11. Tomato Aftermath

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Kathy sits on the porch steps outside Keath's house ringing her once was a dirty brunette to a now dark red hair. She was sitting on the porch in her red-stained clothes and body. Keath comes walking out carrying two glass of water with a towel over his forearm. He sits down next to Kathy passing her a glass of water.

"Thanks," Kathy takes the water gulping it down in a matter of seconds. Funny how running around throwing tomatoes at people, or one person, in particular, can be tiring.

"I still don't understand why you don't take the offer of coming inside." Keath states as he finished off his water.

"Are you kidding me? Go into your house like this?" Kathy gestures down to her tomato soaked self, "My mom would kill me if I came into HER house like this, let alone your house."

Keath laughs, "Whatever you say." He hands her a towel which Kathy thankful wipes some of the still wet tomato juice on her skin away.

Kathy sighs putting the towel down and leans back on her hands. She looks up into the clear night sky that is lit with a few stars. "Plus it's a beautiful night."

Keath does the same and enjoys the night sky. They spend a few minutes in silence enjoying the beauty and the company.

"Isn't it funny how something so dangerous and full of disaster can be so beautiful and small?" Kathy almost whispers out. Keath knew exactly what she meant as he looked into the bright balls of fire lining the sky.

"It puts a lot of things into perspective doesn't it." Keath asked but didn't ask.

"No matter what you are going through and you feel like it's a disaster, you never know it might be someone else's thought of beauty." Kathy says.

"Exactly." Keath replies, "Even if you think you were given the short end of the stick, you never know what it might lead to."

"Hmm" is all Kathy says.

Again silence blankets over them.

Out of know where Keath speaks, "You know not many people know, well knew, that Tom White is my Uncle."

Kathy looks over at Keath who is still looking up into the sky but she could see that is not where his mind is. She waits, knowing if he wants to he'll share more information with her.

Keath breathes deeply in and out, "Once upon a time there was this little boy who grew up with parents who didn't know how to be parents. The kind of parents who would leave there nine-year-old home alone for a weekend to go with their abusive older siblings and go party with their friends. They hardly paid him attention. He was more like an unwelcome cat in a home of dog lovers. This boy starved for attention and he found it in his teachers when he did well in school, he found it from his peers as they asked for help, he found it in his school as they would praise him for his work. So he threw himself into school working as hard as could so he could keep that little taste of affection.

His Uncle, the rich man who always was getting his father out of sticky situations, noticed this boy's hard working skills. The Uncle, not wanting him to follow in the footsteps of his father, took him under his wings. The boy adored his uncle as he gave him attention and teaching him how to be all he could be by working hard. Soon the boy followed in his Uncle's footsteps going into the business his Uncle was in.

This boy's Uncle owned a successful business and over the years had stock investors interested so he sold off his shares. He wasn't the one to make all the decision anymore. Though he made some, he didn't have full control of the company like he once did. His Uncle knew the potential that his young nephew had to help his business. He decided to keep under wraps that this boy was his Nephew though. For the board might think he is showing favoritism.

This boy got a low ranking job in the business and slowly worked his way up the business ladder. He got recognized serval times for his hard work and progressed to the top more quickly than others. If people knew he was the nephew of the founder they might question it but since no one knew, his hard work was enough responsibility for his success.

Finally, this boy-now-man got into the running for the big job he's always dreamed of. He was competing against some pretty good working men but he just hoped his dedication and hard work for the company shown through. One of the men he was going against wasn't as confident and decided to dig up any info on his competitors that might help him get ahead. The competitor found out about the boy being the founder's nephew and went straight to the media with it, embarrassing the business which in turn embarrassed the board members of this 'scandal'. The board members tried to have the boy fired immediately but the boy's Uncle fought for the boy's job which was really the boy's whole life.

They ended up demoting the boy and threatening his Uncle. That day the boy lost his job, his coworkers and his purpose in life. His Uncle stood by him though, no matter what people thought of him or that the board threatens his nephew's job every time the Uncle did something they don't like. The Uncle loved and care for the boy no matter what."

Keath finishes his story and they are left to the night sounds and their breathing. Kathy says nothing because of she knows he doesn't need anything said. He just needs a listener and someone to be there. So Kathy does just that. She stays. She listens. She befriends. 

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