3 / Y/n / The Flashbacks

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I grimaced as the water ran down my dry throat. I was healing quickly, but swallowing was still incredibly uncomfortable. I set down the water bottle, sighing into the dark. I was still having nightmares of those green eyes. And they only seemed to be worse lately, though I wasn't sure what triggered it. The nightmares had evolved abd I felt as if I was in his clutches all over again. Which was impossible, since I was far from Brighton.

"You're up?" The voice caused me to jump and spin around. My eyes settled on a form in the dark and at first, it sent my heart hammering. Then I realized it was only Mark.

I nodded, which thankfully, he could see even in the dark. "Having trouble sleeping?" He asked again, his voice groggy. I hoped I hadn't woken him in any way. I nod again.

He stepped closer, his eyes sympathetic. It hurt to see the sympathy in them. I didn't want sympathy. I was just trying to move on with my life. I turn my head away.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head again.

"Are you okay?" This time when I look up, his eyes are full of concern. I was about to shake my head when I realized I was crying again. I shook my head softly. 'Nightmares.' He nodded grimly.

After what seemed like a moment of consideration, he stepped forward, pulling me into a hug. His warm chest and arms encompassed me in a comforting embrace that definitely made me feel at ease for a moment. But the moment passed all too quickly as he pulled away.

"Remember, you can stay as long as you need to. Amy and I love having you here. And anytime you need to talk, we are both here for you, okay?" I nodded, giving him a grateful smile. He smiled back softly, grabbing his own water bottle from the fridge before bidding me goodnight and heading back to his and Amy's bedroom.

I was jealous of their relationship, for sure. They had found each other and from what I saw in the past month, it was the kind of love you see in movies. They seemed to understand each other like their souls were one. I wanted that desperately.

Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, and I feel like there's a knife in my skull. The sensation pulses and images flash through my brain. A sickening grin and the same glowing green eyes. I cough, my vision going hazy before the world darkens significantly.

I wheeze, trying hard to breathe through the liquid in my throat. It starts to pool out of my mouth, dark splotches hitting the tiled kitchen floor. I drop onto my side, still coughing, liquid pooling out of my mouth and onto the ground. My body shakes violently and the world slips away.


The first thing I hear after coming to is screaming. My eyes open and after adjusting to the light, I see Amy standing above me. She drops to her knees, grabbing my face in her hands and pulling my head into her lap. There's blood on her. She's yelling something but everything sounds like I'm underwater. I blink a few times and try to move. My entire body aches, head to toe.

I swallow and taste blood. My mouth is full of it and it's all over my lips. The night before comes rushing back to me and I piece it together. I started coughing up blood.

I struggle to push myself into a sitting position but Amy stops me, shaking her head. I think she's telling me not to move. That's just as well, because I'm having trouble moving my limbs. It's like they're made of led.

Mark comes in and his face is pale, a phone in his hand. He's speaking into it worriedly, but he seems to be pulling himself together better than Amy.

Once he gets off the phone he joins her next to me on the ground. He's speaking. I blink at him, having no idea what he just said. My eyes start to flutter closed and Amy shakes me slightly, yelling louder.

Finally, the world comes crashing back to me. Pain rockets through my body. I'm bleeding. Badly. "Y/n, don't go to sleep! Don't close your eyes!" Amy shouts, holding my cheeks. Mark next to her, "Come on, N/n, stay with us. The ambulance is on their way."

I want to ask them what's wrong, what happened, but I'm in so much pain I can't move. My breathing catches for a moment and I choke. I swallow and realize I choked on my own blood. Oh god. I'm going to die. I'm going to die on Mark's kitchen floor from a slit throat that was given to me by a serial killer that I can't remember. This is how my life ends.

In a moment of dying clarity, I lick my bloody lips and make sure they are watching what I'm about to tell them. With cracked lips, blood still steadily flowing out of them, I mouth the words 'thank you' to them both. Amy quickly starts shaking her head, her brown locks swishing across her face, sticking to the tears dripping down her face and onto mine.

Mark's face is determined as he grabs my arm. "Y/n, you're going to live. The ambulance will get here in time." He seems so sure of himself that I almost believe him. But I don't. Can't. The world fades to black again and I know this is it.

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