Chapter 17. 🤵👰

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"Hey mom, don't you think my gown resembles a bride's gown?" Shelby asks Crystal.

"I can't help you dear as your dad selected it for you." Shelby twists her lips as she has no other option than wearing the gown that her dad has gifted her.

"Are you both ready? Zayon is getting impatient to go to the church." Kayon asks his wife and daughter.

"Yeah, we are coming, tell that impatient groom who's waiting for us since last half an hour." Saying so, Shelby laughs along with her parents.


After they take their wedding vows the priest says, "I now pronounce you two as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Before kissing Angela Zayon says, "love you till the moon and back, love you with your good qualities and those you lack. Love you with my heart and mind, I love you my Angel divine..."

Before he can kiss her Angela says, "love you deeper than ocean and seas, love you till the end of the sky. Love you in this life and beyond, I love you too my prince Zayon..."

They then kiss each other and everyone claps and cheers them. After taking blessings from everyone they heed towards the hotel to cut their wedding cake.

After cutting the wedding cake they began the first dance. After the first song ends the second one begins. The song is 'Love story' by Taylor Swift.

Drayton in his Armani isn't looking less than a groom and when he asks Shelby for a dance she isn't able to deny. While dancing when she hears the words of the song she feels as if the song is being sung for her.

"We were both young when I first saw you,
I close my eyes and the flashback starts...

She remembers how she convinced Natalie that Shawn is the best choice for her when Natalie asked her to introduce herself to Drayton calling him hotty. She also remembers how he once complimented her on a family dinner saying, " you look sweet and beautiful while smiling, don't let this frown appear on your face." How he straightened her brows that night. A smile appears on her face as they continue to dance on the same song remembering the past, how they used to talk with each other hiding from her dad whenever Drayton came to console Zayon.

"Little did I know that you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles and daddy said, " stay away from Juliet." And I was crying on the staircase Begging you, "please don't go."

Tears appear in her eyes when she remembers how Drayton was insulted. Drayton wipes her tears skillfully without stopping their dance. When the song reaches towards the end,

"But I got tired of waiting.

Wondering, if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading.

When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said, " Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you, but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think.

He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, "marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone. I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress. It's a love story baby, just say yes."

While these words were playing Drayton stops dancing and in the middle of the dance floor kneels down in front of her, takes out a ring and asks, "will you give me the honour of becoming your husband?"

"But dad?" She asks and looks at her dad who smiles and assures her to say yes. She then nods her head in agreement and Drayton gets up and hugs her. Everyone claps for them. He then informs her that within an hour is their wedding. Shelby is beyond shock at first she gets angry that she didn't get ready enough to be a bride but later on, she's happy that finally, she'll become Drayton's wife.


After Shelby and Drayton's wedding...

"Thank you uncle once again." Drayton thanks Kayon. "No uncle, from now on you'll call me dad," Kayon tells him and pats his back then continues, "don't forget your side of the deal."

"No un... I mean dad I won't disappoint you." 
Saying so Drayton leaves.

"You won't ever change Kay." Crystal appears from behind him.

"I didn't do anything wrong. I gave him two options either to settle down here in New York or leave Shelby and continue his life in London, he was the one who chooses the first option. How can I let my princess live in London when I'll be here in America. You know if she'll get pregnant and if he's unable to fulfil her late-night food cravings or any other necessity then I don't want my daughter to feel lonely, that's why I asked him to start his business here in New York. Now my princess will live near me." Kayon replies.

"You won't change Kay. In reality, you forced him to settle down here as you were sure he won't leave this chance to marry Shell. Those two weren't options but your decision that you enforced on him. But I can understand only a person like you who craved for love when he was a teenager can love his children to this extent." Crystal smiles and Kayon kisses her forehead and says, "your love is enough to fill that void."

"Am I disturbing the newlyweds." Their lovely moment is disturbed by none other than Ednil. "Shut up Ed." Kayon scolds him.

