The Guy With The Golden Guitar

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"Honestly, I believe typing in random numbers is our best bet" Swap said. "No way! We could end up in some demonic universe or break the Inter and end up in between universe's!" Science-Sans said. (They thought it would be smart to bring along a scientist.) "Well, we should go to all the universe's listed by my mom and dad" PJ said as she started flipping through her father's diary and went to the page that said every good universe's name. One of them caught her eye, though. It read FreshTale (love this one!) with a little funny face at the end.

"Well, I think my dad's favorite must be the best bet...probably lot's of my parents friends there" Pj said pondering why her father loved it so. She was shocked back into reality when Science started to get giddy with excitement. "What?" Outer said. "Well,that's where an iconic sans lives, They call him the guy with The Guy With The Golden Guitar" Science said "And he's performing in his Snowed-In tonight!" Without hesitation,they all put in the universe number.

"Time check?" Swap said. Science looked at his watch laced with real rare ruby. "8:24" They had gotten there a half-hour ago and the opening band ended 15 minutes ago. Pj looked at the poster they bought and sure enough it said The Guy With The Golden Guitar and The People. Then the lights dimmed and there was a sense of joy and excitement. And then the sound of a guitar started and the flashing glimmer of gold shined everywhere.

They all couldn't resist getting on the dance area.  The crowd was wild! They all sang along. Of course they were all over 21 so they all had a few beer's. And then Pj and The Guy With The Golden Guitar made eye contact. It looked like he just saw a ghost. And he smiled he mothed the words " You and your friends meet me afterwards" and she nodded but couldn't tell what he was so shocked. they had....met before....

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