Chapter - 25

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Next morning, Neil yawned and opened his eyes in thin slits. It was way too early in the morning. He felt the mattress on the other side and opened his eyes fully, only to find Avni missing. He looked here and there, confused. Neil got up with a frown etched upon his face. He heard the bathroom door open and close. He looked towards the door to find Avni standing there wiping her face with a towel. Avni looked at him and smiled. Neil forwarded his hand towards her and she happily gave her hand in his. Neil pulled her into his lap and rested his head on her shoulder.

N: Where were you?

A: In the garden.

Neil looked at her and gave her an annoyed look.

A: What? You saw me coming from the washroom and still you're asking me where was I. Seriously Neil, you need to grow up.

N: Look who's talking.

Avni gave him an annoyed look.

A: Can you help me in something?

N: What?

A: I want to play the role of cupid for two people. I want you to help me.

N: Avni, please! I'm not going to be a part of your any such plan. You want to play a cupid then play the role yourself. Don't involve me in this.

A: But...

N: No Avni. I won't do it. That's my final answer.

A: Fine.

Avni sighed sadly and got up from his lap. She went towards the mirror and looked at it sadly.

N: You know these sad faces that you make won't work on me. So, stop wasting your time and get ready for work.

A: Neil, you know what? You are getting more and more rude to me. You never gave me this attitude of yours. But, I'm done for now.

Avni picked up her phone and went outside.

N: Isse kya hua?

Neil sighed deeply and went back to sleep. Her yesterday's torture had tired him enough and her last nights demand left him with little sleep.


Meanwhile, at the Cafe...

Avni was sitting on the counter and thinking about her earlier conversation with Neil. She felt guilty for putting him through so much. But, she really could not control herself.  She was not the kind of girl who would talk that way to anyone, let alone her husband. She was never raised that way. She was raised to be a timid and shy girl. Eventually, she met Neil and he spoilt her by giving her all the pampering and liberties that anyone could get.

Natasha: Ma'am!

Avni looked at her.

A: What?

Natasha: You look lost. Is everything alright?

Avni smiled at Natasha.

A: I'm fine. Just had a little couple fight. You won't get it. Only people in relationships do.

N: Maybe, now I can also understand.

A: Hmmm...Wait! What did you say?

Natasha just smiled shyly and looked at DD who was taking an order from a customer.

Avni squealed happily and hugged Natasha. Natasha hugged her back. She felt great about having a friend in the disguise of a boss. Had she not been encouraged, she would've never admitted her love to DD.

A: I'm so happy for you both.

Natasha just smiled at her.


Neil entered the Cafe and was amused to see the scene in front of him. DD and Natasha were drinking juice from the same glass with two straws. He looked around to find Avni. He needed to find her in order to catch up with the gossip. He was sure that she'll have a lot to tell him. But, he did not find her. Moreover, it felt awkward to disturb the couple for this, especially when they were having their romantic time.

He went straight to the kitchen and saw Avni checking up the fridge. He went to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around and looked at him and immediately looked away. She felt guilty for the morning incident. She started looking here and there.

Neil judged her actions and knew that something was bothering her.

N: Avni, you know you can tell me anything right?

He looked at her for a moment and sighed.

N: You know you can tell me when you feel comfortable. I'm not forcing you...

A: That's the problem.

N: What?

A: That you never force me for anything. Neil, you've spoilt me so much that I don't think before speaking anything. Had you ever forced me, I would've been a good wife and you would still have your police job!

Avni looked at him with teary eyes.

A: Had you not been so good then you could get married to someone who would give you a child.
And she burst into sobs...

Neil held her by her shoulders and made her look at himself.

N: Avni, It's me not you. Meri wajah se we cannot...

Avni grabbed the collars of his shirt and looked at him straight in the eyes.

A: I know Neil. I know the truth that you kept from me. I was the one at fault.

Neil's eyes had tears and he did not bother to stop them. He hugged her tight.

N:I didn't want you to break. I wanted you to be happy.

A: So you lied to me and took all the blame. Stop being so nice Neil.

N: I'm not nice. I'm selfish. I knew if you'd get to know about it then you'll think about leaving me and I cannot let that happen. You're my only family and I don't want anything else.

A: But, doctor...

N: Please Avni. Let's just forget this. I don't want you to stress about it.

A: Don't you want to know how I got to know about it?

N: Tell me.

A: I wasn't feeling well this morning
so I booked an appointment with the doctor. When I went there and she checked me, she told me that she was shocked. She told me that she had already told you that I cannot get pregnant ever. But, the test results proved her wrong Neil.
She said smiling.

N: Matlab...

A: We're going to be parents Neil.

Neil looked at her shocked. He blinked his eyes and tears rolled down. He kissed Avni's forehead and smiled.

Finally, he was going to get a family of his own. He smiled widely and hugged her tight and promised her to keep them safe forever.

N: I keep you both safe always.

A: I know. My Savior,My Hero!!!


Sorry for late update!!!

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