"Hey, Rudy stop being rude after all I'm the one who fixed up everyone's love life." Ednil replies.

"Yeah, I know and till now I may not have appreciated your convincing skills but I'm telling you that you are the best friend, dad, husband and son that anyone can have. Even though you are quite irritating still, I always obeyed your ideas and gained success. Thanks to you bro." Kayon expresses his feelings.

"Hey Crystal tell me honestly did he fell down from the stairs or did you hit his head? I can't believe my ears. Well, at least now you can see how my children's future which was predicted by me became true. So now I think I can become an astrologer. What do you think Kay?" Ednil asks?

"I'm taking my words back." Saying so Kayon leaves towards his daughter who's chatting with her friend Natalie and grandma Sofie.

"Stupid." Saying so, Alicia laughs along with Crystal.

"Let's heed towards the groom's ladies." Saying so Ednil extends both of his hands for Alicia and Crystal, taking their hands he heeds towards Zayon and Drayton who are chatting with grandpa Daniel.

Crystal elbows Ednil and directs him towards his son Casper who's sitting beside Angela's London friend Grace while Kyle is looking after Dayon.

After all these misunderstandings, distance, time and every other problem they faced, both the lovely couples finally conquered every other hurdle.


At night...

"I'm missing Dayon," Angela tells Zayon who's currently sleeping on his bed placing his head on Angela's lap.

"Me too dear. You don't know how much I want to be with him for every second but today is our night, only you and me. I'm sure mom and dad are beyond happy to take care of him tonight." Zayon replies.

He then sits up and removes a gift from the side drawer and hands it over to Angela. She opens the gift and furrows her brows looking at the necklace as it isn't the type which someone gift at their wedding. Sensing her confusion Zayon says, "once upon a time my Angel had the key to unlock my heart and thinking about you I was awake for many nights like an owl my love."

"So you once again made me fall in love with you," Angela tells him with a radiant smile.

"No, you yourself fell in love with me. I didn't force you." He replies.

"Oh really?" You invaded the privacy of my heart, you disturbed my sleep at night, you are the reason of me zoning out most of the time and still, you are acting innocent." Angela replies putting both her hands on each of Zayon's shoulder.

"Oh baby, I'm innocent. Your heart is the main culprit here. You can blame it for not resisting the charms of this handsome face, dashing smile, seductive body... blah... blah... blah..." Zayon kept on praising himself.

"Don't blame my heart, Zay. It resisted your invasion. It fought bravely with those feelings that you tried to bring up by your closeness but your forces were strong that you won and I lost." Angela replies.

"Ugh... It's love dear, you just made it feel like a war." Zayon replies pulling her nose with his fingers.

"Yeah, that's true." She replies with a chuckle and continues, "I don't know when exactly I fell in love with you. But I walked, ran, stumbled and fell in love with you in total awareness." She tells him.

"Ok, I guess my book worm wife just don't know how to express her feelings in a romantic way. I think you should take a lesson from my parents. My dad always has a perfect set of words to express his love, maybe he'll help you out." Zayon tells her only to tease her.

"Or else I can take suggestions from my dad." Angela backfires.

"No way, at least your science and history type of definitions are bearable but I can't guarantee the same for uncle Eddy's definition." Zayon chuckles.

"I hate you. Maybe I'm not that romantic but isn't my love enough. Love is not only about words but a true feeling which we can make our lover feel without saying but I guess you believe in words and not on the emotions of the heart." Saying so she steeps away from him.

"Just kidding Angel. Don't get angry ok. I'm sorry. You know the best thing that God granted me in this life is you, love. I won't ever give up on us for the world." Saying so Zayon cups her face in his hands and kisses her passionately.

Finally, their love overthrew ever hurdle, fate, distance and time. They finally became one in every sense. Nothing but the feeling of Love is felt by them throughout the night. That love which was for years His Obsession and that love which was for years Her Suppression...


This is the necklace that Zayon gifts Angela.

Image of their room.



So this is the last chapter but I'm going to write an epilogue next...

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