulders from exhaustion.

Walking almost the whole day sure did take a toll on her body. She pushed her glasses up to wipe her droopy eyes and slid into the sleeping bag. She removed her glasses and placed them in her backpack, checking her friends one more time to make sure that they were all okay.

It took a few moments for her to sleep; her mind was occupied with the events of today, piecing together any valuable information.

After her mind protested defiantly, unable to be used any more, she shut her eyes and allowed exhaustion to take over her body.

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                (I typed it
                incorrectly and
                can't fix now :/)



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