Chapter Twenty Two

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"Sometimes you will never understand the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." -- Dr Seuss.

So . . . I've tried my best with this chapter, although I know that it isn't too good. As you know, I've put this book on hold for now because I'm going through some things at the moment. Hope this isn't too bad, though.

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Years flew by.

Was how it felt to Sam.

It might have been only a few days, a few hours even. But it felt like an eternity. She felt as if her brain would explode, due to her over thinking.

Eventually, finally, Sam felt that it was the right time to try her escape. Obviously, there would be a lot more than just escaping, but that was the sole purpose.

Her first priority was to get Carter. She'd been monitoring everything over the last couple of days, and she found out a lot more about everything.

Alice was a great help, too. She slipped into her room from time to time to update her on everything and advise her as well. She even sneaked in some things to protect herself and break out in case something goes wrong.

Sam couldn't be more grateful.

All that preparation was what lead Sam to her current position: wedged in between two massive craters.

There were boxes all around her, but none had a gap big enough for her to slip through.

She didn't know where exactly she was -- she had only followed Alice's directions --, but she was positive that the door was two footsteps away from her.

She could hear gruff voices and a lot of shuffling coming from inside.

Carter was there.

She didn't know what was happening to him, but she wanted to make sure that he was fine and out of this place before her plan was put into action.

He could get hurt further and she couldn't risk that. He had knowingly put himself into the line of danger by first agreeing to go with Sam, and then the second time by coming into this place when everyone else left.

She couldn't live with the guilt if she knew that something happened to him because of her. She couldn't.

She asked Alice if she saw another boy around here.

Alice reminded her that she had told her before that he was thrown out by the dump.

She also added that when she went up to check on him, she saw him get up and leave the area.

She said she guessed that he was getting help.

And she believed her because it always seems that Alice knows what she's saying.

She heard a manic laugh followed by the opening of a door.

"Boy, just keep guessing," a deep man's voice said cruelly.

Another man laughed just as manically.

Samantha heard the door shut and -- thank the God they didn't lock it -- their footsteps as they walked away.

Springing into action, she made sure that they were gone first and then ran as silently as possible to the door, pulled it open and quickly slipping inside, then shutting it behind her.

She pressed her ear against the door to make sure she was completely alone and then turned around.

Her eyes landed on the limp form of Carter. She held in a sob that threatened to come out when she noticed the condition he was in. He looked terrible.

She rushed over to him and crouched down to his level.

How is this thing even considered a bed? She thought incredulously when she took it in.

It was basically a slab of concrete with a thin sheet carelessly thrown over.

She gently turned him towards her and her throat closed up when she saw his face.

His cheeks were sunken and bruised. There were numerous scrapes and cuts and his lip was cut open, dried blood crusted around it.
How could they do this to him? She thought angrily. Where did he come in all of this? Why did they do it?

She tapped his less hurt cheek lightly. He grunted, but didn't move.

"Carter," she whispered softly.

"Carter, wake up," she tried again.

Her heart jumped in her throat when she heard voices.
Growing frantic, she leaned in closer to his ear. "Carter, wake up!" she hissed as softly as she could.

He mumbled a few incoherent words and tried turning over. Sam clapped her hands firmly on both of his shoulders, standing up to her full height.

"Carter!" she whisper-yelled.

His eyes fluttered slowly and he moaned.

Alarm reflected in her eyes when she heard their voices growing louder.

She refused to be caught now after all this planning and risk-taking. With determination driving her forward, it made her movements more hurried and a bit harsh.

She tapped his cheek again, shook his shoulders.

"Carter. Wake up. It's Sam."

He groaned as his eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the darkness of the room.

"Sam?" he croaked.

His voice sounded throaty and cracked a bit at a few words. It brought tears to her eyes.

"Yes, Carter. It's me, Sam," she replied, her patience running thin as she heard more voices.

"Wh-what are you d-doing? How'd you get in?" he rasped.

"Carter, there's no time for this. I need you to co-operate with me here. Got it?" she said impatiently.

Carter looked at her worriedly. He knew she had a bottomless pit of patience, therefore, her current state shook him up.

He didn't question her and, instead, tried to get up as quickly as possible.

Sam hooked her arms under his and helped him to his feet. She slung his arm around her shoulders. He leaned on her right side, and she put their combined weight on her left foot so that she could move faster.

She listened for any more sounds before yanking the door open and quickly leaving.

She shut the door behind her.

I'll need all the time I can get.

She walked them across the narrow hall and took a sharp turn to her left.

Carter was heavy, like dead weight, and she needed help quickly.

Alice was casually leaning against the wall, waiting for her. She quickly straightened up when she saw them and took the other side of Carter, doing the same that Sam did.

They passed a few more doors in the corridor and came to a stop at the last one. Alice picked the lock and ushered them through, shutting it behind them.

Sam picked up a water bottle from the floor, twisted the cap off and handed the bottle to Carter to drink from.

"Here's the keys," Alice said, dangling a set of keys in front of Sam's face.

Sam gave her a grateful smile. "I don't know how I'd ever owe you back for helping me with all of this. Thank you so much."

Alice just smiled. "I wish you all the best of luck," she whispered softly.

Reluctantly, she turned around, giving them one last, soft smile, and left the room.

"Okay, Carter," she said, determination lacing her voice. "Let's get outta here."

- - -

"What? NO," Carter exclaimed as loudly as he dared to.

Sam huffed. "I'm not asking for your permission, Carter."

"Well, I'm not allowing it," he insisted.

Sam groaned.

"Look here, Carter. We haven't got much time; they're gonna realise you're gone and come looking for you. I need to get some things done before I leave. You. You need to leave and get help. And if I don't call you, then you'll know where I am, and you'll have help."

That convinced him to leave.

A few minutes later, Sam slipped back through the door and quietly hurried down the corridor.

She took a sharp turn and ran right into someone.

Samantha heard a low chuckle.

"You didn't think I'd make it that easy for you, did you now, Samantha?"

Sam rubbed her forehead and took a step back from the body she collided into.

"I was beginning to think that I was getting away too easily, but I was willing to take my chances," she replied to Candice's taunting voice.

Candice rolled her eyes. Eyes almost the same as Sam's.

"I was going to let the boy go, anyway. He's of no use to me anymore."

Sam frowned.

"What do you want?" she questioned Candice.

Candice let loose a low chuckle again.

"Isn't it obvious enough already, Samantha? Or do I have to spell it out for you?"

Sam remained silent.

Candice's voice lowered. "You took everything from me; you snatched my life away from me. And since I'm such a nice person, I'll take your life away from you."

Sam's eyes widened by a fraction, but she quickly rearranged her features to appear calm.

"What I don't understand is, why?"

"That. That is a story I've saved for later on. When you're begging me to show you mercy. When your life is in my hands."

Sam looked at Candice closely, trying to figure her out.

Candice raised an eyebrow.

"You don't believe me, do you? Or maybe I just need to put it in simpler words."

Candice dramatically paused.

"I'm going to kill you, Samantha."

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                 (I typed it
                  incorrectly and
                  can't fix now :/) 



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