What if It was me💔

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Imlie sit beside him...

Imlie: whatever happened today is an accident and yeah u got hurt.. That's something i cant adjust still.. Still i believe that you didn't do it purposely.. If something happened to di.. I too cant forgive myself.. Am okay with all dangers that are for me.. But not that are directed to my family 💔

But am not okay with that. Even if you are alone too, i will save you. Aryan Singh Rathore's life reside in you.. How can i let someone snatch u from me.. No one can... 🤞🏻

Her eyes whelmed with happiness

Imlie: why you love me this much.. Yes am perfect in all angle.. I consider my self as best.. But still the fact that am your other half is hard to digest. Aryan Singh Rathore who himself is a cult.. Loves me this much.. Loves me like there is no one in earth other than me for you. Am i that worthy. The fact that am a divorcee.. Hurts me most.. Even though we never had such a life too.. Am once belong to that man. There is no need for you to marry me.. But you.. Did..

Aryan: imlie.. You are that dream i saw for many month. In the first sight itself you captured my attention, in second meet you captured my brain with your skill.. In third time.. Am head over heels in love with you.. I admired you for so long. Wished to keep u beside. But i knew that replacing babu saheb from your life was impossible.. Actually it was not a revenge plan.. You are not a weapon against him.. You are my weakness.. I want to marry you because i love you... And i still do that🤞🏻and i always do that..

She pinched his chin...

Awww my husband makes me special.. Thank you ABP.. And i too love you... Now you take rest.. I need to go.. I need to find an opportunity to pacify that lady and bring back that man

Aryan stopped her with puppy eyes

I need to go ABP. We need to solve this mess. As a wife i knew what's she going through. No wife let others degrade her husband.. He did that to save his family.. Yes it's wrong, but his reason for doing that is genuine.. Even you will go any extend to protect our family na... So.. I must stop her.. And help her

Just then nurse enters..

Nurse: its medicine time. Maam are you leaving.. I will be Here. Dont worry about him.

Imlie smiles at her and she was about to go.. Just then she heard

Sir you are damn handsome.. I really like your charisma. You stands out in crowd. U are one of a kind

Aryan : ohhh... You too is beautiful.... Thank you for the compliment..

Imlie comes back

What did you say in between...🤨

Aryan: ohhhh

Imlie: After that🤨🤨🤨

Aryan: Thank you for the compliment

Imlie : Ehhh.. In between that... 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨

Aryan: you too is beautiful... Yes she is...

Imlie: you are a patient.. Therefore am leaving you.. Otherwise you will experience the peet pe koni of mine... 🤨.. Flirting before me.. How dare you ABP 🤨

He smiled sheepishly. She left.... He take out her anklet

Imlie.. You can't clear this mess.. The reality behind this is big.. Even i knew about it hours before.. You cant pacify her nor return anything for him.. Only thing we can do is avoiding this... I will keep you away from that Lady.. I can't loose you or our kids.. Or our fam... That lady waited till.. But why....

In otherside.

As per the order of imlie Aditya investigated everything and give her the report

No... Way.... Really🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Aditya : Aryan is not at wrong.. Not that man too.. But the consequence of Aryan's punishment made him mentally weak.. After declaring him as traitor. Many news firm restricted him from working.. In depression due to this... He... Now he is no more.. So we cant compensate.. Like Aryan said.
Leave her alone.. That's better...

She lost her husband 💔..... She.. Oh... How can.. We compensate her loss.. 💔😭😭
Do he knew about this🥺

Aditya : yes.. I think so.. Hours before he called pankaj and ask him to hide this from all.. Even i dont want to reveal to you.. But you forced me..

In otherside

Aryan comes home. Arpita who knew about everything stopped him..

Arpi: Aru.. I told you naa.. This matter will not end smoothly... That day, yes you are right.. But still you are wrong. Your professionalism is good, but it cant surpass compassion and humanity.... Now.. He is no more.. Can't you guess.. Why she wait till.. She was waiting for your weakness.
And now you have one... One such person.. Whose loss can make you go mad...

Di.. I revealed a traitor in my company.. What's wrong in that... And due to your request.. I even withdraw my case against him.. What more he expect from me.. 🙄🙄.. Am not at wrong 🤞🏻

Arpi: Aru then.. You don't have anything to loose.. And you were sad due to Aravind's death.. But now you have so many things to loose.. Jeeju and wife is two important person in life.. But wife weights more in  bonding. A wife like Imlie is hard to get. I want you to agree every clause of her.. So that my imlie will be safe.

Maa tell him naa.. Why dont he  understand that women's loss.. Why cant he empathize with her...

Just then imlie walk inside.. She was walking aimlessly. Aryan stopped her..

Aryan: What happened to you... Imlie.. Are you okay 🥺

He is no more... How will we compensate her... How will we ever face her.. 💔... Indirectly too your decision costs alot...

Aryan: imlie this is real world.. No human can be business man by being soft hearted. I didnt do anything wrong.. But yeah.. I can change something.. But that doesnt mean.. I need to accept her drama's... I won't do that... I don't need to do that..

You will understand this only when you lose someone you love from heart.. If it was me.. In this whole scenario will you sit quiet or fight like her for me... Think about it💔.. ABP

Its hard to live without otherhalf.. Why can't you understand that🙄

Aryan : imlie stop being emotionally attached to all..
Its not good..... 💔🤞🏻

Am leaving to Tripathi house for a week.. If we stay together and argue like this.. Then it will affect our relationship.. We need to calm down 🤞🏻

Arpi: imlie... Dont leave us... Please.. Yes you are right... But still💔... Please don't leave us🙄

To be continued 💕

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