Chapter Twenty

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"I believe in living in today. Not in yesterday, nor in tomorrow." -- Loretta Young.

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Candice pushed Sam into the room, right next to Carter. She scraped her hands and knees, and blood oozed out of it.

Candice, cackling evilly, motioned to one of the guys standing in the corner and he came forward, holding a gun out to her.

She grabbed it and cocked it, aiming it at Sam. Carter pleaded with Candice to take his life, but Sam pleaded that she must leave Carter alone.

Ignoring their requests, she pulled the trigger, and as if in slow motion, Carter watched as the bullet plunged straight into Sam's chest. Sam fell to the floor, blood oozing out of the gaping wound of her chest as she stared at the ceiling above her, fighting for her life. Her eyes fluttered closed as life slowly left her body and let out a gasp, trying to get rid of the agonising pain.

- - - - -

*cue the drumroll*

Hi, everyone! How are you?

Sooooo, *gasp* Sam's dead? What the hell!

I got you good, didn't I? It's April fool's day, and I think I did a good job at fooling y'all ;)

Nope. Sam's not dead and no, this isn't a real chapter. Let that sink in properly. Good now?

Okay, lemme just clarify some stuff first . . .

I just wanted to write something for you because I'm dying in a writers block at the moment -- and yes, I'm aware that it's only three paragraphs --, so I thought it'd be a good idea (since it's April fool's day) to fool you by writing something tragic and totally unexpected.

Scared you, didn't I?

I'm sorry for not updating for a while, but life's tough at the moment and I need some time to myself right now, I'll update when I can. Promise.

Don't forget to vote comment and share the story! It'll make me unexplainably happy :)

Follow me on social media:
Instagram: crocodiletears__
Twitter: crocodileears__
                 (I typed it
                  incorrectly and
                  can't fix now :/) 



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