Chapter 9. 😲

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"Can the day get worse than this?" Angela thinks as she realises that she has to go with Zayon as she came with him. Zayon opens the door for her but she kicks the door shut and sits at the back seat. During the whole ride, he keeps quiet as he knows that if he'll try to talk she'll get down from his car in the middle of their journey.

Upon reaching her home Angela straight away goes upstairs towards her room and when she notices Zayon following her she goes inside her bathroom and locks the door. He requests her to come out but instead of a reply, he hears her cry. So he decides to wait till she comes out. He then sits on her study table.

There are a few story books placed on her study table. He knows she loves to read storybooks and as it's a vacation time she might be spending all her time reading them. He decides to check the titles and when he reaches till the last book he notices that it isn't a book but a diary. Out of curiosity, he opens it. Then he comes to know that it's her personal diary as she has written a few memorable incidences and her feelings in it. The last thing that she wrote in it is the birthday gift that he gifted her. His heart fills with bliss upon reading it.

He then remembers that she has a habit of writing something special on the last page so he looks at it and when he does all the blissful feeling from before leaves from the window.

Deep down in the broken crust of my heart,
Your love will never part...
Your rose which I still keep in my book,
Will always remind me of our past...

In my heart, you'll always be,
You're the flower, I'm the bee...
My feelings are still the same for you,
As my heart will always beat for you...

I'm the start, you're the end,
My love for you will never end...
Your lack of interest makes me depressed,
So my feelings for you I keep suppressed...

Just when he finishes reading it Angela comes out.

"Are you in love Angela?" He asks her as soon as he sees her. Angela always hides her personal diary but today it's there in Zayon's hand and she can never give him an honest reply, especially not after yesterday's incidence. She gets more worried about hearing her full name from his mouth as he always calls her Angel.

"N...No." She replies.

"Don't lie to me, Angel. So now I guess someone has broken your heart. Tell me who is he? I'll make sure he won't see tomorrow." Zayon asks her angrily.

"N...No, Zay. I...I'm not lying." She replies in a broken voice about to cry.

"Hey, Angel don't cry just tell me his name. I'll bring him to your feet, my lo...little sister." He replies. She knew he knows her more than what she knows about herself and that he can never see her getting hurt.

"It doesn't matter Zay, now he loves someone else and I'm happy for him, just leave it." She lies after hearing the word sister from his mouth.

"Now I know who he is. This is the reason why Dray and you were arguing today just after that bit** kissed him. Drey will pay for this." Saying so he gets up, ready to leave but Angel stops him, "no Zay, for once stop assuming things on your own. You don't have a right to criticise others after what you did yesterday. Whom I love, whom I leave is totally a matter of my concern, not yours. So stop poking your nose in the middle. Leave my room and don't show me your face again. I thought we know each other like the backside of our palm as we are childhood friends but guess what I was wrong as we couldn't share a relation of trust even after spending so many years together. Get lost before I slap you ZAYON PRIDE, get the fu** out of my house." Her anger suddenly rises when he calls her as his sister.

Zayon knew it's useless to make her understand and so it's better to leave. While going towards the exit he stops upon hearing Alicia's voice, "wait a minute Zayon."

He goes near her and she asks, "Is she alright?" He nods his head in disagreement.

" Why did you leave her alone there? If you were feeling that sick you could have told Dray beforehand to drop her before you left." She says and Zayon feels relieved that she doesn't know anything about what he did and for this, he feels grateful towards Drayton otherwise Aunt Alicia wouldn't have allowed him to even talk with Angela.

"Is uncle Eddy home?" He asks.

"No, he left and yeah yesterday he came late and so he doesn't know about what happened yesterday so make sure you don't spill the beans in front of him and one more thing no more partying with Angela," Alicia warns him.

"Ok Aunty bye." Saying so he leaves. Alicia doesn't reply as she's still angry with him.


"Hey, Zay did you hear that? We are going to aunt Emerald's place. Yahooooo..." Shelby shouts excited.

"Who told you?" Zayon asks.

"Our patents of course, who else and stop giving this boring look. Now you don't have any excuse to give as it's vacation time. You know I invited Natalie and you can invite Drayton." Shelby tells Zayon.

"And who will drag his father's wheelchair on the beach?" Will you do the honour?" Zayon asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Stop being rude Zay. I asked out of concern as that friend of your's works like a machine. Come on Zay he too needs a break." She replies.

"He is mature enough to think about himself, you don't need to worry about him," Zayon says in an irritated tone.

"Ok let's call Angela. I'm sure she'll get excited as usual to join us." Shelby takes out her mobile.

"She won't join us this time," Zayon tells more to himself.

"Did both of you fight again?" She asks.

"No." He replies.

"But your expressions are telling something else. Let me ask mom to convince her as she doesn't decline mom's wish." Saying so she leaves his room and he silently prayed to God to help his mom to convince Angela. He'll make sure to do everything to gain her forgiveness this time.


"Oh, dear don't give an excuse. I'm sure it's nothing serious. If you agree I'll send our family doctor at your place. She'll examine you." Crystal tries to convince Angela but she refuses.

After ten minutes Kayon finally take the mobile from his wife's hand and himself talks with Angela, "ok Angel you have two options, the first one is that I'll send Shel at your house and she'll drag you out and the second one is that we'll postpone the trip till you get well or for some other time. So which option will you choose?" He asks.

"No, no uncle there's no need to cancel the trip because of me. I always accompany you all every time but just excuse me this time, please." Angela tells in a pleading tone.

"Ok so let's cancel the trip," Kayon says.

"Ok, ok uncle please don't cancel the trip or else Shelby will kill me. I think I'll be ok within three days." Angela finally agrees.

"Ok then start packing your bags," Kayon says before disconnecting the call.

"No one can beat you when it comes to blackmailing and convincing," Crystal says.

"Because I'm the best, my love," Kayon replies kissing her forehead.


Hello to all my lovely readers...🙋

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