Imlie 🥺

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When Aryan enters home after long three hours, he saw his sis and mother is sitting with MaAn.
Narmada who saw Aryan rushed to him

Where is imlie.. Aruu.. Its too late.. We are waiting for her. Why she didn't come with you..

Aryan was taken back.. 🙄

Aryan: imlie didn't yet reached.. She promised me naa she will be here when am back.. Where is she... Is she fine🙄

Anuj : what happened there... What happened there that made you guys take two car to travel.. 🤨

Aryan explained everything.

Anupama : he really asked her to remember her past, how can a person who claims that he love her can do such thing to her.

Aryan is loosing his grip on himself and his fear💔

Aryan: She will be fine naa didi.. Why i sent her.. Why i agreed to her stubborn request.. Why... 💔

Anuj : don't panic.. It's not the time for such panic attacks.. Cone let's find her. 🤞🏻 we are with you. Narmada ji and arpi wait here, we will be back soon with your bahu.

Aryan and MaAn left for searching imlie. Suddenly Anuj noticed that Aryan stopped his car and run towards an isolated car. The condition of the car is not okay

Anupama : Anuj.. Why you stopped.. Come just check upon them.. 🙄

Anuj: Anu first time my legs are freezed.. I don't know.. Why.. But am not able to gather myself and go there to check her.. What if🙄.. What if something happened to her🥺

Anupama hold his hands tight

Anupama : hope the best.. Nothing bad will happen to her..

Aryan's whole world shatters after seeing the scenario of imlie lying unconscious in the steering. He cupped his face and tries to wake her up

Aryan: imlie you can't do this to me.. You are going against the deal.. You cant leave me like this.. Look what have you done to yourself.. Please wake up baba 🥺

Am fine ABP, little tiredness..nothing more💔..

Aryan: tiredness 🥺... Look at the position you are... What... What if this accident was not this small.. Are you planning to make me alone after making me this addicted to your company 💔

Imlie: Am fine... ABP.. Am cent Percent fine... You knew naa my head is a mess these days... And great ABP..  What are you sprouting.. You are ABP and ABP DONT need anyone naa.... So cheer up.. And do you think i will leave you this easily... If soo toooooooooooooo

Shut the damn nonsense up..

Anuj: guys fight later... Bring her back to home, she seems weak

After an hour they reached. Malini was the first one to rush to her..

What are you doing chotti... 🙄.. What will your dearones do if something happened to you

Imlie : what will happened to me.. Look at me.. Guys look naa 🙄 anu kaaki are you coming inside or going back

Anuj : we are going back take care✌🏻

Imlie and others enters home.. MaAn was all set to go back to their house..

Anupama : that was so scary right.. Dont you see Aryan is not okay.. That baccha changed alot... His concern... 💕


Narmada and Arpi surrounded her..

Arpi: imlie dont ever repeat this.. We were hell worried because of you 🥺

Guddi: actually am not concerned about you. But are you okay🙄.. Fine naa🤞🏻

Imlie: i was lost for sometime.. But now am back.. And nothing happened to me.. I was lil overconfident that i can drive well even when am tired... But look now i learned a lesson and i changed alot after it

Over confident... Dont put my wife's life in danger to check your scale of confidence.. 💔.. Maa am going to office.. Tell someone not to wait me

Aryan left.

Imlie too goes back to change her dress. Later she comes to pay a visit to her sweet saas

Sorry maa. I knew am at fault. I never knew that... I.. I will lose my consciousness while driving..

She put a sweet pout.

Aryan once lost what he considered as his everything. So he get scared very easily.. 💔

Imlie sit on the ground.. Narmada turn towards her.

Maa.. I knew.. Something about what happened to him.. And i knew how much concerned he is. But💔.. I cant promise anything naa.. It was an accident. Unpredictable event.. Not in my control.. And i knew in future too there will be some.. Sometimes it will be small... And sometimes it will be💔.. I dont do it purposely.. I wont hurt myself purposely.. But we can't promise na maaa💔

Narmada : baccha.. He is mad at you.. How will you cajole him.

Imlie :donno but it will happen very soon🤞🏻

Aryan: no way imlie this Time.. I wont fall for your antics.. What if i lose you today💔...

He walked away without meeting her..

Next day..

When he wake up she was not there💔... His eyes are searching her 🙄

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