06- Park Jimin's killer

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Taehyung feels pressured.

Pressured of how should he even think about that moment that occured in front of his eyes that time.

But the man breathes in, and decided to tell Eunhee everything that took place. For some reason he doesn't want to hide it from her. Why? Because it's necessary. Rather than let her live in suspicion and think of him as a murderer, even though she won't, he knows it but still, what she encountered today and had to hear, even the greatest of all goes weaken at the knees so she's still a kiddo and Taehyung feels he owes an explanation so yes, it's not for the bad.

"It was 2 years ago..."

Y/N kept pursuing me all the time. I ignored her cheap behaviour that she did a few times which also includes trying to kiss me in the staff room when she thought we're alone, touching me everytime in the class she gets a chance like while keeping her notebooks, taking her papers and all other chances she ever got but I kept ignoring them all.

I asked her to study hard still so she can get into a good college.

She did. She finally became serious at the end of the year and got a great college. But because of what she used to do, my reputation at the school slowly started to drown so I decided to quit from there and move here in Seoul from Daegu.

But what a luck I got... Y/N's first preference college was of Seoul and I had no idea she would get into the one I applied for.

I was selected and within the next week the results of the freshers came out who were selected and she was also one of them. Thankfully, her subjects were different from mine so I didn't have to teach her.

I felt lucky for that but not much as she was in the same university as I was and it was not easy again for me.

She persuaded me there as well but not too much but it was still a bother to me.

I was really pissed by the behaviour that I decided to meet her one day and strictly tell her to not do anything as such that I'll have to get her rusticated.

"Miss Sang," I called her in the corridor.

"Yes Taeh- sir." She corrected herself instantly when she saw the glare from me and a few people's attention to us who were nearby.

She excused herself out of her friends circle and came to me with a smile. "First of all," I used my warning tone voice.

"Don't cross limits. I never poked you for taking my name so disrespectfully thinking you'll understand yourself but it's too much now. And secondly, I need to talk you so meet at the café at sharp 7 PM."

She just nodded and went back.

It was the time to meet her at the dark evening.

The streets however was so bright and cheery that I felt at ease for sometime sipping at my coffee but my brain was still a little worked up.

And there she was. The peach dress. Again.

"Damn this girl." I sighed in irritation on the childish behaviour of the smiling girl who was walking towards me with a bright smile on her face.

These days I'm only seeing her smile like the one she's having. Is something wrong that she's smiling too much?

No no, it's a good thing to smile but...

"Hello Taehyung!"

Again Taehyung.

"I know, you asked me not to call you that but it was for college. We're meeting outside where no one knows us so... I guess I can call you that. Afterall you're not my teacher anymore too so I don't feel the need to call you sir anymore!" She exclaimed as she took the cup of coffee in front of her to take a sip.

"Mmm... Sweet it is." She moans as coffee went down her throat.

"Let's get to the point." I demanded but she cut me off.

"I think it's probably our last conversation because I know what you wanna talk about so maybe you can treat me to dinner for the first and the last time?" She asks with a puppy face.

Little shiny eyes that depicted her formed tears but i only sighed at her behaviour yet again.

Fine, it's the last time then... "Okay! What do you want?"

Both of us went to the above floor of the café where the restaurant was. I passed her the menu sighing but she excitedly smiled and took the menu from my hand rapidly.

Soon as we finished the dinner, I kept the change in file and handed it to the waiter and moved out with Y/N.

The night was colded than I thought it would be and Y/N was only in her short peach dress.

I thought of handling her my upper but... No. It wouldn't be right.

Walking like that, we reached an area which was so silent. A lake in front without any people around and damn, I'd love to visit this place again but the person shouldn't be her. It should be someone I like.

"Y/N," thinking that I shouldn't delay the conversation anymore, I initiated.

"I know Taehyung, i know you don't like me and want me to stay away from you but you know, I wanna tell you a truth today."

I stayed silent to hear what she has to say for the last time finally.

I folded my arms and faced the girl with half eyes filled in tears and half trying to smile with her lips in sync. What's going on?

Slowly, she moves. Her hand reached at the hem of her dress but her eyes didn't leave my face whereas I was so distracted looking at what she's trying to do now.

She chuckled and within a blink i was at a gunpoint.

Of, Y/N.

What the actual frick.

The girl was chuckling and slowly her chuckles turned into laughter. A devilish low laugh that sounded dangerous in the silent place of the dark night.

I raised my hands half in the air with my eyebrows perked up.

"What the hell Miss Sang, what are you doing? Put that gun down, right. now. "

I warned the laughing girl.

"Oh, Mr. Kim Taehyung, do you still really think I'm your Miss Sang? An innocent but smart girl sharp in studies who's also madly in love with her teacher? Aww baby," she cooes at me.


What's happening? This isn't right.

"Wait wait wait, first of all lemme clarify that whether I should I call you Kim Taehyung or... The Kim Taehyung?"

Stop it dammit. What if there's someone around?

"And also leave that, Kim or the Kim doesn't matter but you. You sir, you shouldn't call me just Miss Sang anymore as if you understood who am I, you'd know who am I, don't you?"

She smirked again, the gun still pointed at me.

This can't be happening right now.

"Stop it Y/N, this isn't a game." I warned again but dare it even moved a hair of her.

"Game? Just like you played with my boyfriend?" Her smirk turned into a serious dangerous look. The innocence was all gone by now from her face that I used to see.

She's looked an entire devil.

And moreover, who is she talking about? Whom did I kill man?

"Oh no no no no, you've a bad memory my dear? Ahh... My bad. I didn't know that you've short term memory as this wasn't given in the information I received about you sadly."

She made a fake crying-sad face. Who the hell is her boyfriend that she's talking about it's killing me now.

"Don't worry, I'll remind you who I'm talking about!" She took a step towards me. Two steps.



Right in front of my face.

Inches apart and her gun directly aiming at my forehead, touching my exposed skin of my forehead that gave me little chills due to its cold metallic body.

"Do you by any chance remember a guy named..."

She breathed and neared her face even more, closer to mine.

"Park Jimin?"

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