Good News Time🪄

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From morning none saw imlie. They think she is just resting as she is weak. Aryan who had a early morning meeting came back after that. He knock on the door..

Imlie.. Why the door is locked are you inside.. Are you okay.. Say something...

His voice bring Everyone there

Arpi: we didn't saw her from Morning.. Is she fine 🥺

From inside imlie replied.....

Am fine, but i want you guys to be there for some time.. I need to tell something to all.
Just wait.. Till i open the door..

They agreed to her demand

Guddi: from yesterday she is not like our old imlie.. She looks like Someone else🙄

Did her memory come back🙄

The comment of Neela bring the attention of everyone. Narmada come near her son..

Aryan.. Beta.. Really.. Yes its a happy news. But at same time am afraid of her reaction 🙄

Aryan: it will come one day.. We need to be prepared for that.. Earlier is always best.

Arpi: but still.. What if she want to leave us or misunderstood our action of letting her marry you in such a condition..

Arpi.. My hands are trembling.. What will we do.. 🙄

Neela: wait and see.. What's stored for us..

Sundar : haa she is right. Chipkali ask us to wait naa.. We can wait till.. Let her come out first, thereafter we can worry about these..

Aryan: haa that's it.. Let's wait

Aryan is looking at his watch and  the door.. Inside imlie tested her

Pregnancy to show them. She is excited, tensed and donno how to disclose this to all..

She opened the door and Aryan come forward.

What happened imlie.. Tell us something 🙄

Imlie : can you come inside..

Without waiting for his reply she grab him inside..
She closed the door. He look at her with a worried face

What happened... Why are you behaving this way.. Are you okay🙄

She gave her the pregnancy test result that shows its positive. He take it and look at it..

His eyes filled with tears...

Are you serious.. You are not joking na..... Imlieeeeeeeee.. Love you so much..

He gently swirl her..

After few min both came out..

What happened guys.. Tell something naa🙄

We are pregnant..... ♥️

They said in unison making everyone jump in happiness

Arpi : come let's hug in happiness.

Narmada come near imlie and

Beta you donno, how Happy we are.. We always wished to hear this from you guys.. But dont want to make it as burden for both as u are too young.. We think you guys will plan about it when you guys find it's right time for it🤞🏻

Arpita hang on her bhai's hand

Haa aruu... We never ever think in our wild dream that, these two tom and Jerry are this sincere in their relationship...

Neela : we thought that you guys are playing around... But guys we are really happy

Sundar come forward and hugged her tight

Chipkali... Be happy🤞🏻....

Bandar... You too be happy🤞🏻

Aryan: di come here.. Dont we felt left out..... Some ppl dont want us..

Arpita immediately hugged her brother and his comment made others burst into laughter..

Guddi: don't we need to tell Tripathi's... 🙄

Imlie : not now... I am thinking of hiding this till i can from the world. But about we can do it After one or two month.. I don't want bad eyes fall on our happiness... Cheeni is in school.
When she come back she will be happy naa🥺

Offcourse, why not. She already manifested this moment ✌🏻.. Her dream true moment ✨️and imlie once again thank you.. Thank your for everything.... 🤞🏻

She turned towards him......

Imlie: i should tell that you.. Thank you for being what you are in my life♥️.. Without you  am nothing.. Thankyou for being my partner who treat me with respect.. 🤞🏻

Aryan: you deserve best♥️and am trying to be that best for you✨️🤞🏻

Arpi: guys.. Whatever it is we are too excited to hold this lil one.. To love him or her.. We are eager...

Imlie touch her belly....

Imlie: you guys will be more like his parents... I want your upbringing in my kid..

Aryan: haa look like.
They are going to raise our kid fir us😂...

Sundar: what happened.. Are you guys going somewhere 🙄

Imlie : haa to romance 😂😁..

Arpi: come lets have our breakfast 🤞🏻...

To be continued ✨️

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